SELF Magazine Blew It

Have you heard the latest blow up on social media lately?  SELF Magazine mocked a cancer warrior for running the LA Marathon in a LAME Tutu!  For real?

Their magazine featured an article in their +BS Meter on what is legit and what is lame.  Their opinion that running the LA marathon in a Tutu was LAME!  Their claim is that it is BS that runners can run faster if they run in a Tutu which is a new fad.



The girl on the right in the blue Tutu is a brain cancer fighter going through chemo at the time of the LA marathon, I would call that far from LAME!

Glam Runner is the creator of the tutus in this photo and I hope the make a fortune off of SELF Magazines poor judgement.

What do we do about it when we heard?  Well, my friend Kim who is a breast cancer warrior gave it right back to them!  She also ran through several marathons while going through her chemo.  Some races she wore Tutus and some she did not.  So NOT LAME.


For more info about this visit the Huffington Post.  What do you think about this snafu that SELF has gotten themselves into?