Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Half and Festival

heartbreakToday is day 1 of the Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon and Festival taking place in Newton, MA.  I am running the half marathon tomorrow.  The race weekend is filled with 3 races – 1 5K, 10K and the half for a Hat Trick.  Or you can do the 5 and dime which is the 5K and 10K race.  I couldn’t participate in the Hat Trick because today is my son’s 7th birthday and I wasn’t going to miss that!

The races are being held at Boston College and run through Newton along the roads that are part of the Boston Marathon.  The ever popular Heartbreak Hill is also a star of the show during this event.  My friends Kimberly, Gail, Alison and Janice are there along with others that I know from the runDisney races like Michelle Scribner-MacLean and Danielle Nardi.  I hope to see Michelle tomorrow.  I know Danielle is only running the 10K today so we won’t get the chance to see each other.

I’m looking forward to running this race; however, the girls who ran today said it is hot and hilly so I can’t plan on getting a PR there.  Which is fine.  As much as I wanted to earn my 3rd PR in my 3rd race this spring, I will also enjoy running with friends and having a good time.  I have to rise and shine around 4 a.m. so that I can drive the 2 hours to get to Boston College.  I guess I shouldn’t complain, its better than the 2 a.m. wake up call at the Disney Races!

Race recap will be provided soon!

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