
The Wisdom of Walt By Jeffrey Barnes

The Wisdom Of Walt Book By Jeffrey Barnes

Wisdom of Walt BookIf you haven’t read The Wisdom of Walt book yet, I suggest you go on now and order one, or visit Jeff’s site to get an autographed copy.  I had been wanting to read the Wisdom of Walt book written by Jeffrey Barnes for quite some time, but just hadn’t gotten to it. Then one day I saw his second book was about to be printed and released. So I ordered my own autographed copy of The Wisdom of Walt and couldn’t put it down.

I felt Jeff’s love of Disneyland right from the beginning. In fact, while I write this review, I am in flight to Disneyland now for the Disneyland Half Marathon races and I am planning to spend the day Saturday touring the Magic Kingdom and riding the original rides with my friends. I really appreciated know that this was the park that Walt walked in. Sometimes in disguise and sometimes not.

I am from the East Coast so I am most familiar with Walt Disney World and the four parks; but since my first visit to Disneyland I fell in love with the quaintness of the park. I can’t wait to sit on the same benches Walt sat on to people watch. I want to ride those special original rides he created with his imagineers. I want to let go of all my worries in the world and go to that special place that he created for us to be a kid at heart.

I also thought the book was a great workbook for life. I am a dreamer and I am at a point in my life where I want to live up to my dreams. So I am going to use the activities that he has at the end of each chapter to help me create my new life plan going forward to help me reach those goals and dreams I have for myself.  I highlighted many areas in my book and I plan to extract those quotes and put them on my wall as a reminder of how I want to live.

I have the Disney vision and I want to live like Walt did.

“If you can dream it you can do it” – Walt Disney

I want to instill this message in my children. I want them to know they can do anything they put their minds to. I wanted to give the book to my ten year old son to read; but I think I’ll wait a few more years so he can really appreciate it.

I can’t wait to read the next edition!


Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend Cigna Athlete Leslie Goldgehn

Leslie GoldgehnAs the race weekend approaches I want to share with you a story of inspiration from Cigna.  Leslie Goldgehn is 65 years old and a reside of Larkspur, California.  She is a college professor in a role that requires critical and analytical thinking and the ability to stand for long periods of time.

One day when she was headed into class, she received a call from her mother in Houston that her father’s health was declining rapidly and probably would not make it until her next visit two weeks away. Immediately after class, Leslie made a reservation to fly out the next day so she could take care of her father.

Upon landing in Houston, Leslie got into a prearranged limo for the hour ride to her parents’ house. About two exits away, Leslie called her parents to say that she was almost there. Within seconds, the limo driver passed out. She desperately tried to wake him up from the back seat. With the car moving at 85 miles per hour, it crossed the southbound lanes into the median and head first into the northbound traffic.  It was not long until the limo hit an SUV in a high-speed head-on collision.

Concussion, traumatic brain injury as well as broken bones in her ribs, neck, hands, and lower back were just some of the injuries she faced. By June, she came home to San Francisco still badly injured physically and emotionally.  At that point, she embarked on intense physical and psychological therapy, which she continues to this day. She couldn’t cook, drive, read, or engage in normal every day activities, including getting herself dressed.  She felt helpless, scared, worried and alone.

She continues to heal from the various broken bones and torn ligaments and tendons. The fact that she survived a C1, C2, and C3 neck break is quite miraculous.  Despite the neck brace, body brace, and wrist braces, her outward appearance looked in good shape giving many people the impression she would make a full recovery.

“I might have looked fine, but I wasn’t,” said Leslie. “The traumatic brain injury and lingering pain from broken bones made everything impossible. I have a whole new level of empathy for people with brain injuries or what I call ‘can’t see it’ injuries.”

With her grown children rearranging their schedules and neighbors and members of her synagogue pitching in, she found the support she needed to have meals delivered and be driven to doctor and physical therapy appointments.

By Fall semester 2016, she felt ready to attempt a return to work part time and Cigna vocational coach, Karen Franz, called to offer assistance. Every disability customer’s needs are different, so Cigna vocational coaches help customers achieve their health and return to work goals by providing: access to rehabilitation resources including ergonomic office equipment, software, education and accommodations to help customers stay safe and be productive at work, including encouragement and support, such as resume writing and job placement assistance.

“In that situation, I did not know what I needed. Karen helped me figure that out,” said Leslie. “She was very patient, positive, and helpful. I never dreamed I would get that kind of support.”

Cigna provided a steering wheel accessory to help Leslie with driving and a special hook to help her get out the car more easily. Karen offered a dictation software to make typing easier and a sit-stand desk and stool to help manage back pain.

Healing is an ongoing process and Leslie has learned that it has its ups and downs and set backs. However, Leslie will be making the next push to work full time this fall 2017 semester. She has continued building her strength by walking her dog, swimming, being religious about her physical therapy, doing more things around the house, developing a bit of a social life again, and deepening her spiritual practice.

Further helping Leslie build her strength, Karen also suggested Leslie try the Cigna Customer Referral Program with Achilles International, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities participate in athletic events. The referral program is just one example of Cigna’s promise to partner with customers “Together, All the Way” along their unique health journey.

As a special recognition of Leslie’s hard work recovering, Cigna offered her the opportunity to participate in the Disneyland 5K on Friday, September 1, as a symbol of the journey she’s taken to get back to work.

“Participating in a race represents a healthy milestone on the road to recovery, but it’s also about independence,” said Karen. “Cigna believes that, as you gain physical strength, you’ll also build confidence, which can positively affect all areas of your life, including your work performance.”

“Every so often I needed Karen’s help reminding me about the little milestones. She helped me focus on what I can do and flip my thinking around to recognize how far I’ve come,” said Leslie. “With my injuries, I know I will never be 100% back to my old self. However, this journey I’m on is about little milestones and there are many finish lines.”

Thinking about how far she’s come and the race and fall semester still ahead of her, Leslie paused to consider what’s been driving her onward.

“Facing oncoming traffic and the car that we hit head on, I thought about my mom – I didn’t want her to bury my dad and me. I thought about my adult children, Kim and David – they still need me and I have so more to share with them,” said Leslie. “And, today, I also think about my job knowing I still want to stand up in front of the classroom and teach and inspire students. My father passed away while I was in the hospital. I will be dedicating my race to him.”

I hope to see and meet Leslie out on the 5K course this weekend.  When I shared stories last January of athletes pursuing races despite the trials they were facing, I was even more inspired when I saw them in person out on the course.

10 miles NYC training run

NYC Marathon 10 Mile Training Run

I did it, I got a ten mile training run under my belt for the NYC marathon.  I also needed to get those miles in for the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend.  I hadn’t run more than ten miles since the Middletown Half Marathon back in April.

The struggle

The struggle to get to 10 miles has been quite real.  I have been going through a LOT of life stresses and was listening to the Another Mother Runner podcast, episode 273 and they mentioned how stress from life can have a major impact on your training.  As training is just as much mental as it is physical, when you are facing personal issues that affect your mental state of mind, it causes mental fatigue which also causes physical fatigue.

I have been trying very hard to be consistent with my workouts.  When it isn’t a short run day during the week, I get in my cross training with Beach Body Chalean Extreme videos.  However, my nutrition has not been very good this summer.  Meal planning and prep has gone out the window for me.  I was very consistent with it last year and lost 10 pounds.  Sadly, 5 of those pounds have crept back onto my body.  So I am starting a refresh to get back on track.  Doing this while the kids are back at school seemed logical since we are all trying to get back into a routine again.

Upcoming Races

I have the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend coming up this weekend.  I will be running the 5K, 10K and half marathon.  It isn’t ideal to get in a long run just a week before the races, but I needed that reassurance in my mind to get those miles under my feet.  The day after the run I felt fine so I am glad I got that training run done.  I don’t plan on running until the race weekend so I can give my legs a rest.  After the Disneyland Races I am not sure if I will register for any other races to use as training runs towards the NYC marathon.

The NYC Marathon

The NYC Marathon is just ten weeks away.  I learned this thanks to Facebook and quite frankly, that scares me.  I intended to get in a 20 mile run prior to that marathon.  I now have to pull out my calendar and see how I can realistically fit in long runs between now and then.  To be brutally honest, I did research yesterday to see the penalty for pulling out of the race.  The NYRR site states that you can cancel the 2017 race and if you want to run it in 2018 you have to register again and pay the fee again as well. So to be honest, it is now or never in my mind.

Run Stats

I went slow on this training run.  I took some more walk breaks and it did get warmer out since I went out later in the morning.  But I am still happy that the miles are under my feet.  The last mile I had to circle my driveway for half a mile so that dramatically affected my pace.  But I also have to remind myself that Jeff Galloway wants our training runs to be significantly slower so we can get the miles done and under our feet because they are “training miles”.

10-mile run stats

Newfound Lake

NYC Marathon 6 Mile Training Run

To follow my new format for logging my runs, I’ll report in with a longer run that I did during my vacation in New Hampshire.  I intend to get 10 miles in this weekend but I wanted to keep my general mileage higher so I went out for a 6 miles run.

Here are the stats of the run:


Breakfast was cereal with almond milk
1 cup of decaf tea

Time of day

I began the run at 11:50 a.m.


It was 75 degrees, overcast and 69% humidity with a light breeze along the lake

Fuel on the run



Under Armour running shorts, hot pink sports bra with more support and no clips in the front and a tank top.  New sneakers.


I walked a little on some of the big hills; but maintained my 30/30 for the entire run.

6 mile run splits

Post Run

I felt fine after the run.  Drank cold water, had a turkey sandwich and enjoyed time at the beach with the kids.  From time to time when I walk a certain way I do feel my right knee’s issue talking to me but it doesn’t affect my run.

When I finished my run I definitely felt like I could have gone farther.  Had I had water and a little fuel with me I think I could have done 10.

Some views from my run

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