A Decade Has Passed


I always have a hard time with my children’s birthdays, but this year was especially hard because my son turned 10 yesterday.  He is a decade old ALREADY!  The last days of school and his birthday being so close together are always tough for me.

It still feels like yesterday that I was admitted to the hospital on a Tuesday to not deliver him until 8:07 on Thursday night.

On the night of his birthday, we were driving home from cub scouts and I spotted a large deer on a hill.  I turned around and drove back to it hoping we could all see it close up.  It was beautiful.  We were able to watch it and take pictures for 5 minutes without her moving!

Then we drove to one of the open farmland areas near our house and saw a beautiful sunset.  What a lovely time to spend with the kids just enjoying the natural things around us.  These are the memories they appreciate.

This school year was tough for several reasons.  The biggest reason was the loss of our friend Lyla.  We are all still trying to heal.  So as it ends it is bittersweet.

I am very proud of both kids. Adrienne has developed a love for pitching in softball and has been my All-Star player. Kevin has taken to playing the trumpet and performed in his first band concert recently. They both have their own unique talents which I love.


It will be a tearful goodbye as Adrienne leaves Jerome Harrison school and her teacher who has been so instrumental in her success to overcome her fears and anxiety.  And she gained a tremendous amount of confidence and bravery.

Both kids are growing up so fast. Each school year flies by faster than the year before.

The Frost’s Fummer

As soon as the kids are out of school we will begin the Frost Fummer of 2017. We have lots of fun trips and events planned. It kicks off with a trip to Lake George this weekend with my company.  Slalom has a retreat for their employees every June in Vermont or Lake George. I am so excited that I am a part of this great company and that we can participate in this event; and the timing lines right up with the last day of school.  It’s the perfect way to separate school ending and the beginning of summer break.

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