SELF Magazine Blew It

Have you heard the latest blow up on social media lately?  SELF Magazine mocked a cancer warrior for running the LA Marathon in a LAME Tutu!  For real?

Their magazine featured an article in their +BS Meter on what is legit and what is lame.  Their opinion that running the LA marathon in a Tutu was LAME!  Their claim is that it is BS that runners can run faster if they run in a Tutu which is a new fad.



The girl on the right in the blue Tutu is a brain cancer fighter going through chemo at the time of the LA marathon, I would call that far from LAME!

Glam Runner is the creator of the tutus in this photo and I hope the make a fortune off of SELF Magazines poor judgement.

What do we do about it when we heard?  Well, my friend Kim who is a breast cancer warrior gave it right back to them!  She also ran through several marathons while going through her chemo.  Some races she wore Tutus and some she did not.  So NOT LAME.


For more info about this visit the Huffington Post.  What do you think about this snafu that SELF has gotten themselves into?


5 thoughts on “SELF Magazine Blew It

  1. I think the bigger issue is that they are shaming women for how they are dressed. Would there have been such a public outrage if they had pictured a fat girl in a tutu? Not trying to minimize the fact that CANCER SUCKS at all – but they didn’t know that when they thought – “Hey, this is a new fad, lets find people that aren’t cool in our opinion (because we are totally cool and no one else matters) and make fun of them, we’ll even get their permission first (not telling them what it is for though).” It’s like fraternities that have “dogfights” (have a party and the guy that can find the “ugliest” girl to show up with him wins). It is wrong and needs to stop. We need to build each other up as women.

    1. I agree. I don’t think they knew about the cancer story behind it. But it is about mocking others for what they wear. That’s just wrong.

      1. they didn’t know she had cancer – but they apologized afterwards because she has cancer – it shouldn’t matter. It was wrong. I doubt they would have cared if it were a fat girl running in a tutu (like I do)

  2. For me the biggest issue (aside from the fact that she was battling cancer while she ran and actually makes and sells the tutus for charity!) is that no one should be making fun of anyone for being active and exercising no matter what they are wearing or how they are doing it! We should all be applauding each other for making the effort to be healthy and active, it’s sad that a major media outlet would feel that it’s ok to mock someone for doing exactly that.

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