
#whyirundisney Linda Ambard

I had the pleasure of meeting Linda at the starting line of the 2014 Walt Disney World Marathon.  She was being profiled by runDisney for the #whyirundisney program.  She is a sweetheart and truly misses the love of her life who lost his life serving for our country.  It is because of men like him why we need to appreciate our freedom.  She will be running the Boston Marathon in a week and I am hoping for the chance to see her again!


I Want To Ride My Bicycle, I Want To Ride My Bike

Look at that Gorgeous view!  I took these pictures at the Gouveia Vineyards.  I have the pleasure of either running or biking just 3 miles from my house to this beautiful area.  I took a bike ride up to the vineyard last evening and took these pictures.  I can’t wait until the vines start growing more and I will do it again and get pictures of the lush grapes growing and the green leaves on the trees.

I have been enjoying taking my bike out for little rides during the week.  I need to step it up and do some longer rides and build up my mileage.  Biking for me is a great complement to my running.  I felt different muscles working while I was riding the hills and I need that to help strengthen my legs to avoid injuries.

It is also important if I wish to participate in a biking/running event at some point this year.  I am still researching into a run/bike/run race or a sprint triathlon that I can register for this year in my state.  I’d have to use my mountain bike for  it because I don’t have a street bike.  I’d love to get a street bike but that will be an expensive purchase right now that I don’t want to invest in.

Do you know if any sprint tris or duathlons in the state that are good for beginners?

I Took My Kids Out For a Run

My daughter has been asking me when she can go out for a run with me.  She’s 5.  My son doesn’t really have an interest in going far.  He’s more of a sprinter.  At the WDW kids’ races in January, my son took off like a rocket and left my daughter and husband behind while he went for the finish line.  That’s great!  I love that.  So last night when I was getting ready to go for my run I told the kids to get themselves ready and when I came back I’d take them out for a run.  “In the street?!”, they asked.  I said yes.  They jumped up and down and cheered and clapped.  They were going on a run with mommy in the street!

I did my run and came back to get them.  Of course they didn’t have their sneakers on yet, but we got ready and hit the road.  My daughter was ready to run the entire distance up our hill.  My son who was just recovering from a fever the day before and who suffers from terrible allergies and allergy induced asthma ran about 10 steps and said he wanted to walk.  I knew that was going to happen.

I told my daughter to run to the next mailbox and we’ll meet her there.  We continued this to the top of the street.  Then we turned around to head home.  I thought running downhill would seem easier for the kids.  Adrienne chugged along with her ponytail blowing in the wind, a smile on her face and her arms swinging by her side.  My son complained that his legs felt tight, his side had a stitch and he didn’t want to run anymore!  LOL,

It’s all good. I know my daughter has it in her to do the distance, I know my son is a sprinter.  I also know he came along with us because he wanted to spend the time with me.  Next time I’ll wait until he is feeling better and maybe even just leave him home or bring his scooter!

Harvard Pilgrim Middletown Half & Legends 4-Mile

What an amazing weekend!  First I had my Providence 23 mile training run on Friday with pizza with my family that night.

kimnicoleandiSaturday I went to the Jeff Galloway seminar in Middletown and went out for a quick bite to eat with Kim and Nicole at Tuscany Grill as the UCONN men were playing!  The Waldorf salad was DELICIOUS!  And the beer wasn’t too bad either!  It was fun to hang out with the girls for a little bit.



Sunday, I had the great experience of visiting with Jeff Galloway again ALONG with Amby Burfoot and Bill Rodgers.  The Hartford Marathon Foundation hosted the Inaugural Harvard Pilgrim Middletown Half & Legends 4-Mile in Middletown, CT.  What a fantastic event!

The day was beautiful, couldn’t ask for a better race morning.  The race didn’t start until 11:30 which is also nice for a Sunday morning!  The “legends” were at their tent at 10:15 so I went to visit Jeff and got autographs and pictures.


Jeff and I at the Seminar

Amby Burfoot and I

Amby Burfoot and I

Bill Rodgers and I

Bill Rodgers and I

I was a little star struck.  Yea the are maybe considered “just runners”, but to me they are stars!  They are awesome.  They are also down to earth, chill, cool guys!

I also love these events because it gives me a chance to hook up with more Team runDisney friends!  I saw Diana Boucher again and met Anne and Meg for the first time!  I love making new friends at the races so we can hook up at future races.


My autographed bib

This was my first race that I ran with the Hartford Marathon Foundation, but it won’t be my last.  They put on a great event!  From the seminar the day before, to the medals and food at the end.

I appreciate getting a medal at a race, even if I only did the 4 mile race.  They also had massage therapists which I took advantage of since I did want to work out some sore spots from my 23 mile run Friday.  They give out TONS of food post race for the 4-mile runners and the half-marathoners.  I just hoped they had enough food for the half-marathoners.  In fact, I felt that they gave out too much food for the 4-mile runners.  While it was nice, I don’t think they needed to give out bread, banana, water, pizza, rolls, pulled port and a cupcake to everyone.  But you do get your money’s worth!


Kim and I at the finish

When an organization puts on an event and has that many nice things after it, it makes me want to register for another event they sponsor. They also had nice tech shirts and bags at packet pick up, too!  I want to volunteer at a future even they hold to give back for such a great event they organize.



To top off a great day, the family and I went for a hike in our favorite place, Tyler’s Mill.  It was a perfect day, racing, seeing friends, meeting legends, spending time with my family outdoors!



Providence Marathon Second to Last Long Training Run

Friday I did my 23 mile training run to prepare for Providence.  I was lucky again, the weather was good for it.  It was sunny when I started, but 30 minutes into the run, the clouds rolled in.  There was the chance for rain late in the day, so I was hopeful to get my entire run done rain free.

I began my run with a walk for the first mile to warm up.  After the walk, I ran 30/40 intervals for the first 14 miles.  I did the route I had been following recently that brings me past my house around mile 5.  That’s where I fuel up with a Mott’s applesauce at my mailbox and then head up my hill again for the rest of the route.

20140405-124524.jpgI felt good during my run.  I met some animal friends along the way.  Listened to my favorite pod coasts, Mickey Miles Podcast, Laugh or Go Crazy, Two Gomers, and Another Mother Runner.  I think that is my favorite part about the long runs.  I get the time to listen to all of my favorite pod casts and reflect on what they are talking about.  The Mickey Miles podcast had Eddie McCoy and Kimberly Markey on it so I felt like I was running with my friends for a little bit!  I also made me wish we were running race together sooner rather than later.

During this run, I felt a little negativity after mile 13.  I think I was comparing this training run to my training run I did in 2012 to prepare for my first marathon.  During that year I was a bit faster than I was this year.  I am going to have to compare my stats to see in reality where I really was.  This year I am using Jeff Galloway for my training.  He is recommending I go slower.  I think I did go slower, but still went faster than he recommended.  He wanted me to do a 15/20 interval.  I did that after mile 14.  However, at the 13 mile mark, I was running a 3 hour half marathon.  My past best half marathon last year was 2:25.  This year I am so much slower.  But in the beginning of my run, I was running 12 minute miles, which to me has been faster than my last long run’s pace.  As you can see here, your mind goes through a lot during these runs and one ounce of negative thinking can go crazy in your brain while on the road for 5 hours and 15 minutes.

Despite the negative thoughts, I was happy that I had fast bursts of speed during the run portion and then rested in the walk.  I can’t avoid the hills however.  Every time at the end of my run, my pace slows down because I have several large hills to climb in order to get back to my house.  The only way to avoid this is if I drive to where I want to begin my run so I can end on a flat area.  I guess it’s not a bad thing to work on some hills during the end of my run to push the tired legs.

So with one more long run left, I will take that even slower as advised by Jeff and my other running friends.  So I expect to be out on the road for a LONG 6 hours on Good Friday.  I hope it doesn’t rain!  I really hope that I can meet my goal of a 5:30 marathon in Providence and I am hoping my friend Gail can help me get there for it!  It may hurt at the end but I really want this!

Volunteering for Races

volunteersRace volunteering has been something that has been on my mind this year.  I have seen the volunteers at the Disney races and listened to some pod casts that talk about the volunteering options at races and I want to see what this side of a race looks like.  It is so easy to overlook what happens during a race.  You register, pick up your packet, show up to the race and park, walk to the start line, run your race, take water, finish the race, take a medal, eat food at the end, go home.  Do you ever notice how many people are there to make that day easier for you?  From the parking attendants to the people at packet pick up, those handing out water, giving you your medal or offering aid if you are hurt.

When I was running the Princess Glass Slipper Challenge I noticed something.  There were some volunteers who were VERY happy to be there and there were some who halfheartedly passed out the water and Power Ade.  Quite frankly I was surprised when I saw on particular volunteer who didn’t even look like she wanted to be there!  I thought when you volunteered it was because you wanted to go and have a good time and cheer on the runners.  There are some great perks to being a volunteer.  I heard that when you volunteer at Disney you get a park pass, a t shirt (or jacket if you are a manager), food and water and a guarantee of a good time.  Other race organizations offer discounts on future races.

Since I did not make it into the NYC marathon this year I am considering the 9+1 option for guaranteed entry into 2015.  That is running 9 of their races and volunteering 1 which exclude the NYC marathon but does include some of the events the night before and the expo.  That’s a lot for having to go to NYC to volunteer so I am researching into it.  Reviewing my calendar, locating where these races are and seeing what options I have.

Have you volunteered for NYC race?  Have you volunteered for any race?  How was your experience?  Would you do it again?  I’d love to hear about it!

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