Marine Corp Marathon Training is Complete Yet Incomplete

When I began running and participating in races I was very diligent with my training. I would follow the training plan to the T. But lately I have been veering from that plan and cutting corners with my long runs especially. I consistently get in 3-5 runs per week, but I am not running a 23-26 mile run prior to the marathon as Jeff Galloway’s training plans suggest.

There are several reasons for that. One is because mentally I burn out when doing 23+ miles prior to my race. The second is because I am having issues with my right leg and I think it is my IT band acting up. Third I just haven’t had as much time. That never was an excuse I would never let get in my way before.

My last run was on Friday and my intent was to do 20 miles. I walked the first half mile to warm up my leg. Then I began my 30/30 intervals. I was doing ok until mile 3 when my Garmin watch lost power. Just before I left my house I grabbed my watch and it was almost dead. I charged what I could and brought the cord and a portable charger with me. I didn’t expect to need it that soon into the run. I plugged it in to charge and used runkeeper for a while. But I didn’t have intervals working. I ended up needing to download an interval app so that I had audible cues when to do my walk/runs.

At first it was frustrating not having my watch working. But then I wasn’t keeping track of the distance as much. So there was a little relief. I wasn’t constantly checking it and doing the math in my head to guess what time I would finish and how much more time did I have left to go. It was a freeing feeling not monitoring that information.

I mapped out a route before I left the house so I thought it would be doing somewhere between 11-13 before I looped back to my house and started the last half of the run. When I got home and refilled my water and ice I checked my map online and completed 13. That was a relief. I only had 7 miles left. Instead of the route I had planned out for the last section I decided to stick to my route closer to home. I didn’t want to go too far in case I started to have issues as I was getting towards the end of the run.

Strangely, my feet were hurting me the most. I was doing more walking than running at times so I don’t know if that was the cause. It was bothering me quite a bit. I hope that won’t be an issue on race day.

I ended up cutting the training run a mile short because I ran out of road and I also felt like I was out there the entire day!  I was out there from 10:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon.

After I finished I had my chocolate milk and showered and sat down to do some work for a little bit and to put my feet up. That felt good but I didn’t want to get stiff sitting around. Everything was ok and I wasn’t having many serious issues with my IT band.

The following days were good. I had some stiffness but it was the kind that feels good when you push yourself. I didn’t push myself in terms of speed but I was pushing myself to go farther than I have since January.

After I completed the run I was glad it was over but I still feel incomplete or unprepared for this race. This is the Marine Corp marathon. I feel like I am disrespecting the race. I have to Beat the Bridge so the roads can be reopened by 1:00 p.m.  So if I can do that I won’t be as scared. I am running it with friends who also have the same goal of surviving so I am hoping we can all cross the line together.

Depending on how things go with this race will determine what I decide to do next year. When I finish this race I need to maintain my mileage through November and December for the Dopey Challenge in January. That means 2 more 20 milers at least. Marine Corp Marathon was on my bucket list along with the Chicago marathon and NYC.  So I will leave it up to fate to determine if I will be training again next year for those races in addition to my Disney marathon in January.

One thought on “Marine Corp Marathon Training is Complete Yet Incomplete

  1. Have you always done the 23+ mileage before a marathon? I know Jeff Galloway recommends it, but I’ve never gone that high and I’ve been fine – I’m sure you’ll do great! Race day adrenaline really helps and being with friends for support is always good!

    Last year before NYCM I had probably my worst 20 mile run ever and I was REALLY nervous going into the race, but someone commented on my blog and said usually a tough last long run ends up being a good race day run! Hope to see you at Hartford or MCM!

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