Tower of Terror 10 Miler 2013

totSo what have I been up to lately since the Disney Dumbo Double Dare?  Well, I am preparing for my next Disney race.  This race came up unplanned.  When I was in California I met Amanda Tinney.  When we were at the airport to fly home I was telling her how much fun I had and that I was so hooked on Disney races and would love to do another race before Marathon Weekend in January.  Amanda told me she had access to two bibs available for Tower of Terror which is October 5.  I told her I’d let her know if that would be possible.  I had serious doubt that I would be able to do another Disney race just a little over a month after going to California for Dumbo.  But I couldn’t stop thinking about it after I got home.

I researched the flights, hotel costs and contacted my friend Shannon who lives in Florida. Well, I am excited to report that a week from Today I’ll be going to Florida!  So I get to do two things this trip, I get to visit my friend Shannon for more than 2 hours and I will get to run another Disney race!

After I returned from California I was pleased that my hamstring and IT Band pain wasn’t severe.  I had general soreness from running a half marathon, with a little extra stiffness from not being able to take an ice bath and recover as I normally do since I was on a plane several hours after the race for the entire date into the night.

I continued physical therapy for the entire month of September and finally turned a corner.  I changed to seeing Kelly exclusively.  She seemed more knowledgeable about runners and my injury and did great (painful) deep tissue massage in my hamstrings and IT band and really broke the muscles loose for me.  I did a 10 mile run last Saturday with normal stiffness the first 5 miles and then I was warmed up after mile 5.  I recovered well and think I am not over the injury and will have success for my upcoming months of marathon training and long runs.  I needed the peace of mind after the 10 mile run to know that I can do the Tower of Terror without issue.

I will be flying to Florida with Kimberlee Markey and I can’t wait to see Shannon, spend the night with her family and head over to Disney on Saturday; hopefully stop in to Epcot for the food and wine festival and check into my hotel, take a nap or rest off of my feet and get ready for the race which begins at 10:00 p.m.  This will be my first night time race so I am a little nervous about it.


I am looking forward to adding another Disney medal to my quickly growing collection!

I am also looking forward to running the roads in Disney to help me mentally prepare for the marathon.  The Osceola Parkway and ESPN were not my favorite parts of the marathon, so I am hoping I will enjoy them during this race.  It seems like my brain isn’t preparing for the thought that I should be in the middle of marathon training season now.  I have to get in some much longer runs from this point forward.


I am looking forward to seeing my runDisney friends again!  I hope to connect with you again during this trip!

3 thoughts on “Tower of Terror 10 Miler 2013

  1. It’s my first night time race too! I’m nervous about that. It’s also my first time making a running costume. Hope to see you there! I plan to go to the teamrundisney meetup 🙂

    1. Laurel! congrats on your wedding (3 years ago!) I read your blog the other day. What corral are you going to be in? I am also wearing a more extensive costume for this race (my headpieces is a little fuller). What is your costume?

  2. Wow, very jealous of your last minute trip! Good luck with your first night time race, I personally find them much more challenging, you have to ask your body to get out there and run when you’re usually getting ready for bed! Hoping the weather isn’t as bad for you as it was last year!

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