Mother Runner Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
So what does a mother runner love for Mother’s Day? Here are a few ideas of what I would love!
A Disney gift card – always useful for the expo or race-related purchases like food during race weekend or towards a room.
Gear – moms always love new gear. A gift card to Amazon is a perfect idea. (See the trend here?)
Southwest gift card. No explanation needed.
Apple iTunes gift card for new tunes for long or short runs.
Registration to Jeff Galloway’s e-coaching. You can’t go wrong with that!
Jeff Galloway books or other running related inspirational stories. I am currently reading Stronger by Jeff Bauman.
Running jewelry or mother runner jewelry.
Massage – Nothing says I Love you Mom better than a gift certificate for a massage so mom can recover those sore hard working muscles!
Pedicure – Runner mothers probably don’t have the prettiest feet. So help her make them summer ready and give her some time to be pampered with a pedicure!
Being taken out for breakfast and flowed with a homemade card is always the perfect gift too!