
Running When It Is Humid

hotrunnerThis is the time of year now when I have to be smart when I am running.  I have made mistakes that were costly and ended up requiring physical therapy because I got cramped up in the heat.  I also learned about dehydration when I was a beginner and was pushing too hard in the heat to the point where I was seeing tunnel vision and stars in my eyes during my run (usually uphill).  I saw a doctor for it and they told me I was dehydrated when I ran and pushing too hard for the conditions. I need to invest time at home for 30 minutes a day to do the simple exercises to prevent injuries and strengthen my core muscles and my glutes and hips. This is especially important during this time of year because it doesn’t matter how much I drink, I still lose a lot of water during the hot runs.  However I prefer to spend 30 minutes getting on a good sweat instead, therefore I get injured.

Running in the heat is one thing.  Running when it is very humid is another.  The humidity is more taxing on the body because of the higher moisture content in the air, making it feel hotter.  When you are running on a very humid day, the moisture that your body produces to help cool your body off doesn’t evaporate so the heat never leaves body.  This is dangerous.

I noticed that after running the Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon two weeks ago that I felt flush all throughout the afternoon and evening after the race.  That is because body was heated up and couldn’t cool off with the hot and humid weather.  I also had a headache that afternoon and I think that was because despite having water and Nuun with me and taking water on the race course, I was dehydrated.

heatwaveSo what do you do when you need to get in a run and you don’t want to use the treadmill? Find a shady course to run on.  Try to run early in the morning.  Run along the water where there is typically a breeze, and take walk breaks.  You also shouldn’t try to get your best race pace during these conditions.  Train to run in these conditions, but don’t expect to be at your peak performance.  When the temps heat up, your heart beat also increases by 10 to 20 beats per minute.  That’s going to cause you to work even harder.

Jeff Galloway says when it gets hot out to slow your pace down by 30 seconds/mile for every 5 degrees above 60F.  That’s a lot to slow down.  But he is totally right.  If you don’t slow down in the beginning you are certain to be slower at the end because your body just won’t be able to cool off and you won’t be running at your best.  He says:

 For every second you run too fast during the first half of a race on a hot day, expect to run 10 seconds slower at the end.

How do you know if you are getting heat exhaustion?  These are the signs to look out for:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Tingly Skin
  • Confusion

If you feel any of these symptoms, end your run and/or walk home.  It’s not worth the risk.  If you do feel these symptoms coming on, get into the shade, pour cold water onto your head, and if possible put ice on your neck.  Lay down and elevate your feet.

You can work towards the ability to run in this heat by taking it slow and in small increments. Being from the East Coast, I really only have these conditions to run in for about 4 months out of the year.  I usually don’t do races in the summer and the last time I did it was my first injury that required PT.  So I have learned what to look out for.

Why I Love Jeff Galloway (and the Lose It! App)

I am using Jeff Galloway as my training coach and he trains you for more than just running.  I gave him my recap for my week and the Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon and I mentioned to him about my goals for the summer.  One of my goals was not about running.  Despite all of the running I have been doing and the two marathons I did this Spring, I have slowly been gaining weight.  I have been getting frustrated about this and I have Jeff and Barbara’s book Fat Burning For Women.  I have been meaning to read it but just haven’t gotten to it.

In my weekly recap email I just told Jeff that I had a goal to lose some of that weight.  He simply stated to me the following information:

Fat Burning:  It’s about having a cognitive eating plan every day.  Write down everything you eat, and log it into your preferred website or app.  Then analyze it each day.  You will then start using your conscious brain to choose what and how much to eat.  Barbara’s material has helped thousands of women get the 10-15 pounds off without starving.  You can still have the glass of wine—just have put it in the “budget”.


This may sound like a “DUH” type of response, but it was an A-HA moment for me.  I had been “trying”, but I was never really trying to be conscious about my eating.  My friend Jindy has just lost 14+ pounds using the 21 Day Fix.  I was talking to her and she recommended the Lose It! App.  So I took Jeff’s advice and I downloaded the App and I have successfully lost 2.5 pounds so far in less than a week just because I started to keep track of what I put in my mouth and then I can plan my meals and snacks and treats/drinks accordingly so they are within my budget for the day and I don’t feel deprived!

The Lose It! App is great!  You can scan the bar code of your foods you have and specify the serving size you are eating.  You can also search for foods in the program and add them to the daily log.  You also keep track of your weight and can connect with friends if they are also using the app.



You can also insert your exercise from the day in there and while you carry your phone around with you, it keeps track of how many steps you take during the day.


Sometimes you need someone to state the obvious to you in order for a light bulb to go off. Jeff did that for me and I am so glad that I am moving in a direction that I feel like I have been swimming against for months now.  Thanks Jeff!  And thanks Jindy for recommending this app!  I was going to use but when she told me about this, I downloaded it, tried it and loved it from the start.

Star Wars Land Coming to Hollywood Studios?

swweekends2004I am not a rumor spreader, but I have been reading stuff lately and was wondering if what I am reading has some truth to it.  Is Hollywood Studios converting an area to become Star Wars Land?  There was talk of a Cars Land going on for years, but now that has quieted down and I truly think that it won’t come to Hollywood Studios because it is such a big draw for people to visit Disneyland to experience it.

What I was reading last night from Magical DIStractions speculated that Indiana Jones and American Idol will be closing this fall and the new Star Wars land will reside in that area of the park. I do believe that this would be a great new addition to the park and to Walt Disney World.  It has such a huge following and would tie in very nicely with the Star Wars weekends that are held in May.  This would also be a nice host for a Star Wars Race in Walt Disney World.

Do you think Star Wars Land will come to Hollywood Studios?


Disneyland Race Medals Revealed

On Friday, June 13th, @runDisney tweeted their announcement revealing the new medals for the 2015 Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend!

disneylandmedalsWill you be running any of these races?  I went to Disneyland for my first time last year for the Inaugural Dumbo Double Dare.  They are still running that event again, but changed the 10K medal from the Alice and Wonderland Theme to Stitch.  I am not really a Stitch fan so I am a little bummed about that. However, I do see a theme in place with the new Polynesian updates going on in Walt Disney World. The Disneyland half marathon medal still displays the big D that was there in years past with a little different flare. Any Disney medal is pretty to me. They stand out against all the other medals in my display at home!

Will you be bringing home all or some of these medals this August?

The Grand Floridian Greeter Richard – Always Providing You A Smile!

Kimberly, RIchard and I during Tower Of Terror weekend

Kimberly, Richard and I during Tower Of Terror weekend

I am a Disney bride. We were married 12 years ago at the Wedding Pavilion with our reception in Epcot. You can read about our Disney wedding here.

As the landscape at the grand Floridian has been changed with the addition of the villas, there is one thing that hasn’t changed. Richard is still a familiar face as you walk towards the lobby of the beautiful resort. When you take pictures of the antique cars in front of the hotel, you should take pictures with Richard. He will gladly smile for you and get in a selfie with you.

In my recent trips to Disney I have made it a point to take a selfie with Richard. On my last trip a few weeks ago I tried several times to get my required selfie but Richard was always busy assisting a bride!!  He calls that task train conducting!  Shortly after we returned home from our trip the Disney park blog released a video about Richard. Watch it now!


He is such a doll. Next time you visit Disney and are at the grand Floridian stop downstairs and say hello to Richard!

Richard and I during the Princess Glass Slipper Challenge weekend

Richard and I during the Princess Glass Slipper Challenge weekend

Will runDisney Add A Second Star Wars Race Challenge?

Photo Credit:  Disney Parks Blog

Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog

So now that the registration has come and gone and filled up, I wonder if runDisney will offer another Star Wars Race.  There are talks of it on the pod casts that I listen to.  All speculation of course.

Here are thoughts:

Get rid of Expedition Everest and add a Star Wars weekend the first weekend in May. Star Wars weekend takes place during May at Hollywood Studios so it would be a nice marriage of two events. The kid races and 5K could take place in the morning and then the 10K and half marathons could take place at night since it is very warm in May.  Expedition Everest takes place at night already so this wouldn’t be too different.  Perhaps don’t include the 10K with this race series and just have the half marathon at night to help with logistics.

There could be an Coast/West Coast coast to coast medal with special recognition of the two different Star Wars Challenges.

Then there is the added element of the Tinkerbell Half Marathon weekend taking place May 7-10, 2015.  Yet another coast to coast race going from the East Coast to the West on back to back weekends.

What do you think of this idea?  Do you think it is feasible?  Do you think it will really happen?  Would you do all of the races?

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