I Am A 2019 BAMRbassador!

I am 2019 BAMBRbassador

I received the news last week that I was selected out of the 300 applicants to become a BAMRbassador!  I had to keep it a secret until today.  Do you know how hard that was for me?  I was so excited when I saw the email at 2 a.m. (I had to pee).  What does that mean?  It means I am going to be helping my favorite mother runners, Sarah and Dimity from Another Mother Runner!

I Am A BAMRbassador

Dimity was supporting Sarah and other Mother Runners at the Philadelphia Marathon in 2014.  She was on a bike to get them to several areas of the race course.  I was lucky enough to spot her not far from where Sarah was on the way back from the out and back and was in her pain cave at that point.  So we got a quick selfie and off I went.

I Am A BAMRbassador

What is A BAMRbassador?

I am a “Bad Ass Mother Runner” Ambassador.  I’m sure you must have seen me wearing my Bad Ass Mother Runner hoodie around town.  Sometimes when I was at cub scouts or softball practice I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to have the words Bad Ass on my sweatshirt.  I practically live in that or my North Branford Softball hoodie.

Back to the question.  As a BAMRbassador I will:

  • Support Another Mother Runner at an AMR booth at race expos
  • Share brands of AMR to my readers
  • Introduce other women runners to the power and assets of the AMR Tribe (as Sarah explained it on the announcement today).
I am 2019 BAMBRbassador

Check out the announcement and see if there are other BAMRbassadors you may know!  I’d love to unite all of us in my own Facebook group. I can’t wait to hear what is in store for me this year!  I’d really love to go to one of their retreats.  In fact, as I start planning my vision board for 2019 I am going to put that on there!  Cape Cod is right in my neck of the woods.  Maybe I can even rent a Chrysler Pacifica to drive it there and perhaps pick up anyone who may want to fly in to Hartford, Connecticut.

Who Is Another Mother Runner?

If you are a runner and you haven’t heard of Another Mother Runner, then you have come to the right place. Because it is my pleasure to make you more aware of their presence and what they have to offer us Mother Runners.

I found Another Mother Runner through Facebook.  I believe a friend of mine had shared a link to their first book (the book links are my affiliate links) and I bought it right away for my kindle.  I couldn’t wait to read it while I was on vacation in New Hampshire.  Then I read their second book as soon as I could.  But for their third book I was so excited because I was going to see them at their book signing in Connecticut!  A few of us mother runners, who also runs several if not all of the runDisney races, met up for dinner before the book signing.  It was a fun night out!

me and Sarah at Fleet Feet in West Hartford

What Is A Bad Ass Mother Runner?

In my opinion, it’s any mother who runs. Moms are superheroes, to begin with.  Whether they delivered the child or adopted.  Caring for another human being is an incredible responsibility.  The criteria that make you a badass mother runner is that you get out there and you get it done.  Despite everything you have that relies on you; you find that time to separate yourself from being a mommy and possibly a wife, and have time to yourself, FOR yourself.

I am A BAMRbassador
My first Dopey Challenge in 2015. I am completing my 5th consecutive Dopey Challenge this January.

That’s part of the reason why I got hooked on running.  I’ll share more of my story over the upcoming weeks; but I do know that running is a gift given to us mothers.  If it is your thing, you know it.  And you crave it.

So feed that craving with some Another Mother Runner Podcasts while you are running, working, driving, or if you can escape to your bathroom for a little bit (oh who am I kidding?! Mom can’t do that!).  But that’s another reason why we run.  To listen to whatever we want or not listen to anything at all except your breathing and the sound of your feet hitting the pavement.

Have you heard of Another Mother Runner before?

Please leave me a comment and let me know if you’d like more information about AMR!

Or share my tweet and help me spread the word!

[bctt tweet=”Pam Frost is a BAMRbassador! #BAMRbassador” username=”wifemotherrunr”]

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