
Losing Your Mojo

The Mickey Miles podcast had an excellent pod cast this week about losing your running mojo. Chris Trawick was a guest and he nailed every point on the head to what I had recently experienced and now realize was a true case of losing my running my mojo.  It wasn’t an extreme case of mojo loss, but I was in a little slump.  I am also thinking back to this time last year and will have to visit my blog posts to see if this happens at the same time every year.  I do believe that after my fall training and then completing the Dopey challenge, I tend to want to ramp down my mileage for a little while.  But knowing that the Princess half marathon isn’t far off from the completion of those races; I still have to keep my training fresh so I have the miles under my belt for the Glass Slipper Challenge.  But then after that I tend to want to back down on the miles again for a short period before working up again for the Spring half marathons I typically sign up for.  Then before you know it, you look at the calendar and it’s time to start picking up longer runs again in July/August to get ready for the fall races.  So for me it is cyclical.

Mike’s definition of mojo was when it brings you the euphoria from getting out there and doing something that makes you feel good.  Michelle’s definition of it was how it makes you feel about yourself as a runner.  How you feel about your training, your body/weight, your speed.  How you feel about yourself as a runner.  These are great definitions.  I identify running as a major component in my life and when it starts to disappear from my daily or weekly routine I begin to feel like I am losing a part of myself.  My chiropractor recently explained that when it falls out of our regular routine we begin to feel out of whack.

So what is the loss of running Mojo?  They defined it as a loss of excitement about the training and upcoming events, races.  Training can be fun; but sometimes the hard work requires us to get out the door and sometimes something gets in the way from us getting out there.  For me it was recent events at work and home.  I have been very busy and have had some early morning and late nights.

I was having successful races this spring with almost getting a PR for the Cheshire Half marathon, finishing the Middletown Half Marathon at such a great pace considering how hilly it was and also actually doing those races despite my lower mileage during training and a nagging injury.  I think part of my mojo loss right there was the last word in that sentence.  Since February and the long winter that wouldn’t let go; I was dealing with an ankle injury from doing something non running!  I twisted my ankle when my boot got stuck in icy snow.  So I believe that for me, when I am injured, it makes it harder for me since I don’t feel 100% and it makes me hesitant to get out there and add insult to the injury.

If you are experiencing a loss of running mojo, ask yourself , how did you lose it?  Is it from something you did wrong?  Are you injured?  Did a specific event trigger it?  Fitness, weight, stress from home?  Does that throw you out of your rhythm or routine?  Non physical can take the enthusiasm out of it for you.  Fatigue, sickness, over training, boredom, the weather.  There are so many things that can take the fun out of it for you.

How do you get it back?  Well Mike, Michelle and Chris had some great tips for getting the Mojo back.

  1. Acknowledge it.  I realized I didn’t have the same energy level back in late April.  I thought something was wrong with my health.  But then looking back to what Chris is saying, if I did just acknowledge that I am in a slump or losing a little running mojo, I could move forward with it.  I was in a rut.  I had lost a little love of running.  But I didn’t want to ever admit that because it is something that I really enjoy.
  2. Reset.  Reset the goals and priorities.  I had to refocus on smaller goals.  For me it was getting my butt out of bed again sometimes to get in a run in the morning because for me, a day begins better when I can get a run done early in the day.  It helps give me clarity of thinking and then I feel better knowing I got my workout done early in the day while the kids are sleeping and then I don’t have to lose family time at the end of my work day.  Jeff Galloway said, “A body in bed stays in bed.  A body in motion stays in motion.”
  3. Diversify.  I did this this very weekend.  I had the chance to get in two runs in a row on Thursday and Friday and then on Saturday I took the kids out for a 3 mile bike ride.  That was a lot of fun for them to ride their bikes on a road; but it was great for me to get out as a family to do something active.  Try to mix up your workouts.  I want to get weight training back into my routine again as well.
  4. Set a goal.  Back off of an ambitious goal you have and start with smaller successes.  Sometimes as runners, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves with our training plans and long runs.  Try doing a few short races so you don’t have the pressure to put in the long miles.  Do it for fun again.
  5. A point that I find helpful is friends.  When you run a race with friends it makes the race so much more enjoyable than running it alone.  It also gives you something to look forward to.

So if you are experiencing a loss of running Mojo, listen to the Mickey Miles Pod cast episode 286.  It was just what I needed to hear while I was out on my second consecutive day’s run on Friday afternoon.  I just started making running a priority again and forcing myself to get out there because once I start I know I will feel better.  Sleep is something that I have been needing more of lately; but I know that if I stay up late and sleep late, which means no morning run, then I WILL make it a priority to get the run in after work instead.  If I know that I can’t run after work, then I figure out a way where I will get the run in during the morning.

Are you in a running slump?  It happens.  It happens to the best of us.  Don’t let it get you down.  Acknowledge it and move on.

What I Didn't Know About The Last Day Of School

What I Didn’t Know About The Last Day Of School

Isn’t that supposed to be one of the happiest days of the school year?!  Well why was I a blubbering mess when the kids took their last day of school pictures and climbed onto the bus and drove off? I knew I was going to see them in a few hours as I go to school to celebrate their last day of school festivities.

Fast forward a few hours and my husband and I went to our son’s class first to take part in their last day of school party.  As always, my son’s face lit up when he saw us.  I could practically see his heart skip a beat in his chest.  The kids participated in different stations throughout the class and I had to restrain myself from kissing him all over.  I am so proud of his accomplishments.  He showed us that he received an awards for Best Bus Behavior.  Then we watched a slide show his teacher made of all the activities they took part in throughout the year.  Cue in the sappy music and adorable pictures and the lump in my throat was getting larger.  The kids had frozen yogurt sundaes during the slide show, which was a big hit.

Moving On To A New School

While Kevin watched the show, my husband and I went up to have lunch with our daughter.  She was full of smiles and her friends were also happy.  There was definitely the feeling of the last day of school in the air.  All the teachers were smiling; but I was choking back tears.  I’m sure if I were a teacher I’d be smiling too!  I just feel sad that I will be working all summer and I want to spend time with them.  We wait all winter for this time of year and the weather so I am going to maximize my time with them the best that I can during the daylight and evening hours.

We had lunch with Adrienne and then went back downstairs to finish up the party with Kevin.  He sat on my lap while we watched the end of the slides and my lap was almost not big enough for him!  I was smothering him with love and didn’t care that he was already 8 years old and I was loving all over him in front of his classmates.  Soon enough I won’t be able to do that anymore in school.  Or he won’t want me to embarrass him in front of his friends.  But I needed to hold on to him and keep him small in my arms.

Kevin’s Growth

Mrs. Bannon presented the class with some gifts and a copy of the DVD that we all watched.  She got me good when she presented us with the photo collage with the kids’ pictures on it holding up the word that they chose to describe the year.  It was when she said Lyla’s word was “bad” which really does sum it up well for her.  Battling her third round of chemo during the beginning of the school year was bad.  It was hard, the kids missed her and she fought hard and successfully beat it again!  What I noticed the most about this class was how much they loved and missed Lyla.  When they all saw her picture in the slide show everyone said her name out loud!  Then when they saw a picture of her towards the end they all commented that her hair was growing back.

 My son told me that his class received an award during their assembly this morning.  It was the Community Award.  I couldn’t think of a more appropriate award for such a caring class.  The children were a community.  They reached out to our community to help one of their own classmates who was battling a fight of her life.  They all rallied from the beginning of the year when they learned that Lyla had cancer and had to miss a lot of school to get treatment.

There was a Love For Lyla football game, fundraisers, raffles, spirit day, St. Baldrick’s cut-a-thon, hat day, they had a mascot, Spot which was Lyla’s favorite stuffed animal.  Spot sat in Lyla’s seat when she wasn’t in school.  I am going to miss their class.  It was a special group of children. I hope they always remember that bond they had as a community during a time one of their fellow classmates struggled.  Thank you Mrs. Bannon for teaching and fostering the children to care. Your giving spirit is contagious.

Adrienne’s Growth

My daughter was emotional the day before the last day of school.  She was a timid, quiet girl in the beginning of the year.  But by the end of the year, I noticed her hold her head up high and stand up tall when she was around her friends and in school. She had difficulty in preschool with leaving me.  There were tears many times.  But this year she became so independent and confident.  We always worried about her not wanting to get on the bus without her brother; but after one time when he has chorus and she wanted to go by herself, that was it.  She didn’t mind going alone.  In fact, she looked forward to it.

She told me this morning that she didn’t want school to end.  She was going to miss her teacher.  That is music to my ears.  She has really blossomed.  I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming.  But, no one told me how much it would hurt seeing her grow up.  When we were with her in the cafeteria at lunch today I couldn’t stop staring at her.  Her sparkling eyes that smile when she smiles.  Her little ears exposed because she had her hair in a french braid.  Her muscular little arms in her tank top. I love her so much I wanted to scoop her up and run downstairs and get Kevin and run out of there with them.  But I let them stay in school until the end to enjoy the last few hours of their school day with their friends and teachers.

 I felt like today I saw them grow up before my eyes.  My son will be going into a new school, for the older kids, and my baby girl is going into first grade.  I keep telling them to stay little, but they keep reminding me that they can’t.  I wish I could freeze time at their ages.  I know people say the years fly by; but I didn’t think it would feel this fast.  I try to savor every minute and make as many memories, take as many pictures and have as many laughs as we can.

Enjoy The Summer!

Sure, this is the beginning of summer vacation, I give it about a day before the kids start complaining about being bored, or fighting with each other and I’ll be wishing they are going back to school and a normal routine again; but I don’t want to rush our summer away.  Kids will be kids.  Tonight when we got ready for bed my son came up to me and gave me a huge hug and told me I was the greatest mom in the whole world.  I needed to hear that.  I LOVE SUMMER and can’t wait to spend it with my family! Summer of Fun 2015 officially begins today!

I Can’t Wait To See and Shop the Disneyland 60th Celebration

In just a few short months I will be in California for my third Dumbo Double Dare race through Disneyland. During this time Disneyland is celebrating its 60th Anniversary Celebration and I am so excited that I get to be there during such a big event. One thing I will be doing for sure will be visitng the parks this time. Usually when I travel to Disneyland for Dumbo Double Dare there are enough meet ups and friends to hook up with in Downtown Disney that I am busy enough to not need park tickets. But I want to go to the parks and see the parades, World of Color and the fireworks. This year I am traveling with Diana who hasn’t been to Disneyland at all, so it is her first time. In a sense it will be my first time as well!

While I was in the Disneyland Park for the Pasta In the Park Party at last year’s race, I did ride a few rides; but I feel like I didn’t really see the park. I was struggling with my flying migraine being one of the worst with that trip so I had a rough time. I couldn’t stay out late and by the time I felt better it was time for me to fly home.  This year I want to see the park and ride the rides, enjoy the Paint The Night Parade in Disneyland Park and then go to Disneyland Forever Fireworks show! 

photo by Disney Parks Blog


The second must-do on my list is to go Disney California Adventure and see the World of Color.  This is a fountain, fire and laser effects show with music and towering screens.  Celebrate is the name of the show and it reminds us never to give up on our dreams, that anything is possible!

photo by Disney Parks Blog

photo by Disney Parks Blog

Disneyland is also rolling out special merchandise for this celebration and I have a wish list of the must-have items I want to add to my collection.  The Alex and Ani bracelets are the first I want to add to my collection.

photo by Disney Parks Blog


photo by Disney Parks Blog

I would love a Dooney and Bourke Disneyland edition.   

photo by Disney Parks Blog

Other merchandise announced by Disney included special picture frames, phone cases, special edition ears, steins shoes and much more!  Check out the video below to see what they have to offer.  

photo by Disney Parks Blog

What do you want to get from the Disneyland special merchandise? 

photo by Disney Parks Blog


Technology Is Out Running Me

I was having dinner with my family the other night and we had the Be Our Guest Podcast playing in the background because Mike, Rikki, Pam and Debbie were doing their 12 hour live show to raise money for Give Kids the World.  I think my dad was fascinated that Mike was running the show out of his basement.  He was asking me how it’s done and I explained that he has a microphone and it’s set up to his computer and he uses Skype.  That’s about the extent of my knowledge of how Mike runs the show from his basement.  I know that there is more involved with editing the show and getting it posted to iTunes afterwards.  In fact, I researched how to create a podcast last summer; but nothing came of it.

So we were talking and my dad was saying how technology is outrunning him.  We were discussing voice over IP and how phone lines used to transfer data via fax and bits and bytes… (I’m not sure of all the technical telephone data jargon he was using).  He worked for the phone company for my whole childhood.  That was when the phone company was known as the phone company, Southern New England Telephone (SNET).  There was only one phone company.  That’s when you worked for a company until you retired, you didn’t switch jobs every couple of years because of layoffs, downsizing, or companies leaving the state because the taxes are too high to do business here.

What was my point???  Oh yea, technology.  I have been on a learning kick lately listening to podcasts about Social Media Marketing.  One podcast in particular that I like a lot is Social Media Examiner with Michael Stelzner.  Back in April I heard about an app called Periscope.  I didn’t know what it was, but it was popping up on my phone.  So I had to check it out.  My younger friends like Joe Pardo were using it and that was making me feel like I am behind the times on these new cutting edge technologies.  I felt like what my dad said.  It was beginning to out run me.  So I had to research into it.  I signed up for Periscope and saw my friend, Joe who was running a race in Philly stream it live while he was running.  Then when the Mickey Milers were in Disney for the Everest Challenge race, they were using it to broadcast the event.  I still used it to only watch what others were doing; but wasn’t “broadcasting” any of my own events.  Then I tried it one night.  It was fun.  I want to use it for more purposeful things instead of live streaming my gas fireplace on my back deck, and I will when the time is right.  But I also needed to learn more about this so I turned to Michael’s podcast.  Most recently he had an episode with Brian Fanzo about Meerkat and Periscope.  If you don’t know what the differences are between these two apps, please check out this podcast.  It was great.  Brian explained the differences between the two, the pros and cons of each and also, which one do you want to use to get started with live mobile broadcasting.

If there is an event that I can’t attend I am now going to search Periscope to see if anyone is streaming that event live.  This is great for attendees of conferences who want to share some of the content they are hearing to others.  But as I was thinking about that, I wondered how that will be received by the event hosts.  Attendees pay money to attend the conferences, and if others are live mobile broadcasting the content, then where is it considered not appropriate to share?  Using your phone to live broadcast a movie is of course, illegal and I’m sure the platforms will shut down the users who are taking such actions.  So there is a lot of questions regarding privacy and copyright that must be considered when using these live mobile broadcasting tools.  But when using them with the right intentions in the right way; they are a powerful way to influence and share with others.

My friend Amanda recently attended the IPW15 and Periscoped a private party being hosted in the Magic Kingdom that night.  It was incredible to see the ghosts of the haunted mansion outside while she showed us the video and answered questions that were being typed into the app.

photo by Amanda Tinne7

photo by Amanda Tinne7

So if you want to stay ahead of the curve with technology and social media, I suggest you start listening to the Social Media Marketing Podcast.  It has been an extremely helpful podcast to educate me on the latest trends in Marketing and Social Media.

Inside Out Sneak Peek

Prior to our arrival to the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, the agenda said that we would be going to Downtown Disney early in the morning on Saturday for a few hours.  I suspected that we were going for a movie screening; buT didn’t know which movie we were going to see.

During the General Session on Friday, Jonas Rivera, Producer and Vice President of Production for Pixar happened to mention a little movie coming out called “Inside Out”.  It was then, that we learned we were going to get a Sneak Peek into DIsney Pixar’s latest new movie.


Jonas shared with us what goes into the making of an animated picture.  He showed us several of the different roles that the artists have and how much work goes into a movie.  He said they make a movie nine to ten times before a movie is actually completed!  The premise of the movie was inspired by the experiences ones of the team members was having with his tween daughter.  I’m sure you all want to know what goes on inside the brains of your children.  During Jonas’ presentation we saw movie clips, sketches and the voice artists of all of the characters.  I was excited to learn that we were going to see this movie.  I wasn’t sure if it would be Inside Out of Tomorrowland for our special sneak peek so I was excited to learn that it was Inside Out.  I was even more excited after I saw more about the characters in the movie and the voice personalities.


On Saturday morning, after our ride-along video taping in the Magic Kingdom (more to come on that in a future post), we were bused back from the Magic Kingdom to the Yacht Club where we got on another bus to Downtown Disney around 8:30. When we got to the theater we had to check our cell phones in at the front.  No video taping or photographs were allowed during the screening of the film.  It was TOP SECRET!  We then picked up our Grab and Go breakfast boxes, fruit, muffins, coffee, tea and juice and went to the theater.  I have never been to the AMC Theater in Downtown Disney.  The seats were very comfortable and the theater was really nice!

Before the movie started we were treated to some previews to Star Wars Rebels coming on Disney XD June 20.  We also saw a preview to the new Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.  I had seen it before but seeing the preview in the movie theater gave me goose bumps!!   I didn’t consider myself a big Star Wars fan (I’m sorry, don’t shoot me!)  I like the movies; but I don’t consider myself a Star Wars junkie. But now that I saw the preview I want to watch all of the movies over the next few months to get ready for the new movie.  I can’t wait to see it in December!

We had one last surprise before we saw the movie.  We  Pixar short file called “Lava” which was adorable!  We had the chance to see the entire movie but you can see a clip from it here:

Inside Out comes out in theaters on June 19th.  We saw two thirds of the movie so we will be going to the theater to see the entire film!  It was THAT good!  Will you be going to see Inside Out this summer?

Today I Needed A Reset

Do you ever feel guilty or overwhelmed because you weren’t doing the things you want?  Hello?  Isn’t that pretty much all of us 99% of the time?  Well something happens in June where all of a sudden the calendar has something set on 6 out of 7 days of the week. And the one day you don’t have plans it’s time to catch up on what you had to ignore while being out busy all the time. Or at least that is how it has been for me this month. 

I feel like since we landed after vacation we haven’t stopped. Birthdays, baseball games, races, work and life. It’s all good stuff but I feel like I haven’t been able to balance it all lately. And what I have been doing is hit the snooze button. But I keep justifying it in my brain by saying that I need the extra sleep because I am so busy. 

Well today I felt like it was starting to crush down on me. I set my alarm for earlier but didn’t follow through on it. I did the treadmill instead but all day I knew I was going to hit my roads for some therapy. I took a walk during a work break as well to get some fresh air. But when I got up today I had a headache and neck ache and my body was telling me I needed my therapy. I had been missing it. It was time to get back to it. And despite getting home around 6 I changed and hit the road. And it felt so good. There was a pretty bird just sitting on the side of the road. I just had to stop in my tracks and take its picture. It wasn’t moving at all. I just sat there. But it wasn’t there on my way back. I think it was telling me to take my time and enjoy all of the nature out there.   It was very warm out and I was drenched in sweat but it never felt better. There was a fragrance of flowers in the air. There was a light breeze. The sun was warm but the shade was cool. I hit my reset button. I even did some cadence drills while I was out there. Now I have to continue that momentum.   

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