
Depression Overwhelmed a Wonderful Artist

As usual I found out about popular news on Facebook. The talk of the afternoon was that Robin Williams died. At first I thought maybe it was a hoax like when the rumors were circulating that Jon Bon Jovi died. But when I went to yahoo there was a breaking news alert stating that he did pass away today from a suicide.

It was so sad. The reason why I am writing about it tonight is because I feel compelled to share that people are ashamed of battling depression. Just today I was talking to my sister (before we heard of the news) and she mentioned to me that depression is a disease. Many diseases are treated with medications such as heart disease thyroid disease and people aren’t charged for one people are battling with depression it’s a much quieter matter. It is treated more privately by those suffering from it. I think people suffering it are ashamed or don’t want to be judged. In my opinion I think there is a stigma around anxiety or depression disorders. Very intelligent, professional, wise people may be suffering from it but keep it under wraps because they don’t want their careers affected by it. Meanwhile all of those emotions are bottled up maybe not being treated.

It is ok to ask for help. It is ok to get treatment. If you have high blood pressure you take medication to fix it. It you have thyroid problems you take medication to fix. But I feel that people don’t get help for depression because they will have to take medication for it. The fear of being on antidepressants because of stigma is sad. I hope if anything positive can come from Robin Williams’ death it is the awareness that depression can be treated. You can get help and you don’t have to go through it alone.

Dopey Mental Training

I set my alarm for a Sunday morning early run again and have to say I enjoyed it. At first when the alarm went off I turned it off and thought about going back to sleep. I could see through my blinds at the sun was shining bright so I knew I had to get up and get out there. I took my time while I had my tea and cinnamon bread. I checked my emails and Facebook, watched the news and weather and then headed out the door.

The air was comfortable and I was prepared for some humidity. I kept the pace steady and not too fast not too slow. But while I was out on my run my iPod died so I had time alone to think. I was thinking about my trip coming up next week and how I need to do a 6 mile run followed by a 17 mile run the next day. Where I will be on vacation will be a very hilly location so I am concerned that I am going to struggle with the hills. This is why it becomes mental training at this point.

I have to not worry about the hills and just put one foot in front of the other and get the miles done, especially with a 6 mile followed by 17 mile run back-to-back. I’ve never done such a run before.

I want to enjoy my vacation, and I know I will but I know I will feel even better about myself when I get these training runs completed while on my trip.

Since it is going to be a hillier run I’m thinking that I need to pack my Camelback. My husband said he may ride his bike while I am on my training run. I don’t think he realizes how early I plan on hitting the road.

So now as the week goes on and I know that I have a double run and a long run on the schedule I will spend the week thinking about it. Usually I am more comfortable with it. But since it is in a different location I feel a little anxious about it. Mental training time. Sometimes it is harder than the actual run!

Dumbo Double Dare and Jamberry Wraps

Summer is quickly closing in on us.  The night time air is cooling down and the days are getting shorter.  Dumbo Double Dare is less than 20 days away!  I haven’t been posting as much on my blog lately because I have been living as much as I could outside of the computer world and trying to keep the #Epicsummer2014 going strong.

However, as Dumbo is now less than 20 days away I needed to get my act together to get my race costume together.  I came to hook up with Jamberry nails and am now hosting a party with a specific approach to the runDisney Dumbo Double Dare weeekend and the wraps that are available for that weekend.

What are Jamberry nails?  They are one of the newest trends in nail accessories.  They are vinyl nail wraps in hundreds of colors and designs to help make a manicure last as long as 2 weeks.


How does this relate to Dumbo Double Dare you ask?  Well let me tell you.  I don’t remember exactly how it came to be, but my consultant that I am working with to host my party showed me some Minnie Mouse ideas and I said wow, cute!  How about Dumbo?  Do you have anything with a Dumbo theme that I can use as an accessory to my race costume.  Well after some hunting around Jennifer Frank found me some Dumbo wraps.



Well I couldn’t keep this secret to myself.  I had to share it and enable all of my other runDisney freaks, I mean, friends to spend their money on things for their race costumes!

Jennifer also found Lilo and Stitch themed wraps to go along with the 10K theme of the weekend.


I haven’t tried them yet. I am waiting for my first order to come in, but I can’t wait. I heard many good things about the Jamberry wraps. What a brilliant idea. You can purchase pre-made designs or design your own with the online art studio.

I’d love to host future parties prior to the runDisney races to gather up more interest if the Jamberry wraps. Who knows, maybe I’ll become a consultant in my “free time”.

If you want to attend my Facebook party please follow this link  If for some reason it doesn’t work, email me at and I’ll hook you up to join the event.

Don’t Look Back

I took my daughter to the dentist this morning and saw this picture hanging on the wall. I thought it was so awesome.  I heard once the expression that when you keep looking at the past you can’t see all the good that is yet to come.  It also crossed my mind that it was so strange that a photo like that was in a children’s dentist office!  Was it a message just for me today?

My Very First Race Location

20140803-095901-35941833This was the field I ran in for my very first race.  It was a 5K at the Potato and Corn Festival in North Branford, CT August of 2011. It is a very memorable day for me, not just because it was my first race, but because it was probably the worst first race anyone could have had! I had thrown my back out the day before because I was riding on the hayrides in a bumpy field, going on the slides with my kids, and sitting improperly on the grass.  These were all recipes for disaster.  The morning of the race my mom had to go to the quick clinic for an infection so she wasn’t sure if she was going to make it for my first race, and not to mention it was a torrential downpour.

But, it didn’t stop me from participating in my first 5K that I had been training for.  Despite being driven there in tears with my family, I pinned on my number, slopped through the mud and lined up with the other runners.  Then the race began.  I pushed through the pain and took my first steps into my racing career.  The rain came down so hard my headphones stopped working.  I was afraid I was going to short out my iPod.  I had no clue what the course we going to be like but I followed the pack.  I was mostly towards the back, but I was just happy to be there.

My finish time was 38 minutes.  Not my best 5K time, but it was my first PR.  Since then I have done many 5Ks, several 10Ks, half marathons and 3 full marathons.  This was where it all began for me.  As they do every year, the race was held this year, but I chose to sit it out because I am training for the Dumbo Double Dare, along with the Philadelphia Marathon, and the Dopey challenge. I can’t afford to twist an ankle on a trail run that I haven’t trained for.  But this race will always mean something to me.  And I am proud to walk its course and remember what it was like running my first race there.


Help Me To Get OntoTeam Chocolate Milk

Last night I was at the Annual Potato and Corn Festival in our town (it’s a very big event in this little cow town), and I saw an email come through on my phone.  I looked at it and it was the announcement that I was selected for the voting round to be on Team Chocolate Milk!  I worked hard on my video to submit and was so pleased to learn that I was chosen.

So from today until August 15th I need to ask for your help.  Please vote for me daily (from any/all devices) and help me make it as 1 of 8 finalists to be on Team Chocolate Milk!

Thanks so much for helping me achieve this dream.

You can view my video and vote at

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