I’m Refocusing On My Running

I'm Refocusing On My Running

It’s Spring time here and I love this time of year.  I had to take several weeks off of running because I hurt my back.  So after many visits to my amazing chiropractor and some rehab I am back on my feet again.  While I couldn’t run, I was making efforts to do some strength training to continue to keep moving and not go stir crazy.

Consistency Is Key

I am becoming more consistent with running during the week.  I did not create my race calendar for this year though.  Honestly, I don’t know which races I want to run.  I put my name in the lottery for the NYC marathon but was not accepted this year.  I was completely ok with that.  I am still relishing the excitement from running it last year.

RunDisney announced their Virtual Shorts races for this summer.  Since I won’t be participating in the Star Wars Dark Side Races in Walt Disney World in April, I think I am going to sign up for the Virtual Shorts and earn some bling in my own neighborhood.

For the past two weeks I have been consistent with running at least three times per week.  My longest run was only four miles; but I’d like to build back up my mileage to at least six or eight miles to have a decent base.

I'm Refocusing On My Running

When I was out running, the first run was to get back out there again and make sure my back was feeling ok.  The second run was my four mile run and I was testing out the distance again.  Then on Friday I did another three mile run; but I was running it as a speed drill run to increase my pace.

How To Increase Your Running Speed

I am much slower these days for several reasons.  One is because I need to easily lose 10 – 15 pounds in order to get faster.  I am working on that now with my diet.  I am eating clean again, cutting out sugar and keeping track of how much I eat.  I am hoping that being consistent with my weight training again and also working on leg strength will also make me faster and help with endurance.

I'm Refocusing On My Running

Speed drills and hill repeats are honestly what will help make a runner run faster.  I am making strides to incorporate that into my routine.  I’m taking things a little bit at a time.  I am basically trying to have the mentality that I had when I first started running.  I want to look forward to going out for a run.  I am injury free and want to remain that way.  When I increase my mileage each week I am going to follow the 10% rule.  That means that I will only increase my distance by 10% of the last long run that I completed.

How Can I Help You?

I also want to help you, my readers with a plan on what to do to begin running, help you decide if you want to increase your running distances from a 5K to a 10K, a 10K to a half, or even if you should consider running a marathon!

Running is like a drug.  Once you start doing it, it can be addicting.  Then if you happen to meet people who run, it’s all you want to talk about!  Then if you meet someone who hasn’t run a marathon yet, you want to drag them into the secret club and have them do one too!  It’s because you know that exhilaration you feel when you have completed such an awesome race distance, and take pride in all the training you put in, and usually when you see that beautiful medal you have earned!

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