My Baby Girl Is Now 8

I still can’t believe my youngest child is now 8 years old! How is it possible? Where did those years go where I had two children under the age of two, both in diapers, with many rough sleepless nights? Those days were hard. But they were bitter-sweet. We saw the growth of the children so much more exaggerated than I seem to notice now as they are older. But then one day when I was in my kitchen, my son walked by and I felt like there was a high school student living in my house!  As I watched the celebrations of my children having their birthdays this year I was proud of them.  They are learning so much, becoming their own individual selves and developing their own likes and styles.  I Love being their mom!

2010-02-12 19.23.33


Where is the time going???  I want to pause time and keep them little!

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