Do You Cross-Train To Help Your Running?

Cross Training

Do you cross train to help your running?  I didn’t use to once I first started running.  But for the past year, I have incorporated it into my weekly workouts and have found it to help me stay injury free and stronger.

Briane Agostinelli, BS, CEP, CWP, CPPC – Health Advocate, Consumer Health Engagement,
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist I NWI Certified Wellness Practitioner from Cigna explains the benefits of cross-training.

Six benefits of cross-training

Improved skills, agility, speed, and balance

Increased strength and flexibility

Greater aerobic fitness by including nonimpact aerobic exercise in your routine to develop other muscles without increasing your risk for injury

Injury prevention

Runner’s injuries are frequently caused by instability or inadequate strength. With strength training and stretching, these injuries may be greatly reduced.

Variety and flexibility to your routine

Reducing boredom, and burnout, and if there is a change in plans you and your workout can adjust

The types of cross training I do

Last year I started using the Beach Body exercise programs.  I fell in love with doing video exercises in my cool basement in 30-minute segments.  They were intense, they were very targeted to the type of body part I wanted to focus on and they kept me from becoming bored!  I wanted to do multiple workouts in a day but knew I had to be careful not to burn myself out.  But I still do them, a year later and I enjoy them just as much as on day one.  I like them because they help me with my glutes and hamstrings which are areas that tend to get weak on me and then become more prone to injury.  I also like that I am working out my upper body because that helps me hold a better posture for running.

Cross training is also helpful in strengthening your muscles which will also make you run faster. Who doesn’t want that?!  With less than a month to go for the Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend, you can still incorporate some cross-training to your routine.  Especially during the taper period.  This way you will still feel like you are doing something for yourself as you may be putting in fewer miles.

Do you cross train?  What is your favorite program to use?

2 thoughts on “Do You Cross-Train To Help Your Running?

  1. I can absolutely see why cross training would help running, being that it would improve overall strength and stamina. I must admit, I really don’t do a lot of cross training, though.

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