What Can’t I Get To The Double Digits

I don’t know why this is such a challenge for me, but I am struggling with getting up to the double digits when it comes to my training for the NYC marathon. I should be past this mark by now, but life has been a bit busy and I haven’t been able to, and I have been also reluctant to.

I should have taken advantage of the colder weather we had earlier in the week.  It was 60 degrees and we were wearing long pants and sweatshirts!  But I wasn’t available to get out there for it.  I finally was able to put aside a longer lunch to get in my 5-mile run this week.

Remember the Jeff Galloway Fundamentals

I had to think back to the beginning of when I started training for my first marathon.  Jeff Galloway recommends that training runs are run at a pace that is significantly slower than your race pace.  The purpose of the training runs is to get the miles under your feet.  It’s not about how fast you run those miles.  That is if your goal is to finish the marathon and don’t have a specific time you want to finish it with.

That is my goal for the NYC marathon.  I want to finish it, I want to enjoy it, and I took that advice to heart and put the miles in and ran it slower. I’m going to get to that 10-mile run and review the training calendar that I keep purposely ignoring so I can see how far off track I am from the plan that I made for myself.  Then it’s time to get serious.  I have to remember what happened at the Marine Corps Marathon and respect the distance.  November seems far away; but really, it’ll be here before I know it.

5 mile splits
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