26 Weeks Until The New York City Marathon

NYC marathon training plan - Wife Mother Runner

I hate bridges!

I have 26 weeks until the New York City marathon and I have felt a little nervous about it lately.  I am not nervous about running a marathon, I’ve done that several times before.  I am most nervous about running over the first bridge, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge!  I hate bridges!  I saw some photos with people running across the bridge and some are running in the middle.  I think that is where I need to be, in the middle so I can’t see below me.  

My New York City Marathon Training Plan

I am also nervous about training for the New York City Marathon.  I have to go back to the beginning of my racing days and when I trained for my first marathon.  I took it seriously.  I have to stick to my schedule.

New York City marathon training plan - Wife Mother Runner

Training officially begins on June 3 with a 6-mile run.  I will follow the Jeff Galloway training plan that I followed when I trained for my first Disney marathon.  This program works well for me. I have been training with a 30/30 interval and that seems to get me through the miles with no injury and little pain.

My intention this Spring and Summer is to only run races that are going to support my training plan.  I want to run for fun right now without a fixed schedule before I am on a more rigid plan.  I have been cross-training with weights and my beach body video library of exercises to help strengthen my glutes, hamstrings, and quads.  I think that is going to be important to keep me healthy and strong for this race.

This race is a serious race for me.  There won’t be character stops like there are at the Disney World marathon, so I hope to achieve a decent finish time.  My best marathon finish time to date is 5 hours and 40 minutes.  I don’t anticipate I will have that great of a finish time, but I’d like to get anything under 6 hours.

2 thoughts on “26 Weeks Until The New York City Marathon

  1. NYCM is absolutely amazing, I ran it in 2014 and I’m going back again this year. I do love bridges and the Verrazano was spectacular, but I hope that you’ll be able to go in the middle and not have it be scary. It is quite wide so I’d say it’s likely that plan will work! Also, it’s super cool to see all the runners ahead of you and flowing onto the streets from the bridge. Breathtaking!

    1. Maybe this will help me get over my fear of bridges!!! I still can’t believe that I am going to run NYC!

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