
Providence Here I Come!

providenceWhen I finished the Walt Disney World Marathon this January, I came home and the first thing I did was research where I can do another marathon.  I found the Providence marathon and thought that was a perfect location because it wasn’t far from home.  I was hoping I could fine one sooner than the date of May 4; however it gave me time to train some more.

I used Jeff Galloway as my coach during this training. And it was very effective.  My last long run was done two weeks ago on Good Friday.  Now I am wrapping my mind around it.  I usually do my very long run prior to the race as Jeff recommends, however, I am beginning to think that maybe I don’t want to pursue this approach anymore.  I am torn over it because when I finish it then mentally I feel like I’ve already run the race.  But if I don’t do it, then I’m going to struggle when I have to add the additional last 3 miles to the course on race day.  The training to the full distance gives my body what I needs to endure the entire distance.  The harder part, the less physical part.

My goal for this race is to get in at 5:30 or less.  It is a very aggressive goal and I’m going to be running it with Gail, so I’m hoping that she can push me at the end so that I can make it.  I can almost guarantee I’m going to be hurting when this one is over, but it’s okay it will be worth it.  My back up plan is to be in under 5:45.

I am also looking forward to spending the night with the girls and hanging out and having dinner before the race.  It’s always good to get together with race friends. When I first chose this race, I was only planning on going by myself.  But when I told the girls that I was signed up for it they decided to join me.  Always a win-win in my book when people join me or I join others for races!  I have other friends who are running the half so I am hoping to see Michael and Diana while I am there, too!

I have been working on picking out my wardrobe for the race, we are in that temperature swing where it is beginning to warm up. I t looks like it’s going to be 60° but on the water I’m not sure how breezy it is.

Stay tuned for updates on how the event went! Wish me luck!

Have you run this race before?  What is the weather like running near the water?

Be Our Guest Podcast Rikki Is Now A Runner, Too!

beourguestLast week I had Mike Rahlmann from the Be Our Guest Podcast on as a guest, this week his co-host Rikki Niblett is also going to be a guest on my blog.  I knew Mike and Rikki were becoming more interested in running and actually enjoying it more.  When I heard that runDisney was having a meetup on the road in Alanta, I also saw that Rikki was there.  I didn’t realize she was interested in running at that point.

So I asked her about her recent running habit and here are her answers!

rikki1How did you begin running?  Did Mike influence you to get started or did you start on your own?
Honestly, at first, I did start running because of the Atlanta runDisney meet up.  I signed up my husband for the runDisney meet and after I’d signed him up, I thought, well, I can train a little bit and I had enough training time where get close to where I could run two miles.  I thought that that shouldn’t be too hard.  So, I decided to sign up too.

In addition, my friends were all runDisney runners, and of course, Mike was too.  I saw how they were able to do it, so I thought, why not?  As soon as I saw that I was chosen, I started running around my neighborhood so I wouldn’t look completely stupid out there. So, honestly, both runDisney’s Atlanta meet up and my friends running all the different Disney races is what influenced me to start to pick it up on my own.

rikki2What was your first race?
My first race was actually before I started running for real.  (If you call what I do that…I still don’t consider myself a runner, even though I probably am at this point.)  I actually ran the Disney Halloween 5k, back in October of 2011.  Mike’s daughter was originally supposed to come down for the event but backed out last minute.  So, he offered up the bib and I decided that I could try it.  Again, my friends were all running that race, so I thought, what the heck.

My first official first race, under my name and where I’ve done training, will be the runDisney WDW 10k during Marathon Weekend in January.

How do you train?
I train around my neighborhood.  I have a great, quiet neighborhood I can run in.  I started out using the Couch to 5k method, but now I have come up with a method that works well for myself.  Each run I go out for, I add one more minute of running.  After that, I’ll finish my run with a five minute walk.  Right now, I’m up to running 33 minutes straight, and will continue to add one minute on, each time I go out.  (So, next time I go out I’ll run 34 minutes straight, then 35, and so on.)

I have considered doing the run one minute, walk one minute method though.  Maybe once I get to to the point where I’m running a 5k around my neighborhood (I’m currently a little under 2.5 miles), I’ll try a different method to see if I like it better and if it gives me better stamina.

rikki3What or who inspires you?
My friends.  They come from all walks of life and they are out there running these races like it’s no body’s business.  It’s incredible to watch.

My husband also inspires me.  He’s always been the runner in the family and it makes me proud that I’ve finally started doing something he enjoys.  Usually it’s the other way around, where he’s doing something because I like it.  When I go out, I don’t run with him usually, cause he’s a lot faster and can run a lot further (he’s training for the WDW Marathon this time out), but I always feel like he’s proud of me when I return back home from a run.

Finally, not to sound conceited, but in a way, I inspire myself.  I never thought I could do this.  I always hated running.  The mile was torture in school.  Now, I’m out there running 2.5 miles semi-easily.  With no stopping.  That’s incredible to me.  I love seeing myself accomplishing this feat that I never thought was possible.

Do you have a dream race?
Right now, it’s the runDisney 10k in January.  I’ve never run that far before, ever. Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to try the longer distances, but right now, the 10k is a good length for me.

Would you say you have now been bit by the running bug?
Honestly, I think so.  I need to run at least once a week now. I feel gross if I haven’t. I usually try to run twice a week though, if I can. But I have to go out at least once.

Do you have any favorite gear or gadgets?
I’m still such a newb runner that I don’t really.  I use RunKeeper to keep track of my times and my distance.  I carry my iphone in my hand.  I really need to probably buy an armband if I’m going to keep up this running thing, which it looks like I’m going to.

Which Disney Races will you be doing this year and next?
Just the 10k for Marathon Weekend 2015.

How has running changed your life (if it has)?
It has made me proud of myself.  It’s proven to me that I’m stronger than I ever thought I could be.  It has also made me exercise, which I really never did on a regular basis before.  It’s proven to me that anyone can be a runner.  If I can do it, you can.  All it takes is one step at a time.

Do you have any favorite podcasts?  (Disney or non-Disney and/or running related)
Of course I do!  It’s called the Be Our Guest Podcast…I may or may not be a co-host of it.  😉

I also do listen to a few others.  On my Disney list is WDW Today, WDW Radio Show, The DIS, The Unofficial Guide’s Disney Dish Podcast, WEDway Radio, the DFB Podcast, and Radio Harambe.  I also have a couple of non-Disney podcasts.  They are ONCE-Once Upon a Time Podcast and The Walking Dead TV podcast (I got sucked into that one thanks to the hubby).  While running, I also listen to Magical Mouse Radio, Disney Pandora Radio, and Disney iTunes radio, switching off depending on my mood.

Thanks Rikki for answering these questions for us!  I have some advice I can share with you.  You seem to be doing real well as you start your running and training routine.  When I started, I did the same approach where I tried to run the entire distance without stopping.  However, I made the mistake of going out too often and doing too much, too soon which ended in injury.  You are wise to not run every single day.  But if you do wish to increase your distance, then research the Jeff Galloway run/walk/run method.  I have him as my e-coach and began using his training style 2 years ago and that has enabled me to do half marathons and now I am about to run my 3rd marathon next weekend!  So there are so many things ahead of you to learn!  And I’d love to answer any questions you may have!

Also, get a case for that phone!  I’d hate to see an iPhone go crashing to the ground!  There are spibelts that can go around your waist that you can fit your phone in along with any additional small items you may want to carry.

Thanks for stopping by my blog Rikki!

My First 10K PR at The Simsbury River Run

the river run

Sunday, April 27, 2014, instead of running the Cheshire Half marathon for my third year in a row I ran the Simsbury River Run which is a 10K run because I wanted to get a good 10K time to submit to Disney by June 1 for future race corral placement.  When I registered for the race I told Kim about it.  So she signed up and we met at the race.  It was a chilly morning but it was perfect for running.

The race started at noon which was nice because I didn’t have to get up so early for it; but it’s harder running later because of fueling requirements.  But it all worked out.  Kim and I sat in her car for a little bit before the race and talked strategy to help me get a PR.  I wanted to be under 1:15 at least.  A finish time of 1:10 would make me happy.  Her PR for a 10K was 1:02.  So I had that number in the back of my head also.  I also had my instructions from Jeff Galloway on what I should run based on the temperature and the required pace and intervals for that temperature.  Needless to say I had a lot of numbers going around in my head prior to the start and I only use my iPhone with Endomondo to keep track of my mileage and miles per minute.  This is where Kim was reminding me that I need to get a Garmin so I will have more information at my fingertips.  I knew that and had been thinking of it after my mom gave me money for my birthday.

So we hopped out of the car, used the porta potties one last time before the race, and lined up in our small corral!  It wasn’t a very big race, which was ok.  I was feeling antsy because my legs were feeling a little tired (I don’t know why) and my heart wasn’t really in this race.  I am focusing more on the marathon I am doing next Sunday.  But I knew I wanted to get a great time on this race but wasn’t sure I had it in my to do that.

When the airhorn went off we took off.  I ran the entire first mile at a pace of 8:50.  When I heard my phone announce my mile pace I was shocked.  I felt like I was running fast, but I didn’t realize I was going that fast.  But I figured if I had 1 mile under my belt at a fast pace that would help me get a PR for the rest of the 5 miles I had to do.  I started doing my 40/20 intervals per Jeff, but changed it to 30/30.  I kept that up for miles 2-3, then changed to 1:00/0:30 for mile 4.  At mile 5 I wanted to rest my legs a little so I changed to 30/30 and pushed on my run portions of the interval.  I was feeling a little intimidated at mile 5 because I knew it was only 1.2 miles to the finish but I was unfamiliar with the course and I wanted to gun it at the end but I didn’t want to do it too soon.


Finally I saw where we were going to approach the finish line and I switched it into high gear and ran as hard as I could to the finish.  It felt like I was going in slow motion and my legs didn’t want to move; but I didn’t give up.  I pushed harder.  I looked up and Kim was yelling at me “YOU GOT A PR!!!!” and she gave me a big hug!  That was so awesome!   She had just finished a minute before me and said she turned around after finishing and saw that I was making my way to the finish. Thanks for being there for me Kim! My final time was 1:05. I am shocked considering lately my 5K time range from 33-38 minutes. But those are usually shake off runs after my long training runs.


See the guy behind me?  I passed him a few times and he passed me, but I really wanted to beat him so I passed him one last time to make my break for the finish!  I LOVE when I can run past a guy in a race and beat him!  I will definitely consider this race course for future races if I need to get a good 10K finish time for Disney races.  The course wasn’t too hilly, I got a PR there and it’s not an overcrowded race.  It was an hour away from my house; but I didn’t mind the drive.  I got to enjoy my Be Our Guest Podcasts on the way there and back and got a few ideas for our upcoming vacation!

Thanks for joining me Kim and for taking my finish line picture!  It was Fun!

Boston Marathon Bib Stealing

Kara Bonneau of Durham, North Carolina

If you are not part of the running community you probably haven’t heard about a situation that happened at the Boston Marathon this year where four bandits made copies of a bib and printed it out to use to run the race.

When the owner of bib #14285 went online to view her race photos on she found her photo along with four other individuals wearing the same bib!

This has gotten a lot of publicity in social media and also recognition by the Boston Marathon Association.


Four other runners wearing Kara’s bib number

Of course this is also theft.  You are stealing someone’s photograph of their bib number and printing it out so you can run a race that you didn’t pay for.  People don’t just register for Boston or get in for a lottery.  You have to QUALIFY for it or raise money for a charity (and it’s a lot of money you must raise).  This is what makes the Boston marathon such a coveted race to run.  The bandit runners also took medals that they did not pay for!  They also probably used water, and fuel sources on the race course that other runners’ registration fees pay for.

And then there is the issue of safety.  When you register for a race, you also sign a waiver. There is also an area on the back of your bib where you should fill out personal information about yourself, emergency contact information and important medication information.  Should you become hurt or unconscious during the race, this information is helpful to the first responders.

When I first saw these pictures of the four individuals circulating through my social media channels asking people to identify these runners I was very surprised.  I will admit that I am naive about the unethical things that happen at races so people can run them.  I don’t even know the half of what goes one for people to steal to get into races.  But then I saw more and more coverage about it and that the Boston Athletics Association is getting involved.

As I did more research on this topic I found another news story about it from with the wife of the owner of Foursquare running under a fake bib number.  How sad.

“The owner of the real bib looked closely at the bandit’s photo using her bib and saw a twitter handle on it.  She then researched on twitter and saw conversations being tweeted shere Chelsa Crowley, wife if Foursquare Founder Dennis Crowley tweeted out that she was looking for a bib.  Someone tweeted back, “Fake bib? 34033” and she replied with , “Shhh.”

What a shame.

Dennis and Chelsa ran the marathon together last year and got separated before the finish line and wanted to run together again this year but his wife couldn’t get a bib. She crossed the finish line last year just minutes before the bombs went off. He did not, so he was allowed to return again this year. They said they donated $5,000 to charity this year and that there was no malicious intent to what they did using a fake bib this year.  Just because you donate money to a charity doesn’t mean you can make your own bibs and think that it justifies why you are stealing someone else’s bib number!  Shame on you!

The rules for the Boston Marathon and other races are clear when they specify that no one is allowed to wear the bib number of an official entrant.  In the past the B.A.A. has not allowed runners who have been found duplication bibs to run future races held by their organization.

This year’s race was spectacular and inspiring.  I know cheating in sports is common.  It’s just disappointing to really know that it happened at the Boston marathon also.  I hope there will be a way in the future to stop this behavior; but someone will always find a way to outsmart the system.  And I hope it doesn’t come at the expense of those who pay the registration fees in the end.


What I Learned From Tara Gidus The runDisney Nutritionist

taragidusOn my Boston Marathon World Run I listened to my favorite Mickey Miles Podcast in the beginning of my run.  Tara Gidus was on again giving nutrition advice and answering questions.  She was so resourceful the last time she was on prior to Dopey weekend and I learned so much from her.  This time I learned even more!

I want to purchase her book “Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies” and maybe one day hire her as a nutritional counselor for me.

What I took out of the latest podcast from her:

  • Eat within an hour of waking up
  • Drink your water
  • Take a supplement like Vitamin D at least 1000 of it.
  • Calcium is another good supplement to take
  • Prior to a race have your breakfast such as toast with peanut butter, a bagel, banana, oatmeal.  Then while waiting for the race to start, munch on something simple like Frosted Flakes.
  • Eat small meals throughout the day.  They should last you about 3 hours until you feel hungry again.  If you don’t feel hungry it means you ate too much.
  • Frozen diet-type meals (Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers) are a great option for a snack because they are low in calories and have just about everything you need for a small meal.
  • Have a smoothie with protein each day as a  small meal and you will easily take in 20+ grams of protein your muscles need to recover.

A big thing she mentioned that sunk in with me is when you are training for a long run or a marathon, it’s OK if you gain a few pounds prior to that event.  That means your body is storing the glycogen  you need to fuel you for that race, as long as you are eating more good carbs.  So the water and glycogen is being held in your cells.  After the race, those pounds should come off when you return to your non carb-loading diet.

Tara is the runDisney Nutritionist and you can read more about her tips for fueling for your runs on the runDisney site.  For more tips and details from Tara’s helpful Podcast, download the Mickey Miles Podcast episodes 161 and 162.



What I Don’t Know About Triathlons

This year with my one word resolution, my word was to GROW.  Well I think I am going to take the plunge this year and do a Women’s Triathlon.  I was considering doing the one in Norwalk in August, but it may conflict with my schedule.  So today Kim posted about the Hartford Marathon Foundation’s Women’s Triathlon that is good for beginners.  I am way more than a beginner!!  I know NOTHING about triathlons.  The good thing is, it is a sprint triathlon and a women’s only triathlon.

Like I just said, I know nothing, what I do know is, I can run and I can ride my bike pretty well.  Last night when we went to Sports Authority to get a pink batting helmet for my daughter I ventured over to the swimming section to see what they had for goggles, swim caps and bathing suits.  I just stood there at the wall and saw ALL the different goggles and shook my head.



What do I wear for the swimming part?  A one piece bathing suit?  Is there something special I should buy?

Do I wear a swimming cap?

What goggles do I wear?

How the hell do I swim??

20140424-065938.jpgThen there were the bathing suits.  I figure I can’t wear the cute mix and match bathing suit pieces from Target for the actual swim part. So I’ll have to invest in a one piece bathing suit.  That’s going to be a scary site squeezing my body into a non-flattering one piece bathing suit that doesn’t have a skirt to cover up my booty!  These suits are around $75.00.  I am going to check out and see if they have one piece suits that I can use my coupons for.  My husband already complained that this sport is getting to be expensive!

I listen to a podcast called Two Gomers and they have shared their experiences learning how to train for a half marathon, then a marathon and now they are actually participating in their first triathlon on April 28th.  I have listened to their training and how much they have grown and learned about doing a triathlon.  They have good swimming tips and also recommended a book called “Triathlon Swimming Made Easy” by Terry Laughlin (total immersion swimming)

What do I bring to the race?

How do I set up for transitions?

Do I need a license for USAT?

What is USAT?

This is going to be an interesting summer as I prepare for this race.  I haven’t registered for it yet, but I am planning on doing it.  I already ride my bike at least twice a week.  I have to begin doing a ride, then running to prepare for that transition from bike to run.  Oh yea, transitions…. that’s another thing I am clueless about!

How do I transition from the water to my bike?

Do I get naked and change into riding clothes?

What do I do about my hair?

Will I have goggle marks on my eyes?  LOL

In all honesty it does sound like a lot of fun as long as I don’t drown in the water first!  I’m sure I’ll be last in the race, but as long as I have fun doing it, that’s all that matters.  I will research into the results from last year to see how the other women did.  That will help me have a goal to shoot towards.  I also need to invest in a bike computer so I can keep track of my mileage and pace besides using my iPhone.  I think I need a waterproof watch or garmin type watch to also help me with my splits.

Stay tuned as I invest in this new challenge this summer!  It should be VERY interesting!

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