To Dope or Not To Dopey?

dopey-challenge-graphicSo as the registration for Dopey arrives quickly upon us, I have to really think hard about this.  I know this is something that I want to do; but I have to believe in myself that I CAN do it.

It is a major commitment not just on race weekend, but all of the long training runs leading up to it.  The longest back to back run I have ever done was the 10K and half marathon races at Dumbo Double Dare and Princess Glass Slipper Challenge.  I have not done a half marathon back to back with a marathon.  When I type that out, I get a little bit of a stomach ache thinking about it.

Training for a marathon doesn’t bother me.  I enjoy it for the most part.  Even when the 20, 23, and 26 mile runs come up on the schedule because I am proud that I have made it that far and the race isn’t too far off.  But to think of adding a training day prior to that for a half marathon is where I get nervous. My friend Gail is obtaining her perfect Goofy this year for the anniversary year of the Goofy Challenge so I hope to run with her and her friends to celebrate her accomplishment which ALWAYS make a race so much fun!

I am planning on using Jeff Galloway as my coach for the Dopey challenge.  Mickey Mile Podcaster Michelle Scriber-MacLean did this last year for the Dopey challenge and she said she did very well because of it.  I also plan on arriving to Disney prior to my family to get 2 of the early races out of the way.  I will also sleep early and rest often when I am there prior to their arrival.

I believe I can do it.  I just have to believe that I can commit to the training also.  My daughter will begin kindergarten next year so I can save up some vacation days for my long training runs and hit the road once she gets on the bus and I’ll be done in time for when both kids get off the bus.  So in that sense, I think the universe is lining up to allow for me to give this a try.

Do you all have recommendations or suggestions for doing Dopey?  Was there anything that you didn’t like about doing Dopey besides the early wake ups?  Did anyone fail at attempting their first Dopey?  I’d like to hear about it.  The good, the bad, the ugly.