Star Wars Land Coming to Hollywood Studios?

swweekends2004I am not a rumor spreader, but I have been reading stuff lately and was wondering if what I am reading has some truth to it.  Is Hollywood Studios converting an area to become Star Wars Land?  There was talk of a Cars Land going on for years, but now that has quieted down and I truly think that it won’t come to Hollywood Studios because it is such a big draw for people to visit Disneyland to experience it.

What I was reading last night from Magical DIStractions speculated that Indiana Jones and American Idol will be closing this fall and the new Star Wars land will reside in that area of the park. I do believe that this would be a great new addition to the park and to Walt Disney World.  It has such a huge following and would tie in very nicely with the Star Wars weekends that are held in May.  This would also be a nice host for a Star Wars Race in Walt Disney World.

Do you think Star Wars Land will come to Hollywood Studios?


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