
Our Vacation To New Hampshire

This past week was our last vacation of the summer.  It was also the last full week of the kids’ summer vacation.  Like we had done last year, we went up to New Hampshire and stayed at Newfound Lake.  It was a beautiful week for this vacation.  The weather was very hot; which makes for perfect vacationing on a lake of course!

We arrived on Saturday afternoon by 5 p.m. unloaded the car, and made a journey over to Wal-Mart to get the groceries we would need for the week.  Last year I thought I was going to have a meltdown in that store.  So I warned the kids to help me get through the dirty deed and to be on their best behavior so I don’t have a wig out.  Mission accomplished!  We were out of there relatively quickly and got back to the house and made an awesome taco dinner!

Since it was too late to go swimming, we chilled out at the house for the night watching Teen Beach 2!  It was so fun watching that with my parents and they recognized the resemblance to the earlier days of Annette Funicello.

After a good night’s sleep I lazily took my time getting moving in the morning and eventually hit the road for a run around 10:30.  Bad move.  It was really hot out and the sun was very strong.  But I successfully got in a 3 mile run.  The kids and my husband and my mother were at the beach so after my shower I joined them.  A great day of fun at the beach and then we wrapped up the night with a great dinner at home with burgers on the grill, followed by some American Ninja Warrior on demand to wrap up the night.

On Monday we designed our #summeroffun2015 T-shirts for the whole family.  It was quite a production but the overall results were great!  After designing our shirts, we had lunch and went to the beach again on a very hot and humid day with temps close to 90 degrees.  The kids were in the water almost the entire day.  Even Poppa got in the water!


We went out to dinner at a Seafood and BBQ joint in Plymouth and then when we got home we had poppa and Kevin drop us off at the top of or street and we walked from there to the beach to get out steps in.  The night was beautiful and we could hear the kids at Camp Berea singing.  We stood on the dock and looked out at the beautiful view in the evening and then walked back to the house to watch American Ninja Warrior again (see a theme here?).


Tuesday was yet again another very very hot day and we were in no rush to get moving so we decided we’d like to spend the afternoon at the Sculptured Rocks in Bristol.  That was so much fun!  Mimi made her way down the river with her new knee; yet last year she was barely able to walk through the woods on the walking trails!  Poppa keep guard on us from the path in the woods and protected our phones when we were getting into areas that were too deep or slippery.  God forbid we have anything happen to our phones; but we were using then to take pictures of our adventure.  The water was ice-cold but the temps outside were so hot that it felt wonderful, even when you slipped into a deeper section than you were anticipating.





Everyone was disappointed to leave so I made the suggestion that we all go get ice cream!  No arguments there!  We went to Shackette’s and enjoyed some ice cream cones to cool off with and then made our way back to the house to ride bikes and play at the beach yard.


We made pizzas on the grill for dinner that night and then watched America’s Got Talent.  We were excited to be watching it live so that we could vote for who we liked.

Wednesday was already upon us and it was still warm again so we decided to take a journey across the lake to a bakery that had a gift shop.  After that we went back to the house and had lunch and went to the beach for the afternoon.  Some storms started to roll in and I decided that I wanted to get a run in before dinner so I checked the radar, changed quickly and took my chances to get in a short run.  The air was starting to move when I first was out there; but then the sun came back out and it was a sauna again.  I got in a 3 mile run; took a quick shower and helped make dinner.



Steak and chicken on the grill with fresh squash from our garden and corn on the cob.  It was delicious and it was so nice to have these delicious meals at home each night with everyone.  After dinner we had to watch the results show of America’s Got Talent!  It was fun to vote live and see if our votes made a difference (in the end our contestant did not make it in, but we tried!)

On Thursday we were going to visit Kevin’s family on Lake Winnipesaukee so when I got up I headed out quick for a run, showered and we went over to their house to visit.  It was wonderful.  There was a strong breeze and the kids were so excited to play with Sofia and meet their new cousin Penny.  Kevin was so attached to the baby.  I had the chance to hold her and was able to get her to sleep and had the pleasure of snuggling with her while she napped for an hour!  It was so relaxing to hold a 3 month old and she was such a little sweetie.  These are special times.  We don’t get to see Jen and Greg and their kids as often and Kevin and Adrienne were so sad when they had to leave.  I had to bribe them with ice cream after dinner so they wouldn’t be so sad!













When we got back to the house the kids and I took a walk before dinner and my mom made spaghetti and meatballs.  It was delicious and we were able to eat it outside without being chewed alive by the bugs.  Adrienne put on a little fashion show for us with some new outfits Mimi bought her that day and then we went out for ice cream.  On the way home I hijacked my dad’s truck and Kevin got to take his first ride in the front seat of a car and Adrienne sat in the jump seat in the back!  They got a kick out of the “old-fashioned car” with crank windows and a stick shift.  These are the memories.


After we got back I taught Kevin how to play War with cards.  He got a kick out of the game and Adrienne was playing tick tack toe with poppa.  We were having a fun time playing games and chilling out at the house.  This is what vacation is all about.



During the night that night we lost power at 2 a.m. and the night was blacker than black.  I was up the minute it happened and was worried that the kids were going to freak out.  Then about 10 minutes later they were up.  So I laid with them in bed but it was hard for us to fall back asleep with out the fans on and the dead silence.  The power came back on around 5:00 a.m. and we all got a few more hours of sleep.

Friday was a rainy morning so we stayed at the house, played cards, fought a little about the cards, I did some work and then we made plans to take a walk to the beach.  Just as we were about to go, the skies opened up again.  So we waited and then went out, while the kids rode bikes.  That night we made dinner reservations to go to the Homestead Restaurant in Bristol.  It was so much fun.  My favorite part was when my son was asking about funny family stories after we ate, so we were all sitting around reminiscing about many funny things that happened when I was a kid.  The food was so delicious there, and the kids were so well-behaved, it was a great time.




When we got back, I told the kids we should grab some flashlights and head down to the beach for a walk.  So the whole family gathered up and we went down to the lake and admired the still water, the bright stars in the sky and the peace and quiet that you see at the lake at night!  The kids thought that was the greatest thing going for an adventure walk at 10:30 at night!

This vacation was all about making memories and the best part was when my son wanted to relive some memories.  Tonight when we get home my parents will be coming over to make s’mores on our back deck so we can continue the stories of memories for the kids to enjoy.

They are growing up way too fast and as much as I usually cry when we leave New Hampshire I felt ok leaving this time.  I was dreading them going back to school next week, I needed to do a 17 mile run Sunday and then I had to drive to Boston at 5 a.m. on Monday for a conference.  But all in all, that’s life and I will be with friends at the conference, and the kids are looking forward to going back to school.  So hearing them tell me that made it easier for me.

Now to plan our next little family outing so we can have something else to look forward to together!





D23 Expo News

The D23 Expo took place August 14-16 in Anaheim, CA and it was a BIG deal this year.  I had heard of the expo before and had been curious about it; but never was interested to attend. Then when I was at the Social Media Moms Celebration this past May, Jeffrey Epstein from D23 gave a presentation.  The theme of his presentation was “When Did It Start For You?”  While I found his presentation interesting, I felt like D23 was going to be a big deal this year.  Apparently it was.  There were tweets, Facebook posts, Periscopes and video blogs going up everywhere about this year’s D23.

The biggest news is the new addition of Star Wars Land on both the East and West Coast and then the addition of Toy Story Land on the East Coast.  The Star Wars and Toy Story Lands will be at Hollywood Studios.  Given the recent closings of several attractions at Hollywood Studios it is no surprise that something was going to happen there.  If you follow any of the rumors in the Disney community, there has been a lot of chatter about a Star Wars Land coming to Hollywood Studios for a few years now.  There was also a rumor that Cars Land would be coming to the East Coast; but I always felt that it belonged in the West Coast to give people a reason to travel out to Disneyland and see all they have to offer.

This is a BIG deal.  I have been reading posts on Facebook recently with people showing sections of Anaheim being purchased by Disney.  There was talk that it was purchased for a parking garage, to move Disney offices off property from the actual parks to an off-site location.



Star Wars Lands

The plans to bring Star Wars lands to both Disneyland and Walt Disney World is very ambitious.  The Star Wars lands will have two signature attractions,. one including the Millennium Falcon and the other that puts guests in the middle of a climatic battle.

Source: Disney Parks Blog

Source: Disney Parks Blog

Source: Disney Parks Blog

Source: Disney Parks Blog

What could this mean for the future of runDisney races?  I bet there will be some EPIC races to come to runDisney when these 14- acre lands are completed.  Imagine that?  Two Star Wars lands on each coast, the coast to coast Star Wars race challenges, the MEDALS!  It’s going to be so awesome and I have to take part in it!

Toy Story Land

Toy Story Land sounds awesome to me!  Toy Story is one of my favorite movies.  The new land being built in Hollywood Studios will give guests the perspective of being the size of a toy and explore the world of Andy’s backyard.

Souce: Disney Parks Blog

Souce: Disney Parks Blog


Source: Disney Parks Blog

Some of the attractions you can look forward to at Toy Story Land will be a family friendly roller coaster incorporating Slinky Dog’s back as part of the coaster, an Alien saucers attraction with the little green aliens taking a spin in their flying saucers, in addition to the already existing Toy Story Mania.

What does this mean for things already existing at Hollywood Studios like The Osborne Lights? Will this be the last year for it?  What else will be going away in Hollywood Studios?  Stay tuned to the Disney Park Blog and Twitter and my blog for the latest updates and news!

I Completely Stopped In My Tracks Today

I went out for my run this morning and it was warmer than I was anticipating it would be.  But I was determined to push myself a little harder and work on my speed.  I was happy with my first mile’s pace of 11:35 and my last mile’s pace of 11:13.  Granted I used to be much, much faster, but that was when all I ran were 5K races.

As I was working towards my next mile my phone chimed that I had a message.  My kids were sleeping over my parents’ house so I stopped, paused my watch and checked my phone.  It wasn’t the kids.  It was a friend of mine filling me in on some news she was waiting for.  It wasn’t the news she wanted to hear.  After I read the message I just stood there for several minutes.  I responded with some encouraging words and offered any help that I could give whenever or however they need it.  But I was still stunned.  I didn’t expect to hear back so soon and I certainly didn’t expect the news to be what it was.  On the bright side they said they are taking the news really well.  They were making plans on what the next steps were going to be.

To respect the privacy of the friend and their family I won’t discuss who is going through this difficult time; but it made me miss my kids and want to see them as soon as I can.  It also made me stand there and reflect on everything I have to be grateful for.  I looked at the blue sky and the cornfields in front of me, felt the sweat dripping down my back and face, and knew that my legs were strong and were going to run be back home.


I also decided at that exact moment that I wanted to recruit my family to participate in the Virtual Give Kids The World Gingerbread 5K run.  I discussed it with the kids during dinner tonight.  Adrienne remembered that Give Kids The World Village is the place where children who are very sick get to have ice cream for breakfast and are treated to every holiday during their week’s stay at the village.  Kevin asked how far it was and gladly accepted the challenge.

I made it a priority to visit the Give Kids the World Village when I was in Disney last February.  A few of my Mickey Miler team members and I pooled together some money and I went to Target to purchase some toys and supplies that they Village needs.  I felt so honored to be able to bring the items there; but I also felt grateful for all the good I have in my life.

Will you join me in the virtual run?  You can register here.  If you raise up to $100 you get the great purple shirt sent along with your medal!



I am also a member of the Mickey Milers Team who also raises funds for Give Kids the World. Please feel free to donate with the button on the right side of my blog page.

This past weekend the members of the Mickey Milers Team participated in the Small World Challenge.  They raised money and rode the Small World rides on both the West Coast and the East Coast for hours they were sponsored for, or some rode for the entire day from park open to park close.  We have a passion for the charity and hope you can help!

The News I Was Waiting For Has Arrived

Last Friday I was scouring the web to see if I could uncover any news about the Disney Social Media Moms application process coming up. It typically opens up around September 8. Well less than a week later the news came out: 

The application process begins on September 8th until September 15th.  I have applied for the past 2 years. Last year I made it to round 2. I’m hoping for some luck this year to go further.

This is a very coveted pane to be on. There are only a handful that are chosen. So I am going to do my best to put my creative thinking cap on and find a way to stand out and become noticed again!

Wish me luck!

Marine Corp Marathon Training – 14 miles

After my whining and complaining the other day on my blog, I followed through on my promise to myself and woke up when my alarm went off (6:30 on a weekend morning), made my oatmeal and tea, mapped out a route, and loaded up my ipod.  I was on the road by 7:30.  I hadn’t checked the temperature; but it wasn’t as humid as it was during the week.  It was still warm though.  I’d take a guess that it was still around 70 degrees at 7:30 this morning.

To help make this easier for me I reached out to my Mickey Miler friends and learned that I was not alone.  My friend Kristie Green was heading out to do 18 miles at 1:30 in the morning in Texas!  If she was doing that, then my little 14 miler was nothing.  Others were also having a hard time with putting in some more miles lately and we are thinking the heat may be to blame.

To help me mentally prepare I began gathering up my running gear during the day and laying it out so I would see it and start to embrace the fact that I WAS going on this run and I AM picking up my training mileage.  Summer is here, and yes it’s harder to get in the longer miles during the summer months, but I knew the worst that could happen would be that I may need to walk more of it.  I also made sure to make my water bottles and freeze them as well as mix up some Nuun to make sure I am properly hydrating with electrolytes during the warm warming run.

I set my alarm for 6:30 and was very good about getting up as soon as it went off.  I didn’t want to wake up my husband and I knew that I had to get up at that moment or else I could possibly back out or delay it even longer.  I am very good at sticking to my plan; but with the way I have been thinking lately I didn’t want to leave any opportunity to fail.

It took me a few miles to get into the game.  I walked the first 1/2 mile to warm up my mind and body (or stay cool) and then once I was in the shade I began my 30/30 intervals.  After around mile 3 I was starting to get into a little groove; I was also on a shady road so it was helping me feel more comfortable and not overheated.  The first 2 miles had a lot of sun on it and it was starting to concern me.


Miles 1-2

As I approached mile 4.5 I had to walk up some beastly hills.  It was tough.  Then I was in a lot of sun again.  So as I finished around mile 6 I decided that I would stop at my house to get some ice and refresh my water bottles with ice and water.  It was too hot and I didn’t want to take any chances of getting sick from the heat.  My stomach was also growling so I grabbed a few pretzels.  I think my pit stop was for about 15 minutes and then I was back out on the road to finish the last 6 miles.  I decided to take a different route than originally planned and ran again on one of the shadier roads.


Mile 3



Mile 4.5




Picture never make hills look as bad as they are!


Mile 5

For the last 2 miles I did a lot more walking than running.  But I wasn’t too hard on myself.  I knew I was getting back into it again both mentally and physically and the fact that I was out there still in the heat and being smart about it made me feel ok about my pace.  When increasing my mileage the last 3 newer miles I tack on since my previous long run are always the hardest.  So since my last long run was Chicago 2 weeks ago I knew I’d be ok.

Mile 13

Mile 13

Now to keep up the positive momentum and continue onward toward the Marine Corp Marathon and the 2016 Dopey Challenge!




I Am A New Member of Team Oiselle – Volée

The other day I received an e-mail with this information in it:

I had contacted Oiselle a few weeks ago while I was working on my running sponsorship strategy.  I was added to the list and received this email that they are opening a limited number of spots for their team. I was excited when I got up today because I new it was the day for the new openings on the team and I really wanted to be a part of this team!  I had my reminder set on my phone and my computer all ready to go for noon EST.  I had NO idea how popular the registration process was going to be.  The membership application process froze up the Oiselle servers today for a good hour when they opened up the process.  I had TweetDeck running and was following @oiselle and #oiselleteam to keep up with what the issue was.  It was exciting, but nerve wracking at the same time!

Last year the team name was referred to as “The Flock”.  This year the name of the team was being changed to Volée, which means “flock” in French.  So all previous Flock and Volée team members are under one team name.  I am looking forward to being a member of Team Volée!  I love being a part of teams.  I have made great friends while being on the Mickey Milers Team, Team Chocolate Milk, and now I am looking forward to connecting to new friends on Team Volée. There are team members from all over the world and all 50 states are represented in this community.

To me running is not only about living a healthy life and being an example to my children, having my time to myself to do something that I love; but it is also about the connections I am making.  I am looking forward to getting to meet my team mates and hooking up at races!  I am representing Connecticut but race at many of the runDisney races.  Please follow me on TwitterInstagramFaceBook or Pinterest so we can hook up!

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