The Wisdom Of Walt Book By Jeffrey Barnes

The Wisdom of Walt By Jeffrey Barnes

Wisdom of Walt BookIf you haven’t read The Wisdom of Walt book yet, I suggest you go on now and order one, or visit Jeff’s site to get an autographed copy.  I had been wanting to read the Wisdom of Walt book written by Jeffrey Barnes for quite some time, but just hadn’t gotten to it. Then one day I saw his second book was about to be printed and released. So I ordered my own autographed copy of The Wisdom of Walt and couldn’t put it down.

I felt Jeff’s love of Disneyland right from the beginning. In fact, while I write this review, I am in flight to Disneyland now for the Disneyland Half Marathon races and I am planning to spend the day Saturday touring the Magic Kingdom and riding the original rides with my friends. I really appreciated know that this was the park that Walt walked in. Sometimes in disguise and sometimes not.

I am from the East Coast so I am most familiar with Walt Disney World and the four parks; but since my first visit to Disneyland I fell in love with the quaintness of the park. I can’t wait to sit on the same benches Walt sat on to people watch. I want to ride those special original rides he created with his imagineers. I want to let go of all my worries in the world and go to that special place that he created for us to be a kid at heart.

I also thought the book was a great workbook for life. I am a dreamer and I am at a point in my life where I want to live up to my dreams. So I am going to use the activities that he has at the end of each chapter to help me create my new life plan going forward to help me reach those goals and dreams I have for myself.  I highlighted many areas in my book and I plan to extract those quotes and put them on my wall as a reminder of how I want to live.

I have the Disney vision and I want to live like Walt did.

“If you can dream it you can do it” – Walt Disney

I want to instill this message in my children. I want them to know they can do anything they put their minds to. I wanted to give the book to my ten year old son to read; but I think I’ll wait a few more years so he can really appreciate it.

I can’t wait to read the next edition!


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