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Bondi Band Giveaway! My Favorite Way To Sweat!

I am hosting my first giveaway! 20140602-224338-81818507.jpg bondiband

As a Sweat Pink Ambassador, I was recently chosen to review Bondi Bands and am hosting a giveaway! First of all, they have awesome designs. I couldn’t wait to try it out today because it was a hot day and I wanted to see if it would keep the sweat out of my eyes and it did! I went out for my run at 6 p.m. and it was still hot out. I didn’t wear my hat since the sun wasn’t going to be as intense. I usually wear a hat or visor to help keep the sun off my face and out of my eyes and also to absorb the sweat.

The Bondi Band was great! No sweat dropped in my eyes at all and the Bondi Band stayed in place and was so lightweight I didn’t even feel it! I loved the colors and the tiara design and I will definitely buy more designs! Just what I need… more stuff!  They have awesome designs and sizes.  And they don’t just sell headbands, they have armbands, wristbands, sweat towels, neck gators, calf sleeves, and more! If you would like to order from please use the code SWEATPINK to save 10% off of all items except Bargain Bin, Design Your Own, and Custom Items. It is good through June 28th.

If you want to win the Bondi Band I am giving away below please follow the instructions below.  Winners will be selected June 7th.  (You will navigate to the raffelcopter page with instructions on how to enter). 20140602-230217-82937601.jpg

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Bondi Band: Bondi Bands are great for women, men, girls and boys! Bondi Bands are composed of a unique blend of nylon, lycra, and spandex. The result is a stretchy yet form fitting band that holds up under the toughest hair styles and types.

Charity:  We are a simple company with a dedication and belief in our product. Our philosophy is to make a great product at a great price and to build relationships one at a time. And as much as we believe in making a tidy profit we also believe in giving back. Each year we donate 10% of our pretax profits to charity. For 2009 we have chosen the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) is a Comprehensive Cancer Center designated by the National Cancer Institute. It is a major affiliate of Harvard Medical School and is located in Boston, Massachusetts. The origins of DFCI date back to 1947. DFCI employs about 3,000 people. Most importantly, there are more than 150,000 patient visits a year, and it is involved in some 200 clinical trials. It is internationally known for its research and clinical excellence.

We figured if we were going to give away some money, this should be where it goes to.



I was given these items from Bondi bands. The opinions about these products are my own.

3 thoughts on “Bondi Band Giveaway! My Favorite Way To Sweat!

  1. I’m normally a hat girl and just tried a head band for the first time I really enjoy wearing them.

    1. I am normally a hat person, too! But since it was later in the day I was able to get away without a hat and the band kept the sweat off.

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