18 Weeks Until The NYC Marathon

Well, it’s coming closer than I thought!  There are just 18 weeks until the NYC marathon!  I had to get out on the road and start putting in some miles.  We were away last week and I took that time off from working out and running, but was on my feet a lot while walking through the Disney Parks.  So while I wasn’t running, I did get some mileage on my feet.

When we returned home from our trip I got back into my video workout routines and started running again.  My latest longest distance is now 6.5 miles.  It scares me to think that I have to increase that mileage back into the double digits, especially during the summer hours.

I got out on the road Sunday afternoon past noon and it was H-O-T!  At that point, it was 92 degrees.  I made sure to make a water bottle with ice, brought my Dr. Cool cooling cloth, and stayed in the shade on the road as much as possible.  I used my 30/30 intervals.  And if I was getting too warm I poured ice water on my head and my towel and walked an interval longer to be safe.

I was happy with my progress.  My speed wasn’t fast, but I wanted the miles to increase from my previous run which was 4 miles on Friday.  I don’t feel any effects from running in the heat and my legs feel fine so I’ll continue with my Beach Body workouts to help keep my hamstrings and glutes strong and will hopefully increase the mileage again along with my confidence.

This is the reason why I started my blog in the first place.  I wanted to use it as a diary for my running progress and to help me look back on past training to see what worked and what didn’t work.  I do recall that with every marathon I begin to increase my mileage for, I always get nervous when I have to get back up to the double digits, but I always do fine.  It’s a mental challenge more than anything else.

So with 18 weeks to go, I have no interest in rushing my summer away counting down the weeks; but I will put in my time and I want to have a very strong NYC marathon experience.

One thought on “18 Weeks Until The NYC Marathon

  1. I’m with you on that mental challenge with double digit runs! I’ll be there soon too and I’m kinda freaking out. I know you’ll do great! Happy training!

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