It’s My 3 year Runniversary!

Today is my three year anniversary of when I began running outdoors and changing my running habits from a treadmill workout to “running”.  

I was on vacation with my family in New Hampshire and went for a walk which turned into a jog. The next day I could barely squat down to get into my beach chair. But then the day after that I did it again.


When I returned home to Connecticut that Saturday we unloaded the car and I had the itch to run again. I put on my shoes and clothes, despite having just travelled about 7 hours with the kids from New Hampshire to Connecticut. I didn’t run far. I remember it was just a mile but I loved it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember I was getting a cold, too but I wasn’t going to let it stop me.

I decided to make it a daily routine every morning before I had to go to work. I was hooked. Three marathons later I am still going at it. I am in the middle of training for my fourth marathon and am also training for the 2015 Dopey challenge.

I have some dreams I am working on for a new idea in the coming weeks which involves my community in town. I hope it is successful. More details to come!

Running has opened so many doors for me. It is healing, I have met so many great people. I am growing. I feel proud. I am setting an example for my children. It has taught me so much and there is still so much more to learn. I never thought I would have an Olympian for a coach and I have Jeff Galloway as my coach.

I am grateful and thankful for my body and that I can run. It may not be pretty, it may not be fast, but I do it and I love it and will continue to do it until I can no longer walk!


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