It’s Not How Fast You Are, It’s How Far You Can Go

Now that Autumn is here, race season is getting into full swing and the miles are piling up.  Long runs are on the calendar for the next four months.  I have a 20 miler on my schedule in preparation for the Marine Corp Marathon.  I’d like to get that done prior to the weekend so I can enjoy the Durham Fair and my daughter’s softball game without having it on my mind.

Since the Disney Dumbo Dare Challenge, my IT band has been slightly irritated.  I have been taking care of it with hard massage and I have still be able to run.  I just wonder how much it will be affected by a very long run.  I am going to be careful to not push too fast on this long run.  It’s not how fast you run, but getting the miles under your feet.  This fact from Jeff Galloway, who also wants you to run slower than your race pace by almost 2 minutes while training for the long distance races.  I just hate being out on the road for 5 hours!

I plan on loading up the iPod with all of my favorite podcasts and loading up on some sunscreen and fuel to get the miles done.  I was listening the Another Mother Runner podcast and Rod Dixen mentioned, running the races is the easy part.  That is so very true.  The race is the reward for all of the training that has happened.  Fitting training runs into the schedule and putting in the time and enduring the injuries is all the training that has to get done so you can enjoy the races and relish the medal you earn.

The reality is setting in that I am going to the Marine Corp Marathon in a little over a month.  I did finally book a room and I am going to purchase a ticket to attend the Pasta Party, where we can listen to speakers like our pal Jeff Gallowaoy!  I’m going to go to this event with my friend Kimberlee.  It’s best to do something with friends when you can with any race.  This race isn’t going to be about getting my best finish time.  It’s the ability to actually run in this event and to “Beat The Bridge” and get my Marine Corp Finisher medal.  My friends Kimberlee and Anne are also feeling the same about not being prepared for this race so we are going to try to stick together and survive the distance together.

Time for me to do my mental training and prepare myself for my task coming up on Friday and to know that I can do this; it’s just a matter of, once again, wrapping my head around the feat.

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