Feeding Others Fed My Soul

I had the opportunity today to do something I have never done before.  I volunteered at a soup kitchen in Hartford.  Why did I do this?  Because the company I work for, Slalom, gives back to the community.  They are very involved with community events such as mentoring high school students to help them prepare for college applications, to stuffing back packs for kids in the city, and helping feed those in need.

I was looking forward to this experience.  Mostly because it was something I never did before and I wanted to make a difference.  My children, husband and I have volunteered at the North Haven Animal Shelter in the past and gave to our local food bank, but I never interfaced one on one to hand someone a warm meal.  It was such a gratifying feeling to do this.

We served 111 people today and I made sure to make eye contact and smile with every person that I served.  Everyone smiled back and always said thank you for their meal, drink and dessert.  It was really hot in the church basement; but those who were there did not complain and they even told the social worker who runs the soup kitchen that the folks at Slalom who volunteered were so friendly and quick in getting the meals out to each person.

As we were assisting with numbering meal tickets for upcoming days, and wrapping utensils, I was thinking to myself that I can’t wait to share the experience with my family tonight.  Since my daughter has softball practice we may not sit down to a full-fledged meal tonight; but I do want to be sure we sit down and talk and I want them to know how my heart was filled by helping others.

I also want to sit down and appreciate the food that we will be eating because there are people in our own town who do not have enough food.  We say it to our kids all the time, but I got to see it firsthand today.  I am grateful for the food in my fridge, the clothes in my closet and the roof over my head; but am I really grateful?  We need to open our eyes to see that not everyone may have it easy.

Rosa from the church told us that there is a great need for men’s clothing so I am going to ask you if you have men’s clothing that you can donate, please reach out to me. You can call or text me at 203-605-4652 or email me at pamela.frost@comcast.net and I would love to arrange to pick up the items to bring to them.  All seasons, and all sizes are welcome of MEN’s clothing especially.

I am blessed and I needed to be there to see that today.


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