2019 Dopey Challenge Jeff Galloway Training Run

My schedule wasn’t being very forgiving to allow me to get in my long training runs for the 2019 Dopey Challenge.  I had projects or events I needed to be at, that was making a long-distance run harder to fit in.

I train for marathons by using the Jeff Galloway method.  I have trained with his interval training method for over 6 years.  This year will be my 6th runDisney marathon and my 5th consecutive Dopey Challenge.

What Is The Jeff Galloway Training Method

I learned of the Olympic Winner Jeff Galloway from a podcast I was listening to called the Extra Mile podcast.  I had been injured with severe shin splints because I did everything wrong as a beginner.  For some tips on how to begin running the right way, check out my blog post.

I learned from Jeff that if you follow the walk run method you will be much less prone to injury.  I tried it, and I loved it right away.  I ordered an interval timer and my actual running speed was getting faster and faster.  When I was running with intervals I had one of my best 5K finish times!

I was able to increase my distance because of this style of training, and eventually ran my first marathon!  You can set your intervals to be whatever walk/run/walk interval feels best for you and you’ll be amazed at how good you feel after a run!

It also allows anyone of any age to begin running.  Since you are in charge of what makes you feel best while you are out there, you can begin running.  Jeff Galloway also has many books about running for all ages and goals.

2019 Dopey 13 Mile Training Run

The 2019 Dopey Challenge is being held a week later than it usually does, so that gives me a little peace of mind that I have an extra week to squeeze in a few more training runs.  I wanted to have my 13 miles run completed prior to the weekend.  I had to get some work done in the morning first, and before I realized it, it was almost 12:00.

I finally got dressed and loaded up my running belt with snacks.  The hardest part was pulling away from the computer and getting out there.  The first mile was the hardest.  It always is.  My legs felt like there was no juice in them to carry me for 13 miles!

Thankfully, it was a perfect day for running.  The temps were in the thirties and it was overcast.  After my legs were warmed up, the next several miles were better.  I took an extra walk break here and there as I made adjustments to my gear or took in some food.

2019 Dopey 13 Mile Training Run

I took a scenic route that brought me to the reservoirs and the vineyard.  Despite the large hill that leads to the vineyard, that was the only hill I really had to worry about.  Since I am so familiar with the race course and the fact that there are barely any hills for the Walt Disney World Marathon, I could get away with running on the flatter roads for this run.

With that training run under my belt, relief finally took the place of the anxiety I was starting to feel towards my training.

What I used To Fuel My Training Run

I brought a Gogo Squeez, fruit snacks, pretzel fish, and skittles with me for some sugar and salt for the run.  I had an english muffin with peanut butter and my tea for breakfast so I knew my stomach wouldn’t get upset during the run.

I ate the fruit snack around mile 5, the pretzel fish around mile 9 and the Gogo SqueeZ around mile 11.  It was just enough to get me through without feeling too sluggish.  I felt my stomach growel and that’s when I knew I needed to take in the pretzel fish.

Post-Run Recovery

I was lucky enough to finish in time to make a visit to my chiropractor to get adjusted.  He prefers that I see him after my long run to make sure I don’t get too compressed and to keep my hips aligned.  Dr. Pat wasn’t there but I saw his wife Jen.  I had a good stretch from her and we discussed the issue with my foot.

I have been having an issue with my right foot recently, but I think it is related to wearing heels.  I stopped wearing them and the pain has subsided.  Icing it when I feel pain seems to be helping also.  I have gone the past two weeks without issue.

Since my last run, I did hurt my back when I slipped in the kitchen and fell.  It didn’t hurt at first, but the next day was pretty intense.  I got to the chiropractor two days later and although the adjustment hurt; the pain subsided after four days; which brings me to this week.

Two Weeks Prior To The Race

I don’t have back pain now, but I don’t know that I will have the time to get in a 16-mile training run before the race.  I have been talking to several friends about it.  Since we are doing the Dopey Challenge we are going to work on staying healthy and loose from now until the race.

Respect The Distance

As much as I would like to think 13 miles would be enough, it’s not.  I ran the Marine Corps Marathon without the proper training and I struggled.  It was a true lesson that you have to respect the distance.

There’s no doubt this race will be a challenge, but it’s different from the Marine Corps Marathon and I will have a lot of friends on the course.  In fact, several of my running friends are in the same boat.  Many have been suffering from injury or illness and hadn’t put in as many miles this year either.

Dopey Challenge Strategy

In past years the 5K and 10K were much slower.  I had my family with me the past two years for the 5K.  For the half marathon,  we usually followed our 30/30 run walk intervals for the first 7 miles of the half marathon the day before.  Then we walked most of the rest of the half.   I plan to follow the same approach this year.

For the past marathons, I usually felt good throughout the entire race.  Some years I walked with friends to help them finish, one year I got my friend through his first marathon, and last year I run in with the balloon ladies with Team Shenanigans.  So each Walt Disney World Marathon usually starts the same, but the finish is always different.

I am hoping to have a healthy finish this year.  I’ll dig deep on Oceola Parkway, one of the most mentally challenging parts of the race course.  Then when we get to ESPN Wide World Of Sports I am hoping the new tracks for the gondola will present a good distraction along with the other character stops and photo ops within the complex.

I’ll get through it and I’ll be happy to have my 5th consecutive Dopey Challenge completed.  Then it will be time to consider what my running goals will be for 2019.

Are you running any of the races during the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend?  Comment below if you’ll be there!

I’ll be sharing stories of inspiration in the upcoming days as well, watch for them!

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