Make As Many Connections As You Can

In the past few weeks I have been craving more  information and wanting to find new sources of inspiration. I came across a a few new pod casts to listen to for bloggers. One if them is called Blogging Betties. So far I have enjoyed what I have heard and today especially, I took away something that their guest speaker said. Val Curris said networking is very important to helping get your name out there. Make as many connections as you can.  She also mentioned using Twitter as a source for networking and not just pushing your content out via tweets. 

That is something I also realized about myself at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. Pinterest and Twitter are platforms that I need to start interacting and networking with more. I need to build up relationships with brands via these media channels. 

She also mentioned how she set particular goals for herself. One of her goals she had set for herself was to be on Huffington Post. I thought about that and that. It is a pretty hefty goal to set but why not set it for myself? You never know what could happen?!  I never thought I would have been chosen to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, and that goal became a reality!

Val also mentioned the importance of visiting other blogs that you like, commenting on them, tweet to the editors or the blog owners and share your thoughts. She also mentioned that when you tweet, include them so they will begin to recognize your name. Tag the writers in your social media platforms and develop a relationship with those that you admire and wish to work with. It never hurts to get your name out there. 

Do you have goals for yourself or your blog?

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