Why I Love runDisney

Let me count the ways…. I love being on vacation for one. I love being in vacation with my family. I love that I can usually find a friend down here to bump in to or hook up with! I credit that to the runDisney races. I had the chance to reunite with Dave Dunkowski on Saturday night at Epcot. I forgot to get a picture so we will have to try again!

I also made plans with Becca Bastian, a friend of Gail’s, to go for a run on Sunday morning. I met both Dave and Becca in February at the Princess race weekend.

This morning while at breakfast I had my princess mesh bag and the person checking us in noticed it and we exchanged names and took a picture and hope to see each other again at wine and dine!


How awesome is social media and the rundisney races that people can meet, stay in touch and get in a run together when we live in completely different states! Dave is from New York, Becca is from Florida and Lizzy is from Ohio and moved to Florida.

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