
One Word Resolution…

I love to listen to pod casts when I run.  This weekend  I needed to be out on my walk/run because I needed my peaceful time to myself. It was a grey, cold, windy morning.  Normally, people would prefer to be cuddled up on the couch with their coffee in a warm home.  Normal people do.  I wanted to get outside.  The temp was 25 degrees, a heat wave compared to the 10-15 degree temps we have been dealing with this week.

I started my walk with a mile or just walking to warm up my body and my legs.  They are still recovering from marathon weekend.  I was listening to the Two Gomers Run For their lives podcast season 6 episode 8 (link to podcast). They have been a favorite of mine and they are now working on a goal to do a full triathlon.  They are just 2 dads, normal guys, who are working towards goals of living a healthier life and becoming more active.  They have gone from running their first half, to their first full, to a sub 5 hour marathon, and now they are venturing into the triathlon world.  They are funny.  I was enjoying my time alone, laughing with (and at) the Gomers and learning as I go.

Every year for New Years, they talk about a one word resolution.  I typically don’t play along with this, but a word came to me that I thought was appropriate for what I have been going through lately.  So I am going to apply it to my year this year.  The word is GROW.  I am going to work on growing my running skills, my blog, my friendships, my work, my web design, and my creativity.

It was a rewarding, healing walk/run and I am looking forward to more growing time with myself to spark more creativity and new ideas!

Some of my other favorite pod casts are:

Another Mother Runner
Mickey Miles Podcast
Laugh or Go Crazy
The DIS Unplugged
Mouse Chat
WDW Today

What are your favorite pod casts?  Do you have a one word resolution for 2014?

#DisneySide @ Home Celebration – I am having a party!

Show Your Disney Side

I was selected to host a #DisneySide @ Home Celebration.  What is it?  It is a party you host at your house to show off your Disney side (like I really need to do that with a party?!).

I plan on having a candy bar and ice cream sundae bar, Dole Whip, and some healthy choices of food as well!  I sure do wish I could make the Magic Kingdom popcorn here. That’s one of our favorites!  There will be games, crafts and time to share our favorite Disney stories! Everyone will go home with a goodie bag, too!  Let me know if you would like to come on the evening of February 17.

Stay tuned more details to come in the upcoming weeks!  Subscribe to my blog for details!


I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Everyone has a story… My story

My running story begins when I started running in 2002. It was the year I got married. At the time I started running I had been undergoing tests and multiple doctor visits, skin biopsies and an upcoming kidney biopsy to determine why I had petechia on my lower legs and feet and blood and protein in my urine.  Prior to my kidney biopsy we learned that my grandfather had lung cancer and he was hospitalized quickly.  He passed away very quickly after his diagnosis and hospitalization.  I believe that he knew that at the age of 90 he wasn’t going to fight the fight of cancer.  I had to have my kidney biopsy the week after his funeral. I had a lot of stress so I decided to visit the Woodbridge Running Store and get fitted for a proper pair of running shoes. I needed an outlet for my new stresses.

I began running on the treadmill.  I had to take a brief pause in my new hobby because of my kidney biopsy.  But once I was cleared to run again I continued on.  That year, my boss at the time, was running the New York City marathon.  I was fascinated by this.  I guess I can say I was a little in awe about it.  On the day of her marathon I watched it on TV and decided to lace up my sneakers and run it with her virtually.  I turned the race on the TV downstairs and ran on the treadmill for 9 miles.  That was the longest I had ever run.  I think deep in the back of my mind I knew that I wanted to run a marathon and maybe I would.

That year I had to be put on a chemotherapy-like immunosuppresant drug and a high dose of steroids to try to knock this mysterious illness out of my body and reduce the inflammation in my kidneys. I was not happy to be on the steroids and I did gain weight being on it which also bothered me.  I ran on the treadmill to try to reduce the weight gain, but if you have ever been on steroids for a long period of time, you will know you can’t really do much to eliminate the weight gain.

I was totally stressed and overwhelmed by this mysterious illness and course of treatment and at the time, being newly married, my husband and I wanted to start a family. However, in September when I was told that I had to go on these drugs I was also told that our dream to start a family had to be put on hold for an undetermined amount of time. I was not happy.  I was devastated.  We were devastated.  I needed an outlet. After a few years of being on different immunosuppresants and on and off doses of steroids I continued to run on the treadmill at our house.  I never ran outside.

I had to have one more kidney biopsy in 2005 and my diagnosis was confirmed as Henoch Schonlein Purpura, a disease that usually strikes children when they are put on antibiotics for strep and clears up on its own.  I was in my early 30s at the time of my diagnosis. Because I had this disease and my kidneys were affected by vasculitis (inflammation of the small blood vessels), I would have to be on medication until I could stay off of it without getting petechia on my legs or feet.

After five years of treatment I finally had the chance to try to get pregnant.  But ironically the decision was to try while taking the medication that I was told five years earlier wasn’t safe to take while trying to get pregnant.  We met with several researchers and learned about the risks of taking the drug while pregnant and made our decision to proceed. However, that didn’t go as easy as planned.  After several months of trying, we learned that I couldn’t get pregnant on my own.  We needed help. I met the great staff at the UCONN fertility group and they helped us conceive our son.  This was also a stressful time of multiple doctor visits, tests (some uncomfortable), MANY blood tests and a LOT of waiting.  We had gone through all of this alone while not telling our families.  We wanted to surprise them when we did finally get pregnant.  We gave birth to our son on June 7, 2007.

After he was born I resumed my working out on the treadmill with walking and took him for walks in the stroller in my neighborhood.  Then once cleared I resumed running again on the treadmill downstairs while he was in the baby chair or napping.  It felt good to run again and helped me lose the pregnancy weight. I kept up with this until it was time to try for our second child.  Once again we needed help and Adrienne was born 16 months after Kevin on October 13, 2008.  During my pregnancy with her I was much more active.  I took walks with Kevin in the stroller pretty much up to the week before having Adrienne. Then when she was born I was out with my husband and my son hiking in the park near our house.  I enjoy being active.

I suffered post partum with Adrienne but didn’t realize that I was going through it.  I honestly think I suffered with it for 4 years after she was born until I finally got some help in 2013.

My running for races and outdoor running began in the summer of 2011.  On vacation I started to jog up in New Hampshire and was hooked when I got back home. I wanted to do a 5K before my 40th birthday.  And to summarize I have done several 5Ks, at least 8 half marathons, 10ks and now 2 full marathons.

My parents were at the finish line of my marathon this year and were so proud of me. I enjoyed knowing they were going to be there when I crossed the line to see me accomplish my dream again.  Being a parent myself I now understand how they felt seeing me cross the line with a friend in need rather than cross the line to get my best finish time.  As a parent I look forward to watching my children at their races or sporting events with the same feeling of pride.

The picture my dad took at the finish line.

The picture my dad took at the finish line.

Stay tuned for the stories of Alison and Gail in my upcoming posts.

Dreams Do Come True…. Never Give Up! (Part 1 – The Expo)

Dreams Do Come True – Never Give Up!

Those are two expressions that I totally believe in and I teach my kids to believe these things as well.

This blog post is going to be broken down into 4 sections to recap the 2014 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend.

The Expo
Kids Races
The 10K
The Marathon

This weekend was my second time attending the Walt Disney world marathon weekend and it was more memorable than my first. It was special and full of many surprises both for me and for my family. I am so proud of my slowest marathon because I was with my friend Kimberly who is battling breast cancer and had her last chemo the week before the race and she ran the Dopey Challenge! She finished this marathon and her journey through chemo with a smile!!!! I am honored to have been there with her. What an inspiration!!!!!  It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.  That’s what I want my kids to learn.

kidsdinnerI flew to Orlando a day before my family did so I could go to the expo and pick up my race packet for the weekend. I was able to get the kids off to school then my dad drove me up to the airport. The flight was great and I picked up my rental car and drove to the Treehouse Villas at Saratoga Springs to have dinner with Kim’s family and friends. That was a lot of fun!  They made grilled chicken Cesar salads which were a great pre-race meal.  Then I went over to the Boardwalk and got settled in and prepared for the family’s arrival. I face-timed with them then got to bed.  I was excited to head over to the expo and purchase my marathon and 10K items.

The Expo – Thursday

The next day I face-timed with the kids and Kevin and I surprised them and told them they were going to fly down that afternoon to see me. They were stunned! They were so happy and I was so happy to surprise them. While they were making their way down I went to the expo at ESPN Wide World of Sports.

2014-01-09 13.24.45 That was a lot of fun. I picked up my race bibs and shirts and did some shopping there. I bought Adrienne her first sparkle skirt for the kid races. I also picked up the race bibs and shirts for their races. At the expo I bought a marathon jacket, shirt, 10k inaugural and I did it shirt, a sweaty band, a sparkle shirt and tiara visor and arm sleeves. Since I heard that Sunday was going to be cold I decided to get the arm sleeves. I am very glad I did!

The expo was broken into two buildings at ESPN WWS and at first the first building I went into was not crowded at all. Then I went to the second building where you go to pick up your shirts and that’s where the majority of the vendors were.  It was great.  It was like a giant runner’s mall.  Many great vendors were there all in one place.  Sparkle Skirts, Sweaty Bands, Dr. Cool, Fit 2 Run, Cigna, runDisney, New Balance and many, many more.

Before leaving the expo I wanted to check out the kids races and met up with Kim and Nicole there. I am glad I did so I knew where to go and how the races were run.

On the way out, I met Jaqui who is a wheelchair racer and also the past winner of the races. We met because I was talking to her about the runDisney New Balance sneakers. I was never one for the sneaker hype but once I saw them in person I have to admit that I am sucked in. I have to get a pair at princess.

2014-01-09 15.36.58I went back to the room and dropped off all my stash and set up some surprises for the kids and then headed out to target for food and supplies for the room. It was a rainy day but the forecast was looking to improve. I was enjoying driving around and learning my way around the world. After shopping at target and lugging all the goods up to our room I had a beer and chilled in the room for a little bit then went to the airport to pick up the family. It was great to see them and they enjoyed riding in a car without booster seats. The first night we chilled out and I had to get to sleep because I had the 10k Friday.

Dreams Do Come True…. Never Give Up! (Part 2 – The 10K)

The 10K – Friday

mandydianaFriday came quickly and I met Mandy and Diana, Kim, Allison and Danielle Nardi at the corrals. It was a fun morning. Kimberly was going off to film with her daughter and Alison and Bob and I went to my corral with Mandy, Kenn and Diana. It was great to see them again and to meet a new friend Diana.

The 10k was a nice race. I enjoyed running through Epcot and the Boardwalk hotel area. I do wish they had more character stops along the course though. We took some pictures but were also starving and I had to get to the hotel to get ready for the kids races.

Dreams Do Come True…. Never Give Up! (Part 3 – The Kids Races)

Kid Races – Friday

The kid races were awesome. Kevin and Adrienne really enjoyed them. I can’t wait to do it again next year.  The races took place at ESPN Wide World of Sports.  I signed the kids up for the 200 meter race.  They received a T-shirt and race bib and I bought Adrienne her first Minnie sparkle skirt!

2014-01-09 15.36.58

The kids were corralled into an area prior to the start line and waited anxiously for the race to start.  Since I had just run the 10K race earlier that morning, my husband chose to run the race with the kids.  He was a former track competitor in high school so running the sprint races was something he enjoyed.  My son told me that he wanted to win the race, but I reminded him that it was about having fun.  Being their first race, I had no idea how they would react when the start took off.

It was time for the kids to run and I waited at the finish line to get them on film.  My son was so fast that I didn’t even notice him pass me to the finish line!  I have to watch him in the video to find out which place he came in.  I think he was in 6th.  My daughter continued to run with my husband and got to give Mickey a high five as she passed by him.

These races are great to give the kids exposure to a healthy lifestyle and the fun that takes place at the Disney races.  The runDisney races aren’t just for the adults and the kids love the medals!


After the kids races on Friday I was very tired and hungry from the 10k so we met my friend Shannon at our pool and relaxed and had lunch while the kids swam.  After Shannon left I laid in a chair next to the pool and ended up taking a much needed nap. It was very refreshing. We took the kids to Epcot for some fast passes I signed up for. The myDisney Experience app was fantastic.  I really enjoyed making my fastpass reservations in advance and if we thought we were going to be late to an attraction we could change the times.  That was a great feature.

In the meantime my parents were on their way over to surprise the kids. So we walked over the bridge towards ESPN and pulled up to a bench where they were sitting. They looked so stunned seeing them sitting there! Yet another successful surprise!

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