2015 #DisneySide @Home Party

This year I was chosen to host another DisneySide party. We have been experiencing a difficult winter with snow storms happening once every three days. We decided to keep the party on a smaller scale this year. But it was still big on fun!  We played trivia and pin the smile on Mickey. My daughter especially loved that game. And there’s no surprise I was getting many of the answers right in the trivia game.

To prepare for the party the kids helped make the Duff tie dye cake, which came out amazing!     



We also had healthy snacks and appetizers and guests left with a goodie bag of Twinings Teas, samples of All laundry detergent, HP photo paper, a vacation planning video and luggage tags in an ABC family reusable bag. 


Thank you once again for chosing me to participate in the chance to share my DisneySide!

I was give free products to use to host my DisneySide @Home Celebration.