I Want To Ride My Bicycle, I Want To Ride My Bike

Look at that Gorgeous view!  I took these pictures at the Gouveia Vineyards.  I have the pleasure of either running or biking just 3 miles from my house to this beautiful area.  I took a bike ride up to the vineyard last evening and took these pictures.  I can’t wait until the vines start growing more and I will do it again and get pictures of the lush grapes growing and the green leaves on the trees.

I have been enjoying taking my bike out for little rides during the week.  I need to step it up and do some longer rides and build up my mileage.  Biking for me is a great complement to my running.  I felt different muscles working while I was riding the hills and I need that to help strengthen my legs to avoid injuries.

It is also important if I wish to participate in a biking/running event at some point this year.  I am still researching into a run/bike/run race or a sprint triathlon that I can register for this year in my state.  I’d have to use my mountain bike for  it because I don’t have a street bike.  I’d love to get a street bike but that will be an expensive purchase right now that I don’t want to invest in.

Do you know if any sprint tris or duathlons in the state that are good for beginners?

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