“You have to get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side” – Poppa

That was a quote from Poppa, the father dinosaur from the movie, The Good Dinosaur.  We took the kids to see the movie last Sunday, our last day of the wonderful Thanksgiving weekend we had.  I wanted to have something fun planned for each day that we had off. It was a fantastic weekend!

The movie was full of emotions!  On our way our of the theater my son and I were talking about how the movie was like Inside Out because we felt every emotion during The Good Dinosaur – sad, happy, fear, disgust and anger.  It was yet another hit from Disney Pixar.

That one particular quote was said close to the beginning of the movie and as soon as Poppa said it I immediately wanted to write it down.  As I thought about it over the past few days it really ties into many elements of my life.  One in particular that I can recall is last December with my job.  My co-worker was going on a 3 week vacation from work and we preparing me to handle all of the accounts while she was out.  But she was always going to be available for me should I need to reach out to her.  But this was my chance to spread my wings a little more and stand on my own two feet.  I recall specifically one account with a person that Heidi worked with primarily.  I had very little to almost no contact with this person and the site they worked on.  Her name is Ellen.  Now Ellen is one of my favorite clients to work with.

So when Heidi left and Ellen reached out to me with a question, fear set in.  I was afraid of the type of work that needed to be done for Ellen’s account.  I was still learning some things and wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to deliver the standard of support that Heidi delivered to Ellen.  Well I did my best and was able to give Ellen what she needed (with some gentle guidance from Heidi).  I pushed past my fear and learned some new things.

In my running life I have fear.  Anytime I am at a race there is that rush you feel prior to the race, sometimes up to 3 or 4 days for a marathon.  But I don’t know what the fear is, specifically.  I always finish, so I can’t say that it is about failing.  I know how to be smart about my training to avoid injury, so I haven’t gotten injured in a race.  So what is the fear?  Is it just part of the process when doing races?  Fear to give you the edge you need to push yourself a little harder and go a little longer when training?

I know for sure, that when I have a long training run on my schedule I get anxious.  I think it is the fear that I am going to be out on the roads alone for such a long time and that I am doing something that many “normal” people don’t do.  But once I am done and I am showered and refueled and refreshed I do see the beauty on the other side.  I have those miles behind me and I accomplished another feat.

The movie had a lot of great learning points in it.  I will give a more general review of the movie in another post, but I wanted to share the point that struck me the most within the first 10 minutes of the movie.


Did you see The Good Dinosaur?  What did you think of the movie?

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