
Do You Have A Bucket List?

bucketlistThe term bucket list used to annoy me, but it is the best way to describe the things that you wish to do in life one day.  I was thinking about this today when I went to the Ragnar site to see when they were holding their races near me.  Then it occured to me.  This is something I should put on my bucket list.  Then I got to thinking, what else is there that I would like to do but haven’t really pursued yet.  I do want to do a biathlon which is a run, bike, run race.  There was one in Madison for the past few years but I can’t find it now to register for it.  Do I want to do a triathalon?  Iron Man?  No, I don’t believe Iron Man will be in my future, but I think I want to stetch myself a little and try a bike-type race. 

I had a wow moment last night when I realized that I had registered for another marathon this year.  After I did my first marathon, the question was, is this a one and done?  But no, I signed up for the next Disney World marathon for the following year.  Once that was over I wanted another, and now I have three this year.  So that’s kind of cool to me to see that I am expanding my experience and training to do multiple marathons per year.  My marathon training used to be something I only did in the fall, now it’s more of a September through May event. 

I am doing my first 10K in Connecticut this spring.  I need to gain a fast time with a 10K so I can submit it for better corral placement at the Disney races for the 10Ks.  This is a race that I will to continue to improve upon throughout the year so I can submit faster times for each 10K.  These races are required for the Dumbo Double Dare, the Minnie 10K in January and the Princess Glass Slipper Challenge in February.

I’ll have to put more thought into what I may want to add to my bucket list.

Do you have a bucket list?

To Dope or Not To Dopey?

dopey-challenge-graphicSo as the registration for Dopey arrives quickly upon us, I have to really think hard about this.  I know this is something that I want to do; but I have to believe in myself that I CAN do it.

It is a major commitment not just on race weekend, but all of the long training runs leading up to it.  The longest back to back run I have ever done was the 10K and half marathon races at Dumbo Double Dare and Princess Glass Slipper Challenge.  I have not done a half marathon back to back with a marathon.  When I type that out, I get a little bit of a stomach ache thinking about it.

Training for a marathon doesn’t bother me.  I enjoy it for the most part.  Even when the 20, 23, and 26 mile runs come up on the schedule because I am proud that I have made it that far and the race isn’t too far off.  But to think of adding a training day prior to that for a half marathon is where I get nervous. My friend Gail is obtaining her perfect Goofy this year for the anniversary year of the Goofy Challenge so I hope to run with her and her friends to celebrate her accomplishment which ALWAYS make a race so much fun!

I am planning on using Jeff Galloway as my coach for the Dopey challenge.  Mickey Mile Podcaster Michelle Scriber-MacLean did this last year for the Dopey challenge and she said she did very well because of it.  I also plan on arriving to Disney prior to my family to get 2 of the early races out of the way.  I will also sleep early and rest often when I am there prior to their arrival.

I believe I can do it.  I just have to believe that I can commit to the training also.  My daughter will begin kindergarten next year so I can save up some vacation days for my long training runs and hit the road once she gets on the bus and I’ll be done in time for when both kids get off the bus.  So in that sense, I think the universe is lining up to allow for me to give this a try.

Do you all have recommendations or suggestions for doing Dopey?  Was there anything that you didn’t like about doing Dopey besides the early wake ups?  Did anyone fail at attempting their first Dopey?  I’d like to hear about it.  The good, the bad, the ugly.

My Traditional Birthday Run

In the past few years I made it a point to go for a run on my birthday.  As a wife, mother and runner this year I will do the same, however I have to first be a mother and wife and get treated to breakfast by my family.  Then I can be a runner and go out for my annual birthday run.  I was going to go to a breast cancer walk this morning; but my plans didn’t work out as I wanted them too.  It’s ok, I will still do good deeds throughout the year.  It’s a gloomy day outside, but I don’t care.  I will still take my time to myself and get in my run. Rainy days are not always bad for running.  Sometimes they are more peaceful than a sunny day.

On our way home from breakfast we stopped into our local woods (Tyler Mill) and checked out the river.  The water was so high from the rain, it was cool.  I’m looking forward to heading out for my run, reflecting on my past year and looking forward to the new year ahead.


I am looking forward to what this year has to bring for me.  I have plans in the works for 3 marathons within this year which is a much bigger goal than I had last  year.  My daughter will be starting kindergarten in the fall.  My son is doing great in school and I am thankful that I am healthy and that my family is healthy.

Bring on another year!

Running For Her Life

My friend Kim was filmed back in December by Disney for their inspirational stories they are sharing on their site to focus on why you run Disney.

You can read about her story and view the video.  I had the opportunity to run the marathon with her and it was one of my favorite races to date!  The girls who ran together have grown a close friendship and are looking forward to running MANY more races together helping each other through our journeys!


SELF Magazine Blew It

Have you heard the latest blow up on social media lately?  SELF Magazine mocked a cancer warrior for running the LA Marathon in a LAME Tutu!  For real?

Their magazine featured an article in their +BS Meter on what is legit and what is lame.  Their opinion that running the LA marathon in a Tutu was LAME!  Their claim is that it is BS that runners can run faster if they run in a Tutu which is a new fad.



The girl on the right in the blue Tutu is a brain cancer fighter going through chemo at the time of the LA marathon, I would call that far from LAME!

Glam Runner is the creator of the tutus in this photo and I hope the make a fortune off of SELF Magazines poor judgement.

What do we do about it when we heard?  Well, my friend Kim who is a breast cancer warrior gave it right back to them!  She also ran through several marathons while going through her chemo.  Some races she wore Tutus and some she did not.  So NOT LAME.


For more info about this visit the Huffington Post.  What do you think about this snafu that SELF has gotten themselves into?


I Was Not Accepted Into The NYC Marathon for 2014

I was so excited when I woke up on March 26 and knew that this was the day to receive notification if I would be running the NYC Marathon on November 2.  I know it’s silly, but these are the kinds of things that help make the long cold days a little more exciting.  So I checked my emails throughout the day, checked in with Facebook and logged into my account, and even checked my bank account for a pending charge.  But it wasn’t looking like anything was happening for me.

Then after my run I saw that many of my friends and fellow runners were getting their notification and most of them were going.  I checked my account to see this sad news:


After a few minutes of disappointment I decided oh well!  I guess I have to pick a different marathon to do that month.  I knew that Philadelphia had some good reviews and that lined up better with my training plan for the 2015 Dopey races that I want to participate in.  So I put the word out there to my Facebook account and several other runner friends of mine are going to Philadelphia so I’ll have friends to hook up with there!  Here’s Jennifer Tara’s thoughts on Philadelphia!


Registration opens up on April 1 so I will make my decision soon and then plan a new marathon for November!  NYC is not over for me, I am considering going down there to see my friends and cheer them on for marathon morning.  That way I can still experience the excitement of the NYC marathon and get my bearings for when my day does come!


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