NYC Marathon 20 Mile Training Run

I wanted to get this run done and gain more confidence for the race.  I didn’t dwell too much on it prior to doing it and wanted to enjoy it.  It was the perfect day to get the 20 miles in and I can say that I feel much better about the race coming up; except for all of the unknowns of a new race location and the details in trying to get my family a good viewing location so I can see them.

Here are the stats of the run:


Breakfast was oatmeal
1 cups of caffeinated tea

Time of day

I began the run at 9:30 a.m. and finished at 2:30 p.m.


When I started it was 48 degrees and cloudless.  When I finished it was 59 degrees.  It was a really pretty day.

Fuel on the run

Around mile 5 I was starting to get doubts in my head so I figured I should take in some sugar.  I had two small packs of Skittles and started to eat some of the first pack.  Around mile 10 Kevin met me on the road and I had just finished up the last of my pretzel fish I had with me.  He had just gone to WalMart so I took some pretzels from the back of the car and he had a granola bar.

I ate the granola bar around mile 12.5.  I don’t know if I like those on the run.  I prefer the special bars that Another Mother Runner sent out in their swag bags.  I have them noted in an earlier training run post so I will have to research that and find some prior to the race.  They were easy on the stomach.


Adidas capris, hot pink sports bra with more support and no clips in the front and a long sleeve top.
I had no chaffing with these pants.


I walked a little sometimes; but maintained my 30/30 for almost the entire run.  At mile 18 my knee and hip started to tighten up.  I had to walk more and put on the knee brace to help with that area.  My route finished too short so I had to walk the last 19th mile all in the driveway.

20 mile run splits

Post Run

My hip was very sore after the run.  I took Tylenol so that the soreness would subside and that I would be able to sleep ok.  I had an appointment with my chiropractor for the following day.  So that was perfect to help release the tightness.  I also knew I was going to have to foam roll the area eventually to loosen up the tightness.  I had runner’s knees in both legs for a few hours the morning after.  No doubt I am going to feel sore after the race; but I shouldn’t have any major issues.