
2017 Princess Glass Slipper Challenge Day 1 – The Expo

My day was full even before I was at the airport for my departure to Orlando for the runDisney Glass Slipper Challenge. Our daughter was honored as student of the month so there was a special breakfast for her at her school at 8:30 that my husband and I were invited to attend. It was hard for her to say goodbye but she turned around and gave me a big smile before she went to her classroom. I still hadn’t fully packed because I had a going away party for a coworker at work the night before; so when we got home from the breakfast I had to throw last minute items in my suitcase, write notes for the kids, and get myself out the door by 10:00. My husband drove me up to the airport so we had the chance to spend 45 minutes together. I think that’s the longest time he and I had alone time together while awake in a long time!

I arrived to the airport at 11:00, got through security in less than 5 minutes and took my time in the terminal. My flight was really easy and I spent the time enjoying some music and time to relax. When we landed I felt like I was just there (we actually were there the first week in January). But it felt like I was home. I was glad to be there. I got my car and drove straight to the expo to meet up with Mandy.

The expo had a few new perks this year. They offered a wine and cheese plate and also had manicures from the Senses Spa! I thought that was a nice touch.  Something I may consider doing next year even though I do my Jamberry Nail Wraps myself.  Mandy, Kenn and I enjoyed a wine and cheese plate and discussed our plans for our night and the following morning and also caught up a little  since we hadn’t seen each other since last April!


After that I visited Jeff Galloway’s booth to have him sign my bib and then took a loop around the expo to see what the vendors were offering. I did some shopping at the Rinse booth and the runDisney official merchandise area before leaving to head to WalMart for a few essentials for my room, and then to my hotel.  After I checked into my hotel, I went to Disney Springs to grab dinner.  I couldn’t wait to check out all the new changes at Disney Springs and to do some shopping at Tren-D and get my favorite soup from Earl of Sandwich!

I love going to Disney Springs.  It’s such a great place to walk around and even just to window shop!  They have a lot of entertainment, especially on the weekends, and I can always pick up a bite to eat and it’s close to my hotel.  I was back to my room around 9:30 and had to get all my race gear laid out for the next morning and say good night to my family. By the time I settled down to get to sleep it was after 11:00 p.m. with a 3:30 alarm clock set for the next morning.  Check out the video of the day and stay tuned for the Enchanted 10K Recap.

NYC Here I Come!

So this happened yesterday…




I had always wanted to run the NYC Marathon, well almost always.  My old boss ran it 15 years ago and that’s when I got fitted for a pair of running shoes and where my whole running story started on my treadmill.  I hadn’t actually started running races until 2012 and my first marathon was on 2013.  Since then I have run 8 marathons and NYC will be my 9th.

I applied for the NYC marathon lottery for the past 4 years and this year I finally got the email with a subject line that said “See you in New York City”!  I was at the library with my family for girl scouts when I got the email at 7:40 at night and couldn’t jump up and down and scream; but I was really shocked.  I had been checking my email all morning and waiting all day for the news.  When I saw that official congratulatory email I was shocked.  And then about 30 minutes later, after the high of realizing I was in, I cam crashing down from all the anticipation.

I am very excited and several of my family and friends will be there to cheer me on and I can’t wait to get my first Majors marathon medal!  I know a few other friends of mine will be there so I hope I will be able to run with them or at least see them prior to, or out on the course!

Since this is my first NYC marathon, do you have any advice to share?!


Throwback Thursday 2016 Princess Glass Slipper Challenge

The 2016 Princess Glass Slipper Challenge weekend came and went as quickly as they always do! Unfortunately, life also came and went so fast that I never got my blog posted with that race recap. Fast forward to this year and I can give you a Throw Back Thursday version of last year’s race. Mandy and I ran this race together because we are trying to get five Princess Glass Slipper Challenges done in hopes of obtaining legacy status. Sadly Diana wasn’t at this race weekend with us.

I flew down Friday afternoon, went to the expo for my bib and to shop around, and then went over to my hotel to check in. I traditionally like
to spend my first night that I arrive at Disney Springs. I like to get the tomato soup from Earl of Sandwich and shop at my favorite little shop
in the Marketplace Co-op, Tren-D. Then head over to my room to lay out my 10K race costume and get settled in for the night.

I met Kenn and Mandy for the start of the 10K. Our corral took off at 5:51 a.m. and we took 2 hours and 14 minutes to get the race done. We
spent every minute of that race having fun and getting pictures taken with as many characters as possible. In France we were in line for photos
with Lumiere and Cogsworth, a picture I really wanted to take; but there were officials on bikes yelling out to everyone that the sweepers were
coming and if we continued to wait in line we were putting ourselves at risk of being taken off the course. Even though Mandy and I knew we
could outrun the balloon ladies; we didn’t want to run the risk of losing our challenge medals. So we took off and ran back towards the balloon
ladies who were crossing the International Gateway and heading over to the Boardwalk. We continued through the Boardwalk; took some photos of the balloon ladies that we were chasing, and then ran towards the finish line.

The half marathon took off at 5:49 a.m. and we took 3 hours and 32 minutes to finish. Again, we were running this race for fun and not for time. We were in corral G and the last corral was P so we had plenty of time between us and the balloon ladies. This course is the typical course that runs from Epcot towards the Magic Kingdom entrance, under the Contemporary water way and into Magic Kingdom. We ran through the castle and then back towards cone ally. At this part of the race I feel relief because I know we just have to run back to Epcot and not towards Animal Kingdom like the marathon course does. As we were getting closer to the end of the course we were running with Kenn and were actually running up the overpass hills.

I’m looking forward to running with Mandy and Kenn again. We haven’t run together since the Dark Side Challenge last April so it will be good to catch up! I am also looking forward to some warm Florida weather. The cold winter months in CT are getting to me and I need to see some green and feel the warm sun. I’m also looking forward to Kona breakfast with all the ladies of Team Shenanigans on Saturday!

View the 10K race recap video

View the Half Marathon race recap video

2017 runDisney Walt Disney World Marathon…The Second Half

This blog post is the second part to the first one I wrote last week highlighting the first half of the Walt Disney World Marathon on January 8, 2017. This was my friend PK’s first marathon and we really wanted to make sure he had a enjoyable experience. I think we were very successful in that. So much so that he wants to do the Dopey Challenge next year!

Something PK and I noticed during the first half of the race was the number of discarded clothes and socks on the side of the road.  In past  years the discarded clothing dwindled off after the first 2 miles.  But this year we saw it as far as mile 10.  The funny thing were all the socks we saw.  I assumed that since people didn’t have gloves they used socks to keep their hands warm.

The second half of the race was going well.  We ran through Animal Kingdom and the long tour of the Animal Kingdom parking lot and then to the long stretch of Osceola Parkway.  I played my game of tag with Nick Takacs just outside Animal Kingdom; but didn’t see him the rest of the race.  The temperature was ideal, the sun was out and we were having a good time.  I found a few friends out on the road.  I saw Jon Biel and his friend Sara dressed as Bob’s Barricades.  Then a few miles up I found my friend Linda Bachand Jackson.



After about 3-4 miles of Osceola Parkway we made our way into ESPN Wide World of Sports.  I was starting to do some mental math in my head and PK thought it was funny seeing me try to calculate the balloon ladies and our arrival time, etc.  He never saw that side of me.  I also knew that it was time to take in some sugar because I was starting to get a little mental in my head.  I was also feeling a little bit fatigued so I wanted to make sure I was going to finish strong.

At some point during the second half we were talking about our strategy.  He thought that maybe we would walk a mile or two near the end and then finish the end running.  I was ok with that plan.  But then, during our miles in ESPN, we got caught up with the 6:30 pacing group.  We couldn’t really get past them; so when they ran, we ran, when they walked, we walked.  It actually felt good.  They were doing a 15/30 pace.  We had been consistently using a 30/30 pace.  So I suggested to PK that we follow them until we get to Hollywood Studios and see how we feel.

That was a great plan, because I remembered that back on Osceola heading to Hollywood Studios there is an incline.  So if we stick to the pacer group that would help us get up the hill without walking the whole thing.  It worked out very well.  We made it to Hollywood Studios and continued with the group all the way to Epcot.  I actually felt a lot better using their intervals because it kept us at a consistent pace and the intervals left me less fatigued.  We made a new plan that at mile 25 PK was going to run ahead and I would meet him at the finish.  That was the perfect plan because I wanted to savor that last mile through Epcot.  Given everything the family had gone through since Thanksgiving I wanted to reflect during that last mile.  I wanted to have time alone with my thoughts.

With just about 3/4 of a mile left I saw a small child wearing a Pokemon hat and I swore it was Lyla.  It stopped me in my tracks.  I totally felt that it was a sign of her telling me that I had the strength to finish and that I could do anything I wanted as long as I worked for it.  So for the last 3/4 of a mile I was sobbing.  I couldn’t wait to finish and see my family.  As I rounded the corner after mile 26 I saw my family and blew them a kiss.  Then I saw Fitz waiting to give out hugs and I got the biggest hug from here.  It was so special to share that moment with her.  I had finished my 3rd Dopey Challenge (aka the Grumpy Challenge).  And I will continue to do the Dopey Challenge as long as my friends want to be crazy and do it with me!

Enjoy a recap of the entire race from start to finish!

2017 runDisney Walt Disney World Marathon…The First Half

The big race of the weekend was finally here!  I was going to run the marathon with PK, Diana and our new friend Tami.  It was PK’s first marathon and I was so excited for him!  I told him that I would meet him at his hotel lobby at 4:10 a.m.  He was staying right around the corner from me and right en route to the race, so it was perfect.  So my alarm was set for 3:00 a.m. I had my tea, cinnamon toast and I packed a bag full of snacks.

I also had to put on several layers of clothing.  I had on my long sleeve shrug, my Patriots shirt (in support of PK), a light jacket, a fluffy red sweatshirt and my XXXL men’s sweatshirt.  I was also wearing my sign in honor of Lyla but I had to make sure that when I shed my layers I would have to re pin the sign and my race bib.  It was crazy that in Florida I was dressing in so many layers.  When I walked out to the car I was surprised that it wasn’t as cold as I was expecting.  But I knew that waiting in the corrals I was going to feel colder.

PK and I drove to Epcot, had to park in one of the spots that was the FURTHEST spot away and we walked the journey to bag check, the runner’s area and then down to the corrals.  Just before we entered the runners area I spotted Jacqui Kapinowski on her way to the wheelchair start!  I was so happy to see her and she told me she had just been talking to Harry about me recently!  I met Jacqui during Princess Weekend in 2014, and she was my first exposure to Achilles International, which I am not a volunteer for.

With this being his first marathon and his first Disney marathon he was surprised, like I was my very first time, at how much walking we had to do before even getting to the race.  We got down to the corrals and hooked up with Diana and Tami.  Thankfully we weren’t there too early.  I believe we were in the corrals for about 20 minutes before they started moving us closer to the start.  But just before they did we all go the pre-race porta pottie jitters so we all rushed over there just in time.  I was right, it was cold in the corrals so we used the space blankets and I was glad that I had my throw away sweatshirt, gloves, and ear warmers.  I talked PK into bringing his gloves and hat as well for the race.


PK, Tami, Diana and I trying to keep warm in the corral

Our corral took off at 6:23 a.m. and we were consistent with doing our walk/run intervals the first several miles of the race.  PK and I planned to run ahead of Diana and Tami to the character or picture locations and then we would all decide if we wanted to wait in line or keep going. Since the first few miles were things that we had already seen in past years, and we wanted to increase the buffer of time between us and the balloon ladies, we skipped the first few stops.  We did stop for Lightning McQueen and that’s where I ditched my first layer. Diana and Tami ran ahead and PK and I stopped for Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.



My favorite thing is always running under the bridge that is the waterway to the Contemporary with the DJ and his big hands encouraging the runners.  He never disappoints.  We made our way towards the Magic Kingdom and waited just near Main Street for Diana and Tami and then we all ran down Main Street together.




While in Magic Kingdom, we used the real bathrooms, then Diana and Tami ran ahead while PK and I stopped for all of the character stops. We did end up finding each other around mile 10 at Bear Road (aka the water treatment plant).  Just in time for Diana to get her picture with Wreck It Ralph!  She was disappointed that earlier in the race they weren’t at the location we were used to seeing them at.







I found Sid around mile 6

I found Sid around mile 6

On Bear Road there was a section of the race that had vintage ride cars.  This was great.  There was the ship from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, a Rocket from Star Jets, a car for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Snow White, and a cart from The Skyway.  This was one of my favorite picture spots.  I heard Rudy announce that this was going to be around mile 10 and it was incredible to see these epic extinct rides!



After this point in the race we were approaching the out and back loop.  i was unaware that this out and back was going to be so long.  Last year it was a short distance until the turn around.  This year, we had to make up some distance due to the construction going on in Hollywood Studios so the extra distance was on a long stretch of road behind Animal Kingdom.  I was a little frustrated when I looked ahead and saw how far it went.  But I put my head down and trudged forward.  Again, we saw Diana and Tami at this part of the course.

We turned into the back of Animal Kingdom and this is where we were at the halfway point in the race.  Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog post, the second half!

2017 WDW Marathon Weekend Day 3 – Half Marathon….Not

racecancelled2While you may not like to see something like this come across your Twitter and Facebook feed the night before the race; it was kind of a sigh of relief for me.  I was doing the Dopey Challenge this year; which meant I had to run four races in a row. But it was nice to be given a pass for one of the races.

That didn’t come without a lot of mental struggles, though.  I was there to do the Dopey Challenge, but my training wasn’t as good as it has been in the past. I had been dealing with a lot of emotional pain, so my focus wasn’t on the races at the time.  I didn’t have as much energy as I usually have so I was worried that I didn’t have it in me to get the job done. But I was also relying on our friend Lyla’s strength and courage to get me through these races.

When we got the word the race was cancelled I was with my son at Splash Mountain. Knowing that I didn’t have to get up at 3:30 the next morning meant that we could spend a little more time in the park. So that was a nice bonus with some extra family time. It also meant that I could enjoy time at the pool and hot tub with the kids after the park before the storms rolled in. And the big bonus was that I could catch up on some sleep the next morning.

I did sleep in, but not extremely late, and then there was the element of all the race chatter and what runDisney was offering as a refund and options all over social medial. People were running mock half marathons all over Disney World. They were at their resorts, the Boardwalk and guests were even setting up water stations for the runners. I felt guilty that I wasn’t getting in my 13.1 miles. But I was trying to justify that I was going to earn those miles as I walked through the parks with my family all week. But then I would think to myself that I always did the parks, as well as the race so I was taking the easy way out and my Dopey Challenge wasn’t truly going to be earned.  See the struggle here?

I had to give myself a break. We had a major life event happen to all of us in the family so I needed to let myself take this time to rest.  My friend PK was running his first marathon the next day, so I wanted him to have a good experience and I didn’t want my slower speed cause him to not enjoy the race. There were some variables I just wasn’t sure of for the marathon. He hadn’t done the Jeff Galloway method like we do, so I was worried it would bother him.

I finally decided to head out to tackle the traffic and go to the expo around 2:00 and check things out there. I wanted to return my Goofy shirt I purchased, and exchange Kevin’s 5k shirt. So at least I got something accomplished. I shopped the expo quickly, saw my friend Anne and went over to WalMart after sitting in traffic for 30 minutes.  I needed to get some warm weather layers for the full marathon.

A men’s XXXXL sweatshirt and a women’s fuzzy zip up and I was ready for the full and the predicted 20 degree weather with windchill.

When I got back to the hotel we cooked chicken tenders for dinner and had cut up veggies and hummus and I went to the hot tub early for a quick soak before heading to bed. I wanted to be in bed by 9:00 and I believe I fell asleep at 9:45, with my alarm set for 3:00 a.m. for the marathon.

Stay tuned for the full marathon recap next!

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