
Everyone has a story…. my sister’s story


My sister is seven years younger than me.  Two years ago she went through something very difficult that I feel has changed the way she looks at life and approaches challenges that comes her way.  She was diagnosed with oral cancer.  This is not common for someone her age.  She didn’t fit the criteria for someone to have oral cancer.  It wasn’t fair.  But is cancer ever fair?  It was difficult for all of us to hear of her diagnosis.  She was a mom of two boys, her youngest just six months old and her oldest was two.  She had to have surgery to remove a large portion of her tongue, then a month later had to have 29 lymph nodes removed.  This hasn’t slowed down her talking though!  If you didn’t know her,  you wouldn’t know she had to have that surgery, except for the scar on her neck.  I don’t know how she feels about her scar, but when I see it I am grateful that she came through this with a great outcome.

It took her a while to write it all out, but she has written about her story in her own blog.

Sadly it seems like we all know someone close to us who has been faced with the challenge of fighting cancer.  Hopefully, it has a positive ending and life-changing affect in a positive way.

I love you little sis!

Planning my Year for 2014

So I have two significant race weekends under my belt,  and the Disney Marathon and Princess Glass Slipper Challenge.  Those are two big race weekends for me.  Now I am focusing on my local races.  I hired Jeff Galloway to be my e-coach and I am now working towards my plan for the Providence Marathon on May 3.

Mentally, I am struggling.  I don’t feel like I just did a half marathon last weekend because IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!  However, I did so I need to do as Jeff says and start working my with my conscious brain to tell my subconscious brain that I can do this.  On the plan is a 17 mile run this weekend.  I feel like I just had a set of long runs when I was training for the full marathon. But that was really a long time ago because it was back in November and December when I was ramping up the miles.  So this is the part of the training that takes more mental work than physical.  I have to believe in myself that I can prepare for this race.  Even though it is soon after my January marathon.

Back in the day I NEVER thought I would really do a marathon, and now here I am preparing for another one within the same year as doing my second one.  I am looking forward to working with Jeff and I know that he is going to help me achieve this goal and help me set my future goals without getting injured and I have to trust him and LISTEN to what he recommends for my intervals.

My future goals are to finish the Providence full with a decent time, to work towards training for Dopey for 2015 (YIKES), and MAYBE, just maybe to qualify for Boston one day.  I don’t know when that day will be, but I’d like to get some more marathons under my belt to see what my potential is to reducing my times to prepare for a goal like that.

Do you have goals for 2014?  Do you have fears?

Perfect Sunday Morning Ride

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.

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Working Like a Workaholic

Nullam adipiscing sapien ut mi elementum sit amet dictum magna luctus. Donec id ligula ut tellus ultricies ornare quis vel nunc lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Case Study: Envato Website Redesign

Nunc blandit tincidunt consequat. Duis diam metus, suscipit in pulvinar eget, egestas id arcu. Duis a enim vel mauris ultrices. Nullam aliquet velit ac velit tempus in semper neque auctor.

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