Finally in the 20’s!

I completed my first mile run past the teens and hit the 20 mile mark on November 9th. I am very pleased with this run too! I packed snacks in my camelback of fig newtons and pretzels and had yellow GatorAde as my drink to prepare for what Disney will be supplying.

Miles 1-6 I ran on a new route. I only ran that route once so it was nice to switch it up. I listened to my Two Gomers podcast for the first two hours of the run. Around mile 6 I decided I should have a Gu and stay ahead of the fuel needs.
Mile 7-10 I was feeling good. I hadn’t realized the time that was passing which is a good thing getting this far. But I was aware that I was half way there.
Mile 15 – 17 I ran as far as my daughter’s school and switched over to the Disney DIS unplugged podcast. However, they were talking about food a lot and I was starting to lose interest. It was close to 12:30 at this point and I had about an hour left to go. I had a Gu around mile 15.5.
Mile 17 I was doing ok, I had a fig newton around mile 17.5 to see how my stomach would handle that as a fuel source along with some chews.
Mile 18 was up hill and I was struggling. I had to just walk and not worry about walking up a large hill. I was struggling a little bit mentally but I wasn’t giving up. I did text Kevin and told him I was having a hard time but I didn’t want him to come get me.
Mile 19-20 was mostly downhill and went by quickly because I was watching the screen on my phone to see the distance hit the 20 mark so I could stop running and just walk. My quads were feeling the fatigue at this point, but mentally I was still ok.
Mile 20 was completed in 4 hours 7 minutes. I was about 3/4 of a mile away from home and was considering having Kevin come pick me up, but I knew it would be best for me to walk the rest of the way home as my cooldown to keep my legs loose.

After my ice bath and chocolate milk, I was feeling pretty good. I did a little bit of sled riding with the kids and the next day I was pretty mobile all day. The night of the run always leaves me sleepless because the aches and pains keep me awake. But I was keeping up with the soreness by taking Tylenol after my run.

Only 2 more of these long runs before the actual marathon!

3 thoughts on “Finally in the 20’s!

  1. Glad to hear your 20 went so well, I really struggled with mine last year! Are you doing a straight run or a run/ walk for these long runs?

    Also, not sure if it matters for you, but Disney does Powerade, not Gatorade…for some people it’s not a big deal, but I know for some like my friend Jenn Powerade really doesn’t agree with her so she brings down her own Gatorade!

      1. I did 3:1 for my 18 miles a few weeks ago too, it REALLY helped! I figure doing Goofy and running the full the day after a half marathon it’ll probably be best if I use run/walk! Good luck on your 23, I only went up to 20 last year I just couldn’t manage beyond that, you’ll be so prepared!

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