runDisney Virtual Running Shorts – Yellow Shoes Race Is Now In Session

runDisney announced a new race series available to you while you are at home and NOT in Disney. It’s another opportunity for you to get your family or friends involved in a runDisney races without the expense of travelling to a Disney park, paying for a hotel, flight and meals while you are there.  Plus the bling is super cute!  So at the very last minute I registered.  I didn’t think I was going to do it; but once again, I was enticed by the bling and an “inaugural” event.

The running Shorts is taking places as a series which will run from May 15 – June 30, 2016 or you can participate in one individual race.  I registered for the series; but am considering registering my kids for at least one of the races.  You will receive a Commemorative Mickey’s Yellow Shoes Finisher Medal, and you can download the Yellow Shoes Digital Race Bib to wear for your virtual race.


The first event in the series is the Yellow Shoes race.  It takes place May 15 – June 1, 2016.  Proof of time is not required and really these races are low pressure and is just a way for you to bring the runDisney experience to your town or home.

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