
Being a Boston Marathon Spectator

On Monday, April 21 I plan on going to the Boston Marathon as a spectator.  There are three friends that I know who are running the race.  Eddie McCoy, Michelle Scribner-MacLean and Linda Ambard.  I set them up with runner tracking in my phone.  I hope I get to physically see them at the race! I have to get my kids off to school first, then I am driving up.  I have been chatting online with friends of Eddie and Michelle and we are hoping to all hook up and figure out where and how to do this spectating bit!  We have all never been there before.  I am also using the road trip to figure out what I will be doing for the Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon on June 8th with Kimberly Markey and Gail Savidge!  There is a downloadable spectator guide on the Boston Marathon site that I using for reference. bostonmarathoncoursemap I have my computer open with Google Maps, Boston Marathon’s webpage and a marathon pace calculator trying to figure out when people will be taking off, when to expect to see them and where I need to be at what time.  I think being a spectator is harder work that being the actual runner (well…. not exactly).  But it sure is easier to show up at the start line on race morning because you know where you have to be and what time you have to be there and then you follow the rest of the people all the way to the end!  Pretty simple. There are guidelines on what spectators can bring to the race so I need to take these rules into consideration.  I was planning on packing a lunch and having food and drinks with me so I have to study these guidelines and plan accordingly. bostonrules Eddie is a fast runner and will be going out of the start around 10:25.  I believe Michelle and Linda are going at 11:25. I expect to arrive in the area sometime before noon (if I don’t have traffic issues) and I am hoping to watch the race from Heartbreak Hill.  So according to my calculations Eddie will be at the hill around 1 pm and Michelle and Linda will be there around 3:30 .  Parking is something I still haven’t figured out yet. I am making runDisney signs from the #DisneySide party planning kit that I received in February, and I can’t wait to be a part of the excitement of the day and to experience a side to races that I have never done before – cheering others on!  I know that while I am there and feel the energy of this race, it is going to fuel the desire I have burning inside me to one day qualify for this race. Since I have zero knowledge of the area, do you have any advice to give for spectating this awesome event?

I Am Doing it! I’m Registering for the 2015 Dopey Challenge – YIKES!

dopey medalsSo after much thought, I have decided to do the Dopey Challenge this year.  After running the full marathon with Kimberly, Gail and Alison and seeing all the bling they were given at the end, I felt left out.  I also didn’t wake up 4 days in a row and run all of the races, but I am prepared to do that in 2015.  For those who don’t know what the Dopey Challenge it, it is 4 runDisney races in 4 days. The first day is the 5K, the second is the 10K, the third is the half marathon and the fourth is the marathon.  Yea it’s crazy!

I am also comfortable with my decision to do Dopey because I have a plan in my head of how I will accomplish it, when my family will arrive and how I will train.  I am using Jeff Galloway as an e-coach right now and it was the best decision I have made in my running career so far.  I will continue to work with him towards my goal of Dopey.

This week I was watching Ali Vincent’s video recap of the Inaugural Dopey challenge and even though she was scared sick about doing the 4 races, she did it and she lived to tell about it.  I had the chance to meet her at the starting line of the race this year!  She is so nice and very down to earth. Not only did she run the races, but she was also busy at the expo and then was visiting the parks with her mother!

I do not intend to spend a lot of time in the parks before the race.  My goal is to save the days after the marathon to enjoy the parks with my family.  So I’d like for them to arrive on Friday night or Saturday morning and then cheer me on for Sunday and spend time in Florida for the days after the races.  This may mean that they can’t run a kid race this year and I am not so sure I want them to miss out on that chance again.  It’s a minor decision to think about at this point.  Since registration will fill up quickly I have to be 100% sure I am doing Dopey and right now I am.

As I continue through the summer with my races and my Dopey training I will keep you informed of my progress!  It’s not going to be an easy task but I am willing to give it my all!

Kathryn Switzer – The First Woman To Run The Boston Marathon

On my 20 mile training run I listened to the Another Mother Runner podcast #101 with Kathryn Switzer.  What an amazing story she told!  She is the first woman to run the Boston Marathon.  She is a professional journalist, speaker and commentator, and has several books Marathon Woman26.2 Marathon Stories and Running and Walking for Women Over 40.  I have not read any of her books yet but they are next on my list.

She is most famous for running the Boston Marathon 45 years ago, when she officially entered what was considered to be a men’s only race.  This is my first time seeing this image, but this was a very famous image of her running the Boston marathon and being attached by the race director for officially wearing a bib during the race.  Her boyfriend protected her and she continued to run and finish the race.


In 1974 she won the New York City Marathon and in 1975 Kathryn finished second in the Boston Marathon with a finish time of 2:51:33.

Her most recent work is the 261 Fearless Women’s Marathon which took place on March 30, 2014 in Madrid, Spain.  Bib number 261 was her 1967 Boston Marathon bib number.  Women from around the world have been wearing this bib number because it makes them feel fearless in the face of adversity.

Learn more about Kathryn on her website and listen to the podcast, it’s an amazing story!

The Boston Marathon Is A Week Away

One day shy of a year ago was the Boston Marathon Bombing.  The morning of the marathon I was working from home because my daughter was off from school.  I watched the Boston Marathon’s live broadcast from my laptop.  It was a beautiful morning.  The race was exciting and it planted the seed for me that I really wanted to be a part of this race someday. I remember posting to Facebook about my desire to go.  Then several hours later my mom sent me a text to see if I heard about the news.  There was an incident at the race.  I turned on the news and then saw the sad events that were unfolding.  I was so shocked.  I couldn’t believe something bad was happening at such a positive event.  Where were you when the Boston Marathon Bombings happened?

strongerbookLast week the Book Stronger by Jeff Bauman was released.  I love stories where tragedy is turned to something positive and reading of the strength of those who fight through life changing events.  Jeff Bauman was a spectator cheering his girlfriend, Erin.  He looked at the bomber in the eye just several minutes before the bomb placed just feet away from him exploded, destroying his legs.  He saw the bomber, he wanted to make sure authorities talked to him so he could tell him so they could catch the man who did this to him.

His photograph became the human face of the Boston marathon bombing victims.  This book is about Boston Strong.


Jeff Bauman is the man in this famous photograph of that horrific event. Photo: Charles Krupa, AP

Don’t waste a minute, grab this book today!  I already love the book and I am only a few pages into it.  I can’t wait to finish it and be inspired by another book about strength and determination.

Another one of my other favorite running-related, comeback from tragedy books is Matt Long’s The Long Run.  Do you have a favorite book?

The Boston Marathon World Run

As I do my last long training run for Providence this week, I decided that I will use that run as my Boston Marathon World Run and run the Boston Marathon virtually.


This year people from around the world are encouraged to participate in their own Boston Marathon for the first ever Boston Marathon World Run.  To participate, visit the Boston Marathon World Run website.  Pledge to run, walk or wheel any distance on or prior to April 21.

rb-9361You will receive a printable bib number, a digital finisher’s medal and a printable finisher’s certificate.

Be a part of the fun!  Any Ability, Any Distance, Anywhere.  Enjoy your run and share in the spirit of the Boston Marathon.  Download the app and get going today!

One run for Boston Ran Past My Parents’ House

20140412-163545.jpgI was visiting my mom today because she is having a rough time with her recovery from her knee replacement, so I thought the kids could cheer her up. As I was sitting in the rocking chair I noticed a group of runners in Route 17 and saw one with an American flag.

I mentioned it to my parents and they said that it was probably the One Run To Boston group. My parents saw it on the news this morning. I jumped out of the chair, grabbed my phone and ran outside. I yelled out to the group to ask them if they were running to Boston and if I could take a picture. They gladly stopped and posed and let me talk to them for a few minutes. They explained that they were running from New Haven to Northford, and they showed me the torch that was being carried from LA to Boston.



20140412-163552.jpgThe torch has a GPS chip in it that can be followed on the One Run For Boston website.


It was so awesome to see them and I wished I had the foresight to register to be a part of this event that ran right through my town!  I love the running community and what people do to help others.  I will be running my 26 mile training run this Friday and will be running virtually with The Boston Marathon World Run.  I wish so badly I could run the Boston Marathon.  It may not be this year, but I will someday run that race!


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