
Weekend training for Dumbo

As we are 24 days away from Dumbo Double Dare, I am getting nervous. I want to get in one more long run. My longest run this week was 5 miles. While it hurt when I started my run, I am glad I was able to do the full distance. My hamstring issue is now moving its way to my IT bands so I am wobbly and hobbling the day of my runs. I am foam rolling and doing my PT exercises religiously. I hope with at least 4 sessions of therapy that will resolve the issue quickly. Looking at the calendar in front of me, I’d like to have a 8 or 12 mile run between now and August 18 to allow time to taper before the race.

I also have on my to do list is to create a list of things for packing:
-purchase a park pass
-arrange for shuttle transportation
-check my hotel reservation
-making a list of things to pack

I remember things like pack some snacks (pb crackers, pretzels, oatmeal, tea bags and sugar) that I can have in my carry on. I want to purchase powerades while I am there to make sure I have some for race day in my fuel belt.

I have also been gathering up my costume pieces and made a pile of them with carry one bags in my room. I need to organize it all in my mind and in person.

There’s one more thing that I am working on between now and the race. I want to lose a few pounds. Who knew that even though we run, we gain weight. I feel like I am actually gaining because I don’t eat enough. Ironically, the day will go by and I will realize, hey it’s 12:30 and I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast. Time to have my lunch. But I know from the past, that you should feed your body every 3 hours (5 small meals a day). So I signed up for the program I did once or twice before, Rob Nevins’ Living Lean . I’d like to at least lose 5 pounds. I swear it’s from the beer. I like to enjoy a beer with dinner during the summer. I don’t have one every night; but it’s refreshing with dinner when we cook on the grill.

Do you all feel like even though you run, you are carrying extra pounds that snuck up on your or that just won’t go away? What do you do to get rid of them?

PT evalution

I had my PT evaluation today.  She did what I thought she would do,  Measured my range of motion and strength.  Then I sat on a heating pad for 10 minutes.  Then I laid on the table and she stretched out my hamstrings.  30 seconds on each leg in 3 different positions.  They are hard but good stretches.  I already felt better after she did that.  She also showed me some leg lift exercises.  Simple little leg lifts for 5 seconds (15 times); but my leg was tired.  It’s amazing how many different muscles we use when we run and if one area is weak it can have a chain reaction.  After some IT exercises (that I had also been doing at home for the past month), she had me roll on the foam roller for 4 minutes and that was it for today.  She didn’t use the ultrasound steroid gel.  Maybe I won’t need it this time around.

I decided not to run today because in the morning my legs were still very sore even just walking around my house.  No sense rushing myself into a run if I am not ready yet.  This week my plan was to back off on the miles and pick them up again next week.  By then I will have 3 PT sessions under my belt and should be in much better shape for a longer mileage run.  

I have been searching the internet for costume ideas for Dumbo,  Still getting excited, and hopeful that I will recover quickly from this event.  Does anyone have any costume ideas to share?  I have a lime green sparkle skirt that I think I want to use for the half marathon.  I am also going to look in my daughter’s dress up box at her wings to see what I can use.  I already have my idea for Minnie for the 10K.  So I think I want to see what I can do for the half that has minimal impact while running a half marathon.  Share your ideas! 

How to pack for Dumbo?

While during my long run on Sunday I was trying to use some mental tricks to take my mind off the run.  One thing I was doing was thinking about how I would back for Dumbo.  I want to only bring a carry on or two; but how will I pack everyhing I need for two races and no laundry machines?

– 2 sports bras

– 2 pairs running socks

-2 compression shorts

-1 pair of capris (just in case it is cooler)

– sneakers

-2 skirts

-2 shirts

-fuel belt and gus



This list is just the running gear, I still have to pack my makeup, clothes for the park, travel clothes, flip flops, and toiletries.

I started to design costumes in my mind. I ordered a team sparkle skirt and I have to decide on a top. I would love the raw threads Good Girls Bow top, however I have to wait to pick it up at the Expo and I am worried that it won’t fit.

Do you have any suggestions for packing for a race weekend without having to check baggage? What are you using for a costume for the races?

One month to Dumbo

Well, I finally broke a milestone for myself lately, I ran 10 miles Sunday.  I haven’t run double digits since my half marathon in Cheshire on April 29.  Sadly, 10 mile runs used to be short runs for me a little over a year ago.  Time for me to begin building up this mileage to prepare for the Dumbo Double Dare, and also for the WDW marathon in January.

Dumbo Double Dare is just about a month from now.  I am still battling an injury and will be moving forward with physical therapy.  I am hoping doing this a month before the race will put me back on track.

I pushed through my run after walking a bit in the beginning, then limping, then run/walking. My speed hasn’t been fast, but I am learning something. I am learning that to go longer, you don’t have to go faster. It’s all about building the endurance.
I guess hovering around 11 minutes per mile isn’t all that bad considered my leg is bothering me and it was still quite hot and humid during my run at 10:45 – 12:30 mid day. I ran in a newer pair of sneakers, but I don’t like the model so much. They are the Nike Lunarglide +4 model. I prefer the Nike Lunarglide +3 model and am waiting for a pair that I ordered on ebay to arrive. I think the sneakers are a key factor in my injury and also the way I feel after a long run. The +4 model seems to not have as much arch support in them and now my calves and both hamstrings were more sore. I may use those for faster, shorter runs.

What do you do when you get injured?  Do you try to nurse it yourself or do you go see someone right away?  What have you found to be helpful when you are hurt?

New Product reviews

The past few weeks I have had a chance to run more and also use some of my new gear. I wanted to share my results with you about three new items I have.

    1. Tifosi wisp sunglasses
    2. iFitness Ultimate Race Belt II
    3. Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving–and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity Dimity McDowell, Sarah Bowen Shea (kindle edition)

I was given amazon gift cards for my birthday so what did I want to buy? Running gear! I went to my local running store to see what they had there and found some sunglasses I liked. I wrote down the model number and came home and searched for them on amazon. I got them for a good price. I paid $53.96 and they are retailing in the store for around $65.00. I wanted smaller sunglasses that were polarized that had some wrap around effect. These are good glasses. They are polarized to protect my eyes and don’t fog up much. They have rubber grips on the arms so they don’t slide down my nose. I am happy with these glasses.

The second item I wanted to get was the ifitness belt. Several other runDisney members recommended it. In particular, Ashley Hoffman Forster did a video review of it on her blog. After seeing her review I wanted it. The belt was $28.95 and I added 2 8 ounce water bottles for $19.95. I wanted the belt for the ability to hold my phone in a water proof compartment. And like the review from ( name ), she said it could hold her iphone and her ipod nano. I have an LG Spectrum phone so I assumed it would fit. It is a tight fit for my phone to fit into the zippered compartment, but it does fit along with my nano so my electronic devices are safe from rain. The belt is comfortable. It stays on by using a snap. My nathan hydration belt uses a velcro closure. The belt doesn’t slide and it fits comfortably. I would recommend it to others.

On vacation I came across this book through Facebook. “Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving–and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity” by Dimity McDowell, Sarah Bowen Shea is a good book. The authors have a facebook page and I was interested in the topics that were being discussed through facebook. So I downloaded a sample to my kindle and liked what I read, so I purchased the book. I read it every night before bed. I didn’t know what to expect from a book about running written by mothers, but I found it to be fun to read, some things I knew, some things I am learning and some things I can apply to my life as a mother who runs. Do as I did an download a sample for yourself and see what you think! After I read this book I will read their second book, “Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line—and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity”.

Hopefully the review of these items will be helpful in your purchases for new running gear!

Damn Ham

I don’t want this blog to sound like all I do is complain; but it is a journal of my running experiences and when you run, sometimes you get injured. Last summer I had an issue with my hamstring after I completed a 10 mile race on a VERY hot and humid day. My muscles cramped up in my car after the race and after several trips to the chiropractor to try to heal it that way, I ended up going to an ortho doctor and did physical therapy for a few weeks. I think it is time to call tomorrow and make the appointment to get back in to the physical therapy right away rather than drag this out and try to heal it on my own. With the Dumbo Double Dare just a little over a month away I need to get on top of this. This type of issue will benefit from the ultrasound cortisone treatments. So now that I am ramping up the miles for the D3 and then jumping into the higher miles for the marathon right after that, it would be wise for me to get treated now rather than later.

Stay tuned…

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