NYC Marathon 10 Mile Training Run

10 miles NYC training run

I did it, I got a ten-mile training run under my belt for the NYC marathon.  I also needed to get those miles in for the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend.  I hadn’t run more than ten miles since the Middletown Half Marathon back in April.

The struggle

The struggle to get to 10 miles has been quite real.  I have been going through a LOT of life stresses and was listening to the Another Mother Runner podcast, episode 273 and they mentioned how stress from life can have a major impact on your training.  As training is just as much mental as it is physical, when you are facing personal issues that affect your mental state of mind, it causes mental fatigue which also causes physical fatigue.

I have been trying very hard to be consistent with my workouts.  When it isn’t a short run day during the week, I get in my cross training with Beach Body Chalean Extreme videos.  However, my nutrition has not been very good this summer.  Meal planning and prep have gone out the window for me.  I was very consistent with it last year and lost 10 pounds.  Sadly, 5 of those pounds have crept back onto my body.  So I am starting a refresh to get back on track.  Doing this while the kids are back at school seemed logical since we are all trying to get back into a routine again.

Upcoming Races

I have the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend coming up this weekend.  I will be running the 5K, 10K, and half marathon.  It isn’t ideal to get in a long run just a week before the races, but I needed that reassurance in my mind to get those miles under my feet.  The day after the run I felt fine so I am glad I got that training run done.  I don’t plan on running until the race weekend so I can give my legs a rest.  After the Disneyland Races, I am not sure if I will register for any other races to use as training runs towards the NYC marathon.

The NYC Marathon

The NYC Marathon is just ten weeks away.  I learned this thanks to Facebook and quite frankly, that scares me.  I intended to get in a 20-mile run prior to that marathon.  I now have to pull out my calendar and see how I can realistically fit in long runs between now and then.  To be brutally honest, I did research yesterday to see the penalty for pulling out of the race.  The NYRR site states that you can cancel the 2017 race and if you want to run it in 2018 you have to register again and pay the fee again as well. So to be honest, it is now or never in my mind.

Run Stats

I went slow on this training run.  I took some more walk breaks and it did get warmer out since I went out later in the morning.  But I am still happy that the miles are under my feet.  The last mile I had to circle my driveway for half a mile so that dramatically affected my pace.  But I also have to remind myself that Jeff Galloway wants our training runs to be significantly slower so we can get the miles done and under our feet, because they are “training miles”.

10-mile run stats
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