
Chalene Johnson’s 131 Method Book

The 131 Method

Inflammation And Your Health

I have an autoimmune disease. Some of you may know that about me; but I’m sure many people do not. I don’t talk about it much unless it comes up in conversation. I have had it since 2002, or at least that is when I got diagnosed. It’s called Henoch-Schönlein Purpura and has given me kidney vasculitis; which is an inflammation of the small blood vessels in my kidneys.

It used to take over my mind for many years when I was first diagnosed. The reason for that was because it took away my dream of starting my family when we first got married. Thankfully, after five years of treatment I was given the go-ahead to start a family; but even that was hard.

I was also diagnosed with unexplained infertility. But with the help of the UCONN fertilitly center, we now have our two beautiful children. So what does all this have to do with inflammation? Well, I’m doing the research so I can share this with you over the next few months.

I am part of the 131 Method Book Brigade and am helping to promote the book 131 Method by Chalene Johnson which comes out on April 16, 2019. You can preorder the book now on Amazon.

I’m not just doing this because I wanted to be on her book brigade, I am doing this because I have been following Chalene for several years. I do her workouts on Beachbodyondemand.com and I also listen to her podcasts. I have listened to her explain about her research of the 131 method and how the processing of foods in America is not helping our children or us live our most healthy lives.

What Is the 131 Method?

Do you try to lose weight and find that you just can’t? Or have you been on a diet, and lost weight only to gain it back? This yo-yo affect is so common in todays’s society to lose weight. I am looking for a way to get healthier. Not only to lose weight; but also to remove the foods that are causing inflammation and irritation to my body and gut health.

Do you suffer from brain fog, irritability or forgetfulness? I do! Sometimes I feel like I have the brain of an 80 year old. I walk into a room only to forget the reason why I went in there in the first place. Or when I am talking, I can’t find the words I was trying to use to explain something. Well it could be because we are deficient in the macronutrients that our body needs.

The 131 Method is explained as this:

  • 1 Health Objective
  • 3 Weeks of Diet Phasing
  • 1 Week of Fast and Refuel

I know it sounds intimidating; but I am going to be learning about the process and will bring you along on my journey so you can learn through me how it all works.

You don’t have to count calories or deprive yourself; but you do need to have an open mind. It’s not about getting skinny, it’s about being smart and getting healthy.

Have You Heard Of Leaky Gut

I’m a strong believer that my husband is suffering from that, and that’s why his fibromyalgia is so bad. But what about me? Do I have it too? Irritation caused by stress, over-exercising, and eating foods with artificial sweeteners, fat-free, low-fat, etc. are causing our intestinal walls to become inflammed. Which in the end, thins out those walls and causes malabsorption, slower metabolism, imbalanced hormones, weight gain and more negative effects. Does this sound like something you are experiencing?

131 Method

I need to learn more about it and find out how to treat it. That’s why I can’t wait for my copy of the book to come! I’m going to study it like a textbook to get myself and my family on the right track to a healthy gut and healthy bodies.

How Long Does The 131 Method Take?

Typically you go through the program in 12 weeks. I am on a mission to take back my health before my 47th birthday. I kept blaming my symptoms on perimenopause; but I want to see what’s really going on once I take control of everything that I put into my body.

This may be a challenge when I travel; but if I am armed with the information now; then I can plan accordingly and not lose all the work I am putting into my research.

According to the book, there are three phases:

Phase 1 – Ignite

This phase cranks up your metabolism and changes your body from burning sugar, to burning fat for fuel. You have probably heard about the Keto diet people are now on. This phase is similar to that. It’s a higher in fat, lower in carbs phase which will help to stabilize your appetite, reduce inflammation and balance your hormones. During this phase you are also rebuilding your immune system.

131 Method

Phase 2 – Nourish

During the Nourish phase, for three weeks you will cut back on animal proteins and increase vegetables and plant-based healthy fats. During the end of this phase you will boost your immune system and increase your gut microbiome diversity.

What is microbione diversity?

It’s responsible for the balancing and production of your major hormones. When you can improve the health and diversity, you can minimize the symptoms caused by this imbalance. So the mood swings, the anxity, depression, thyroid disorders, and more can be managed and controlled by cleaning up your gut health.

Phase 3 – Renew

This last four week phase of the program you should feel amazing. By now you would have found out how ot use fats, proteins and carbs for energy. You will know your insulin sensitivity, and you will have figured out PERSONALLY, which foods give you trouble and cause your bloating and inflammation.

You Have To Be In It To Win It

I am going to be honest, I am a little scared of learning about all of this. I don’t want it to make me feel sick or hungover or have headaches while cleaning out my gut; but I am going to trust the process and bring you along so you can see the changes in my mind and body as I take back my health.

Like Chalene says “The most difficult choices almost always come with the greatest reward!” I know this won’t be easy; but I’m going to try my hardest. Sadly, you know what is going to make it hard? Going to the grocery store and still finding the foods that are clean, non GMO, organic and won’t break the bank when buying them fresh.

Pre-order your copy of the book today!

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