Even More Last Minute Prep for the NYC Marathon

NYC Marathon very last minute prep

With just three days left until the race, I am in the final stretches of getting everything done and doing my very last minute prep for the race and to prepare everything for my family to come into the city to spectate.


As every other runner is doing, we check the weather forecast SEVERAL times a day.  The forecast still shows showers in the forecast.  I packed backpacks for the kids with the following items:

  • Rain poncho
  • External charger for their devices
  • Goodie bag with snacks
  • Cow bell
  • Water bottle
  • Hand Warmers
  • Gloves
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses

If I pack this all up ahead of time and keep them aside in the house then I don’t have to worry about my husband having to gather everything up or forgetting anything.  Then my mind will be at ease knowing they don’t have to call me asking where their stuff is.

Race Day Items

For myself, I am tossing plastic shopping bags and a fold up rain poncho into my suitcase to bring with me to the village.  The plastic shopping bags are to tie around my shoes in case it does rain to help keep my feet dry and warm.  I also have hand warmers and a rain poncho which are compact that I can keep in my running belt.

Yesterday I created my playlist of songs for the race.  I didn’t think I was going to use headphones but since I don’t have a specific runner friend running with me, but I’ll have 50,000 friends running alongside me, I want the music to pick me up should I need it from time to time.  I’m also hoping it will help me run faster!  I have Queen, REO Speedwagon, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Avicii, Pink, Lady Gaga, Moon Taxi, Rush and more!

My last thing I need to make sure of is what I can and cannot bring into the village area.  I picked out a throw away blanket to bring, I have my oatmeal and spoon set aside to eat while waiting.  I need to pack up my snacks for the actual race fuel.  Thank goodness for Halloween and the easy snack size bags of skittles!

Spectator Info

The plan is to get metro cards already paid for on Friday so the family doesn’t have to worry about standing in line at a kiosk and having the debit card reject them, etc.  They can exit the MTA train from CT and then find the 6 train up to Central Park.  I also loaded everyone’s phone with the NYC marathon app with my bib number.  I also downloaded the MTA subway app for them.  I investigated what food is around in the area that they will be in case the kids start to wig out and need to go somewhere to sit, use the bathroom or get something to eat.

This is definitely harder to manage than the WDW marathon finish line; but I think we have a solid plan in place so I can see them twice before I finish.  That is really going to give me the drive I need to run a solid race to get to them as soon as I can!

My Mantra

I can’t believe this is about to happen!  It’s time to get all the negative thoughts out of my head and start sing positive affirmation and visualization to prepare me for the successful race I am going to have.

I need a mantra to get me through this race.  I usually tell myself “finish strong”.  That’s what my husband always tells me.  STRENGTH.  I AM STRONG.  Something I always tell my kids – NEVER GIVE UP!

3 thoughts on “Even More Last Minute Prep for the NYC Marathon

    1. It was incredible!!!! My favorite marathon so far! I will also be entering to do it again! Loved all of it! Even when it hurt!

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