Birthing Your Talent Baby

That sounds like a crazy title huh?  Well I like to listen to podcasts, especially when I am running or at work.  I listen to one called Laugh or Go Crazy.  One episode I listened to recently was called “Guilty Pleasures”.   Steve and Michele were talking about a friend who had a talent and decided to make a business out of his talent of remodeling.  Do you like to paint, knit, sew, take pictures or bake?  Do you do any of the things you like or does life get in your way?

Think about what brings your joy and start doing that thing.  You don’t have to do it and turn it into a business, but start doing the things that bring you joy.  Set aside some time during your day or week or weekend to dedicate to that one thing.

I know that my mother enjoys sewing, quilting and knitting, and as she is getting close to the end of her career and will be retiring in June, she has started to do more of the things that she enjoys and started putting together these great items to start selling them at craft fairs after she retires.



Check out more great podcasts from Laugh or Go Crazy or visit their facebook page.

What brings you joy?

5 thoughts on “Birthing Your Talent Baby

  1. I’ve been trying to get back into knitting. I bought myself some yarn as a stocking stuffer at Christmas and made myself a scarf. I’m working on my third one now. It takes a while because I don’t have much spare time, but I do enjoy taking the time to sit down and create!

    Stopping by from #SITSblogging!

  2. Such cute onsies! I love both elephants and cupcakes.

    Stopping over from SITS Girls. Meant to comment Wednesday, but accidentally commented in the wrong group.

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