Eleven Years Later

On the eve of my son’s 11th birthday (I’m choking on that number), I am having memories of where I was 11 years ago. Rewind that five more years just after Kevin and I got married. We wanted to have a family right away.

We were married four months when I was diagnosed with kidney vasculitis after many, many doctor visits with no answers and finally a kidney biopsy to confirm the damage to my small blood vessels in my kidneys.

I was ok hearing the news because it was a relief to finally know what was wrong with me. What upset me the most was when they told me I had to take a chemotherapy type of medication. As soon as they told me that my first question was whether or not we could still try to get pregnant. The answer was no. Not at that time. They needed to get my autoimmune disease under control with the medication and a high dose of steroids.

Several years went by where my disease was quieting down and fewer flare-ups. We tried different medications and my doctor was always aware that my hope in the future was to start a family. So that was always a consideration in the type of medications we tried.

Finally, after two kidney biopsies (a more specific diagnosis of which antibody I was overproducing), weaning off of steroids, and my doctor who was always keeping up with the latest info on my disease and the medications, we were allowed to explore our options.

In June of 2006, we met with fertility specialists. We began all the tests, and met with genetic counselors and a pharmaceutical counselor about the medication I was on and the risks. We were finally given the go-ahead. But all the tests came back and I had unexplained infertility. It wasn’t going to be easy for us to get pregnant. We were going to need help.

We were determined to do whatever it took. We wanted this so badly. We waited four years after getting married. This wasn’t going to get in the way of our dream. Going through fertility treatments is a very emotionally challenging experience. Having had to wait four years and then coming across this challenge made me, a very impatient person, a little crazy.

Finally, after a few intrauterine inseminations, we had a successful pregnancy. I was watched closely through the high-risk pregnancy group and everything went well for the full term. I was admitted to the hospital on June 5 because of low amniotic fluid.

The night before Kevin’s birth 11 years ago today, we were sent back upstairs from the labor and delivery floor. After an entire day of being induced but no progress, they had to shut off the Pitocin and give my uterus a break.

Kevin and I were in our room while I was hooked up to a monitor and had a lovely Foley balloon. I wasn’t very comfortable and I was getting anxious to meet our baby and find out if they were a girl or a boy. But we remained calm, had our Liquid Mind soothing music playing and I was weirdly enough enjoying the process.

I felt like I had menstrual cramps all night. That was probably the real labor starting on its own. I barely slept and I know Kevin didn’t either. We were anxious, excited, and tired. We couldn’t wait for the baby day.

Finally, the next morning I was walking around the maternity floor, I took a nice long shower and the Foley balloon fell out. That was a good sign! Not long after that when we were relaxing in bed my water broke at 10:30 a.m. It was birthday time!

Kevin Charles was born at 8:07 p.m. weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. A lot more happened that day from the time that my water broke to the time of his birth. But I’ll save that story for another day.

Eleven Years Later

I can’t believe this all happened 11 years ago. He has changed so much. I can’t help but get sad sometimes when I see how big he is getting. He still loves to snuggle with me and kiss me and spend quality time with me. He will always be my baby boy, but life has blown by me at light speed since our children were born. I try as much as I can to enrich their lives with memories and events and fun. I don’t want them to grow up too fast. I’m keeping them in the innocent bubble as long as I can.

Happy Birthday baby boy! Thank you for making my dreams of becoming a mom come true! I love you more than the universe!

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