Disneyland Half Marathon Medals Released

The new runDisney medals were released on Monday for the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend.  With just over a month left until the race, things are starting to come together in regards to the theme for the race.  This means I need to get my head around some costume ideas!

Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend Sponsored by Cigna Race Themes

Based on the images on each medal the themes for each race is the following:

5K – Incredibles

10k – Monsters Inc.

Half Marathon – Toy Story

Attention Dumbo Double Dare Legacy Runners!

Good news for Dumbo Double Dare legacy runners!  I read the fine print and answered a question I had been wondering for a long time.  With the change of the theme moving to Pixar, Dumbo Double Dare legacy runners will be recognized with a special medal.

Since I have never done a Pixar theme for a race before this will be fun and interesting to pull together rather quickly.  Thank God for Pinterest and Etsy!

Do you have any ideas for me?  What will you be dressed up as for these races?

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