Marine Corps Marathon Training Round 2

Marine Corps marathon training is now under way. I had a great longer run recently. I contribute my success to the 21 Day Fix Beach Body program I am doing. I have lost a few pounds and I have been working out my lower body which is helping to make my legs stronger.

I did a long run using the heart rate training method I have been following for the past two months.  I didn’t have my heart set on a particular route when I went out the door. I ended up running towards the reservoirs at the end of my street and decided to tackle the big hills for the return miles. I felt very strong on those hills. It was a very warm day but I held my pace within my heart rate range and was very consistent using my 30/30 intervals. I walked the large portion of the uphill and then ran the downhill.  My intent is to run that part of my long runs each time I have a long run so that I build up my endurance for the hills.


While I was on vacation in New Hampshire I also took a route that was hilly and ran uphill rather than walk most of it.  It was a very hot day so I did make sure to stay within my heart rate range; but I also wanted to push myself a little to run uphill.  Funny when I compare the maps of the two runs the New Hampshire one doesn’t look as hilly as it seemed.




I’m planning on continuing to strengthen my glutes, hamstrings and quads with my Team Beach Body videos.  Another Mother Runner’s coach Mary Kate also released a great video yesterday on how to use the bosu ball to work those delicate areas that runners have trouble with.  Check them out from the Another Mother Runner blog.  I’ll be trying these out and will let you know how they help me!

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